Research Methods and Field Work. Literature Review


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Research as a Journey

Research as a Journey

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Topics covered Function of literature review How to review the literature

Topics covered

Function of literature review
How to review the literature
Searching for existing

Reviewing selected literature
How to write a literature review

authored by Stephanie Fleischer © SAGE publications Ltd 2014

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Literature review What is literature?

Literature review
What is literature?

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How to do lit review Search for existing literature Books Academic

How to do lit review

Search for existing literature
Academic journals
Conference papers
Government documents

Read broadly ? Narrow it down
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Academic journals Collection of research papers Periodical (monthly/ quarterly / annually

Academic journals

Collection of research papers
Periodical (monthly/ quarterly / annually /

volumes and issues with the same ISSN no (The International Standard Serial Number is an internationally accepted code which identifies the title of serial publications).
Usually refereed & peer-reviewed.
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Books Books contain general topics like story or poems or a


Books contain general topics like story or poems or a fiction

have ISBN(International Standard Book Number) .
Books are not periodical although it may have editions because it will reprint
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Formulating a research problem: (1)literature review Initial Stage of research: helps

Formulating a research problem: (1)literature review

Initial Stage of research:
helps establish

theoretical roots
Helps refine your ideas and methodology
Broadens your knowledge base
2. During the course:
Helps to bring links to what you are researching and
the existing studies
Contextualize your findings (and knowing where you
contribute to the body of existing literature)

Reviewing literature is a continuous process!!


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Books Select a topic University library key word Find the


Select a topic
University library
key word
Find the ones that interests

you (title)
Look at the table of contents, or abstract
Check out books or make copies of the pages(chapters) that interests you.
Keep record of your reference
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Journals Find a list of academic journals related to your topic


Find a list of academic journals related to your topic

words are important! Try narrow topics? broaden)
Locate hard copies at the library or search electronic databases
Examine the latest issues first
Find articles that interests you
Read the abstracts!!
Copy or make summary of the articles
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Academic search by.. Database: a collection of journals Journals: collection

Academic search by..

Database: a collection of journals
Journals: collection of articles

indices: SSCI (Social Sciences Citation Index)
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Database Data base Academic Search Complete (EBSCO host) JSTOR ProQuest Dissertations and Theses


Data base
Academic Search Complete (EBSCO host)
ProQuest Dissertations and Theses

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Journals Journals on development/international relations… Journal of International Studies Journal of


Journals on development/international relations…
Journal of International Studies
Journal of International Development
Third World

Sustainable Development…
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Journals on International Development Source: KOICA 2020

Journals on International Development

Source: KOICA 2020

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TOP IR Journals

TOP IR Journals

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Google Scholar Google

Google Scholar

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Another tip… Check the reference list of the article you like

Another tip…

Check the reference list of the article you like

and that fits well into your topic. Hop from there!
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How to review the literature Start with broad area of interest

How to review the literature

Start with broad area of interest if

research problem is not known and narrow down
Focuse around the research problem
What is already known in the area?
What is not known or what are the gaps in the existing body of knowledge?
What questions have remained unanswered?
Are there any areas of professional conflict?
What theories have been put forward relevant to the area of research?
What suggestions have been made for further research?
What research strategies have been employed by others undertaking similar research?

authored by Stephanie Fleischer © SAGE publications Ltd 2014

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Writing literature review Read with focus in mind Sort information into

Writing literature review

Read with focus in mind
Sort information into main themes

and theories
Using your theoretical framework make subheadings for the main themes.
Under each subheading highlight: main findings, methodology and data, different arguments, gaps and issues.


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Summary vs. review of literature Summary of the literature (Critical) Review of the literature

Summary vs. review of literature
Summary of the literature
(Critical) Review of the
