Globalization and my country

Слайд 2

Globalization is a process of interaction between people, companies and governments

Globalization is a process of interaction between people, companies and governments

of different nations. It is driven by international trade and the development of information technology. We observe its results in all spheres of our life. It has great influence on our environment, culture, political and economic systems. Globalization can be described as movement of people, goods, investments, labour and ideas all over the world. Of course it’s impossible to define whether globalization is good or bad. It has both pros and cons. Some people just hate globalization and find it threatening for national cultures. Others believe that free trade between countries offers prosperity and economic growth for all nations and businesses.
Слайд 3

Глобализация – это процесс взаимодействия людей, компаний и правительств разных наций.

Глобализация – это процесс взаимодействия людей, компаний и правительств разных наций.

Ее приводят в действие международная торговля и развитие информационных технологий. Мы наблюдаем ее результаты во всех сферах нашей жизни. Она сильно влияет на наше окружение, культуру, политическую и экономическую системы. Глобализацию можно описать как движение людей, товаров, инвестиций, рабочей силы и идей по всему миру. Разумеется, невозможно определить точно: хороша или плоха глобализация. У нее есть и плюсы, и минусы. Некоторые люди просто ненавидят глобализацию и считают ее угрозой для национальных культур. Другие полагают, что свободная торговля между государствами подразумевает процветание и экономический рост всех наций и видов бизнеса.
Слайд 4

The research problem is "The role of the English language in

The research problem is "The role of the English language in

our our lives«
The relevance of the project. The modern lifestyle makes more and more demands on people who want to keep up with the times. These include mobility, knowledge of computer technology, and knowledge of foreign languages. Learning foreign languages, especially English, always provides more opportunities to realize yourself, to build a successful career in the future. Today, in the context of globalization, English is the language of international communication. It is widely used in various spheres of life and is especially important in achieving success.
The aim of the project is to prove that English plays an important role in modern life and is becoming more and more popular.
Objectives of the study:1) figure Out what is the place of the English language among other languages.2) Analyze in which areas of life the English language is used, give arguments.3) Determine the reasons for the popularity of the English language.To achieve the goal and objectives of the study, various articles from journals, online resources and other literature were studied.
Research methods: analysis and survey.The hypothesis of the study. In the future, almost all people in the world will speak English.The project work provides the results of a survey conducted among classmates (students of the 8th grade). This survey reveals the attitude to the English language, its use and popularity.

The globalization of the English languageand its role in human life