Словообразование. Суффиксы прилагательных в английском языке


Слайд 2

Суффиксы прилагательных, образованных от существительных • • • • • •

Суффиксы прилагательных, образованных от существительных

-ful (выражает наличие качества; beautiful, colourful)
-less (выражает

отсутствие качества: colourless, useless)
-ous (слова франц. происхождения, аналог ful: courageous, famous)
-al (central, formal)
-y (cloudy, dirty)
-ic (poetic, domestic)
-ish (выражает национальную принадлежность: Scottish, English, а также слабая степень качества: brownish -коричневатый, reddish - красноватый)
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The suffix -ful means «be full of» e.g. beautiful means «be

The suffix -ful means «be full of» e.g. beautiful means «be

full of» beauty.

She was very thankful for our help. She likes colourful clothes.
She is a very forgetful girl.
We are not sure that our team will win, but we are hopeful.
They lived a peaceful, happy life.
He was always as helpful as possible.

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The suffix -less means «without» e.g. hopeless means «without» hope. a

The suffix -less means «without» e.g. hopeless means

«without» hope.
a moonless night,

a cloudless sky, a noiseless machine, numberless heroes, a motherless girl, a heartless woman, a homeless cat, a leafless tree, a nameless author, a sunless room, a endless war, a lifeless body, a colorless liquid, a friendless child, a sleepless night, careless people, a doubtless victory
Слайд 5

The suffix —ous means «ful of» which comes from French e.g.

The suffix —ous means «ful of» which comes from French e.g.

danger + ous = dangerous

Form adjectives from nouns and translate them.
ОБРАЗЕЦ nerve + ous = nervous (нерв – нервный)
fame — …, humour — …, courage — …, glory (y->i) — …, poison — …, space (i)

Слайд 6

В. Use the words in the sentences. We don’t know if

В. Use the words in the sentences.

We don’t know if these chemicals are
to people.

became as a writer.
I like to read stories.
There are a lot of snakes in the jungle.
It was a victory.
He was a soldier.
They liked the rooms in their new house.
Слайд 7

The suffix -y. Translate into Russian. windy day, sunny weather, cloudy

The suffix -y.

Translate into Russian.
windy day, sunny weather, cloudy sky, sleepy

child, dreamy girl, icy wind, healthy food
Form adjectives from the nouns and translate them.
ОБРАЗЕЦ swamp — swampy (болото — болотистый)
sand — … , rock — … , juice — … , grass —
… , star(r) — … , bone — … , skin(n) — …, water- … , fog (g) — …, swamp — …
Слайд 8

Put the adjectives into this sentences to make • • •

Put the adjectives into this sentences to make

them complete.
This … land

is very good for farming. Cows and sheep can feed here all the year round.
Peter, eat some more roast beef. You should eat more: you have grown so … (2 variants)!
On such … mornings it’s very difficult to drive, as you can’t see the road clearly.
These are … apples. I like them most of all. My little brother never eats fish if it is … .
Holidaymakers love the … beaches in the south of Australia.
Why does this coffee taste so … ?
The picture shows the … mountains of Scotland. The sky is unusually … tonight.
… places have a lot of water in all seasons.
Слайд 9

The suffix —ic. gigantic hound, scientific expedition, domestic animal, academic year,

The suffix —ic.

gigantic hound, scientific expedition, domestic animal, academic year, Olympic

games, thematic collection, basic knowledge
Слайд 10

The suffix -al Make up adjectives with the help of suffix

The suffix -al

Make up adjectives with the help of suffix -

al and translate them.
ОБРАЗЕЦ music – musical (музыка — музыкальный)
industry – …, culture – …, region – …, tradition – …, nature – …, nation – …, agriculture – …, comic – …
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Суффиксы национальностей -ish: ОБРАЗЕЦ Britain – British Scotland — …, Spain

Суффиксы национальностей

ОБРАЗЕЦ Britain – British
Scotland — …, Spain — …, Sweden

…, Finland — …, Denmark — …, Poland
— …, Turkey — …
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-(i)an: ОБРАЗЕЦ Russia – Russian America — …, Australia — ..,


ОБРАЗЕЦ Russia – Russian
America — …, Australia — .., Canada —

…, Hungary — …, Belgium — …, Egypt — …, Italy —
…, Europe — …
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-ese: ОБРАЗЕЦ Japan – Japanese China — … , Portugal —


ОБРАЗЕЦ Japan – Japanese
China — … , Portugal — …
Mind: Germany

— German, France – French, Holland – Dutch, Greece — Greek
Слайд 14

The suffix – able. Form the words with the suffix –

The suffix – able.

Form the words with the suffix – able.

— .., count — …, eat — …, drink — …, comfort — … , imagine
— … , break — … , read — … , respect — …., forget — …, believe
— …
Слайд 15

Use the words in the sentences: Though the cup is made

Use the words in the sentences:

Though the cup is made of

thin glass it is not
She thought of all names ………to guess the name of their new classmate. (imagine).
Everybody respects him. He is very …….. (respect).
I can’t read the book. It is not ……(read).
The nouns are divided into …………. and un…………… (count).
Слайд 16

Form the words with the suffix –ive. create — … ,

Form the words with the suffix

create — … , impress — … ,

progress — …, act — … , mass —
… , impulse — …
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