Future tenses. Future simple

Слайд 2

Future Simple Affirmative I/you will go he/she/it will go we/you/they will

Future Simple

I/you will go
he/she/it will go
we/you/they will go

I/you will not go
he/she/it will not go
we/you/they will not go

Will I/you go?
Will he/she/it go?
Will we/you/they go?

Слайд 3

Future Simple We use the Future Simple to talk about: Predictions

Future Simple

We use the Future Simple to talk about:
There will be

more deserts in the future.
I’ll take you with me next time.
I’ll tell your friends about this.
Those bags look heavy. I’ll carry some for you.
For requests
Will you help we with the cleaning?
Decisions made at the time of speaking
Onions are not on the list, but I will get some.
Слайд 4

Be Going To We use be going to to talk about:

Be Going To

We use be going to to talk about:
Plans and

arrragments for the future
I am going to plant some trees in my garden
Something we know is going to
He’s very tired. He is going to fall asleep very soon
From now on, I’m not going to throw away paper with the other rubbish
Слайд 5

Time expressions with the Future Simple toworrow the day after tomorrow tonight soon next week

Time expressions with the Future Simple


the day after tomorrow



next week

Слайд 6

Future Continuous Affirmative I will be going you will be going

Future Continuous

I will be going
you will be

he/she/it will be going
we/you/they will be going

I will not be going
you will not be going
he/she/it will not be going
we/you/they will not be going

Will I be going?
Will you be going?
Will he/she/it be going?
Will we/you/they be going?

Слайд 7

Future Continuous We use the Future Continuous to talk about: Something

Future Continuous

We use the Future Continuous to talk about:
Something that will

be in progress at a specific time in the future
This time toworrow, I will be travelling to Malta
Don’t phone me at four o’clock because I’ll be having a rest than
Слайд 8

Time Expressions with the Future Continuous at four o’clock tomorrow this

Time Expressions with the Future Continuous

at four o’clock

this time tomorrow


this time
next evening


Слайд 9

Future Perfect Simple Affirmative I/you will have gone he/she/it will have

Future Perfect Simple

I/you will
have gone
he/she/it will

we/you/they will
have gone

I/you will not
have gone
he/she/it will not
have gone
we/you/they will not
have gone

Will I/you
have gone?
Will he/she/it
have gone?
Will we/you/they
have gone?

Слайд 10

Future Perfect Simple We use the Future Perfect Simple to talk

Future Perfect Simple

We use the Future Perfect Simple to talk about:

that will be finished before something else happened in the future
She will have done all the shopping before the supermarket closes
Something that will be finished before a specific time in the future
By twelve o’clock, I will have tidied the living room
Слайд 11

Time Expressions with the Future Perfect Simple before until/till by the

Time Expressions with the Future Perfect Simple



by the time

by next


in ten minutes

Слайд 12

Future Perfect Continious Affirmative I/you will have been going he/she/it will

Future Perfect Continious

I/you will
have been going
he/she/it will

have been going
we/you/they will
have been going

I/you will not
have been going
he/she/it will not
have been going
we/you/they will not
have been going

Will I/you
have been going?
Will he/she/it
have been going?
Will we/you/they
have been going?

Слайд 13

Future Perfect Simple We use the Future Perfect Continuous To emphasise

Future Perfect Simple

We use the Future Perfect Continuous
To emphasise the duration

of an action up to a certain time inthe future
By the end of May, Jill will have been living there for 15 years