Temple for the soul. Event calendar

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My site is www.mausouleum.com. It is an HTML/CSS site - not

My site is www.mausouleum.com. It is an HTML/CSS site - not

WordPress - I do not need a CMS.
Event Calendar:
I would like an event calendar coded in the site, which includes the following:
1. Headers, Footers & CSS of the site
2. They can view day, month, year, etc.
3. They can click on the event and view the details either in a pop-up or new window.
4. They can register & pay for the event
5. It has a backend admin to enter events, setup # of attendees, pricing, etc.
6. The admin also allows for events to be displayed or not displayed.
Appointment Calendar:
1. A form that my client's can request an appointment.
2. The form will display the dates & times of availability.
3. They can pre-pay for the appointment.
4. Backend admin - I can make the times and days available for them to request the time.
5. They will receive confirmation upon approval.
Shopping Cart for Services
1. The ability to add services to a shopping cart and purchase them.
2. Adjust quantities, etc.
Registration Database:
1. This will contain all of the clients and their purchase history.
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Feature List

Feature List

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Trello.2 TRELLO



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