Top 5 destinations

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PETRA, JORDAN Petra - abandoned city in the desert the mountains


Petra - abandoned city in the desert the mountains of

Jordan. After a long narrow gorge, which served in ancient times natural protection, overlooking a huge hollowed in the rocks classic facades. (One of them was featured in the end of the third of the film about the of Indiana Jones.)To get here the easiest way from Eilat in Israel - it is located right at the Jordan border, and from there and a half-two hours drive by taxi. Taxi drivers on the Jordan side just waiting to drop off tourists to Petra - importantly potorgujtes` with them.
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MACHU PICCHU, PERU As and Petra, machu picchu - abandoned the


As and Petra, machu picchu - abandoned the city

which has been forgotten all many centuries. (Although there is a version that the city was a monastery.) It was found about a hundred years ago, raskopali and made a tourist attraction world-class.Because of a huge demand, is to take care of the tickets in advance. You can even come to town on the trail of the Incas - have options this campaign for a week, half of the week, and a couple of days (of them you actually first day go, and the second - in the city). When booking, be sure to pay the extra money to podnyatsya on a small mountain of Uajna-Pikchu. You will need 40 minutes the rise is wasted effort - with the mountains open awesome views of the whole complex.
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The city of Arts and Sciences, Valencia, Spain

The city of Arts and Sciences, Valencia, Spain

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This "City" - complex of several ultra-modern buildings architect Santiago Calatrava.

This "City" - complex of several ultra-modern buildings architect Santiago Calatrava.

Each of them comparable much better known Sydney Opera at the beauty, and all together they are one of the more futuristic songs which can be anywhere to see out of cinema. In the complex consists of the building of the opera, three-dimensional cinema, museum of science and aquarium. All this framed beautiful gardens and pools.Is "City" on the outskirts of Valencia, somewhere in the hour walk from the historic centre. Once here was the river. It was redirected from for floods, and in the direction did city park. On its territory  at the end 1990h - early 2000s was built the city of future.
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MON-SAINT-MICHEL, FRANCE Imagine castle as from Disneyland, only real, medieval. Now,


Imagine castle as from Disneyland, only real, medieval. Now, even

imagine what it is on a huge the lump in the middle of the sea. Here it is fabulous abbey Saint-Michel. Located near the coast Normandy, in otliv Saint-Michel standing in the middle of the space wet sand. And in a rush all the space around it is filled with water. While in the past century not built the isthmus who never flooded, to get into the castle was dangerous for the life of the adventure.Inside of the castle-fortress - small town. Like even have where to spend the night (but places little and they expensive). Much more democratic be located in one of the hotels outside, and then, at dawn, go to wander on the territory of Saint-Michel until he was filled with tourists.
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CANYON OF ANTILOPY`, ARIZONA, USA The only place in this list


The only place in this list on

the territory of the USA, canyon of Antilopy` is close to much more famous the Grand Canyon. Most likely you will visit both for one trip. Now, don’t be too lazy to drive extra hour on the machine to look at the Antelope. It is located near the town of the Page in Arizona. Actually there you will be taken on a special tour-bus by indians, who carry tourists to the Antelope. It is impossible to get there to your own, you need to go with one of the tour-operators, as canyon located on the ground of indian reservations.
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