Understanding CSS essentials: content flow, positioning, and styling


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Agenda Presentation versus content CSS basics The link between HTML and


Presentation versus content
CSS basics
The link between HTML and CSS
CSS selector and

Fonts and font families
Web-safe fonts and @font-face rule
Inline flow and block flow
Float and absolute positioning
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Presentation vs. Content Content is the words and images in an

Presentation vs. Content

Content is the words and images in an HTML

Presentation is related to styles and how words and images "look" in an HTML document.
Content is managed as HTML and style as CSS.
The separation of HTML and CSS generally means keeping CSS styles in a file separate from the HTML file.
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CSS CSS = Cascading Style Sheets CSS is a sequence of


CSS = Cascading Style Sheets
CSS is a sequence of rules.
CSS3 is

the latest version, corresponds to HTML5
CSS3 is that it’s backward compatible with previous versions of CSS
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1. Inline CSS: Some header 2. Internal Style Sheet: h1 {

1. Inline CSS:
Some header

2. Internal Style Sheet:

3. External file:

How to add CSS to HTML?

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The Link Between HTML and CSS The element in an HTML

The Link Between HTML and CSS

The element in an HTML

file links the HTML file to a CSS file.
You can reference more than one CSS file in an HTML page.
Markup example:

For simple projects, can use the

Block and inline flow

Here are some options:

  • Automobile
  • Bicicle
  • Scooter
  • Taxi
  • Walk


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CSS Positioning The position Property The position property specifies the type

CSS Positioning

The position Property
The position property specifies the type of positioning

method used for an element.
There are four different position values:
Elements are then positioned using the top, bottom, left, and right properties. However, these properties will not work unless the position property is set first. They also work differently depending on the position value.
Z-Index: allows to place one element above another.
Details and samples: http://www.w3schools.com/css/css_positioning.asp
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Float Positioning Float positioning Is useful when a layout is in

Float Positioning

Float positioning
Is useful when a layout is in columns, at

least in part
To float an element is to have it move as far as possible either to the right or left
Text “wraps” around the element
The float property specifies whether or not an element should float.
The clear property is used to control the behavior of floating elements.
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Float Positing Example

Float Positing Example

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Float Positing Example

Float Positing Example

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Absolute Positioning Example

Absolute Positioning Example

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Absolute Positing Example

Absolute Positing Example

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Bounding Box A bounding box is a rectangular border around content

Bounding Box

A bounding box is a rectangular border around content --

text, an image, or a shape -- that enables you to move, rotate, or scale the content of the box.
Bounding box can be visible or invisible.
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Overflow When an element overflows its bounding box, and its overflow


When an element overflows its bounding box, and its overflow is

set to scroll, all the content of the element stays within the box; none of the overflow appears outside the box. This is referred to as scrolling overflow.
Visible overflow writes over the content that follows it.
Hidden overflow makes overflow invisible.
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Overflow overflow property Values: Scroll Visible Hidden


overflow property

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Scrolling Overflow Example

Scrolling Overflow Example

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Scrolling Overflow Example

Scrolling Overflow Example

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Visible Overflow Example

Visible Overflow Example

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Visible Overflow Example Visible overflow

Visible Overflow Example

Visible overflow

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Hidden Overflow Example

Hidden Overflow Example

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Hidden Overflow Example

Hidden Overflow Example

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Practice Task

Practice Task