Будущее простое время

Слайд 2

Употребление Для указания на события, которые произойдут в будущем: I will


Для указания на события, которые произойдут в будущем:
I will go

to school tomorrow
Я пойду в школу завтра
Слайд 3

Ключи tomorrow завтра next week (month, year) - на след. неделе


tomorrow завтра
next week (month, year) - на след. неделе
next time в

след. раз
in a day (a week, a minute) через день
in two weeks (months, years) через 2 недели
in the future в будущем
Слайд 4

Образование Утверждение ! Сокращенная форма will = ‘ll He will watch


! Сокращенная форма will = ‘ll
He will watch this film

tomorrow = He’ll watch this film tomorrow
Сокращенная форма will not = won’t
He will not watch this film tomorrow = He won’t watch this film tomorrow
Слайд 5

Раскройте скобки в будущем времени: 1. I (to go) to doctor

Раскройте скобки в будущем времени:
1. I (to go) to doctor tomorrow.

My sister (to come) to us next week.
3. He (to read) this book in the evening.
4. We (to play) tennis in a day.
5. They (to watch) a football match next month.
6. They (to buy) him a nice present.
7. Kate (to go) to school tomorrow.
8. It (to be) cold and snowy next week.
9. Our class (to write) a test in 3 days.
10. My mum (to cook) dinner in the evening.