Be polite! Say…


Слайд 2

Be polite! Say…

Be polite! Say…

Слайд 3

Hello, Aunt and uncle


Aunt and uncle

Слайд 4

Be polite! Say…

Be polite! Say…

Слайд 5

Hi, cousins!

Hi, cousins!

Слайд 6

Be polite! Ask … How are you today?

Be polite! Ask …

How are you today?

Слайд 7

Be polite! Answer … I’m fantastic, thank you.

Be polite! Answer …

I’m fantastic, thank you.

Слайд 8

Act out 1.How are you today? 1. I’m great, thank you.

Act out

1.How are you today?

1. I’m great, thank you.
And you?

2. I’m

wonderful, thanks.
Have a nice day!

2. Have a nice day, too.

Слайд 9

Goodbye, January! /ˈdʒæn.ju.ə.ri/

Goodbye, January! /ˈdʒæn.ju.ə.ri/

Слайд 10

Is the snow black? No, it isn’t.

Is the snow black?

No, it isn’t.

Слайд 11

Is it snowy? No, it isn’t.

Is it snowy?

No, it isn’t.

Слайд 12

Are they snowflakes? No, they aren’t.

Are they snowflakes?

No, they aren’t.

Слайд 13

Is it a snowman? No, it isn’t.

Is it a snowman?

No, it isn’t.

Слайд 14

Is it a snowball? No, it isn’t.

Is it a snowball?

No, it isn’t.

Слайд 15

Is it a snowbank? No, it isn’t.

Is it a snowbank?

No, it isn’t.

Слайд 16

Is it a snow castle? No, it isn’t.

Is it a snow castle?

No, it isn’t.

Слайд 17

Winter time is here!

Winter time is here!

Слайд 18

Let’s build a snow castle.

Let’s build a snow castle.

Слайд 19

What’s the matter? I’m cold. She’s cold. We’re cold.

What’s the matter?

I’m cold.

She’s cold.

We’re cold.

Слайд 20

Put on 1. A hat 2. A scarf 5. gloves 3.

Put on

1. A hat

2. A scarf

5. gloves

3. A coat

4. pants


Слайд 21

Напиши в тетрадку предложения. Поставь правильную связку. 1. There ______ one

Напиши в тетрадку предложения. Поставь правильную связку. 1. There ______ one hat. 2.

There ______ two gloves. 3. There _____ two boots. 4. There _____ one scarf. 5. There ____ pants.
Слайд 22

Watch the video

Watch the video

Слайд 23

Слайд 24

Letter Cc practice

Letter Cc practice

Слайд 25

Letter Cc practice

Letter Cc practice

Слайд 26

cat mouse



Слайд 27

Letter Dd practice

Letter Dd practice

Слайд 28

Match - соедини Capital letter Small letter

Match - соедини

Capital letter
Small letter

Слайд 29

Write – напиши, colour – раскрась. brown grey green red blue

Write – напиши, colour – раскрась.






Слайд 30

The door is orange. The deer is brown and black.

The door is orange.
The deer is brown and black.

Слайд 31

What is it? It’s a birthday party.

What is it?

It’s a birthday party.

Слайд 32

Let’s go to the garden! Будем отмечать день рождения в саду!

Let’s go to the garden!

Будем отмечать день рождения в саду!

Слайд 33

We are in the garden.

We are in the garden.

Слайд 34

New words Twins – близняшки Friends - друзья

New words

Twins – близняшки
Friends - друзья

Слайд 35

Look. Listen.

Look. Listen.

Слайд 36

A tree – дерево A flower – цветок A bird – птичка A pond - пруд

A tree – дерево
A flower – цветок
A bird – птичка
A pond

- пруд
Слайд 37

flowers pink frogs green fish yellow







Слайд 38

Let’s invite clowns! Давайте пригласим клоунов!

Let’s invite clowns!

Давайте пригласим клоунов!

Слайд 39

Слайд 40

New words Noisy – шумный Quiet - тихий

New words

Noisy – шумный
Quiet - тихий

Слайд 41

The bird is noisy.

The bird is noisy.

Слайд 42

The mouse is quiet.

The mouse is quiet.

Слайд 43

The clown is noisy.

The clown is noisy.

Слайд 44

The fish is quiet.

The fish is quiet.

Слайд 45

The frog is noisy.

The frog is noisy.

Слайд 46

The rabbit is quiet.

The rabbit is quiet.

Слайд 47

Say quiet quiet noisy quiet noisy







Слайд 48

Let’s practise How old are you?

Let’s practise How old are you?

Слайд 49

Слайд 50

Match - соедини

Match - соедини