The Theme of The Lesson is The Pleasure of Reading


Слайд 2

Let’s read the poem What is a Book? by Lora Duneta

Let’s read the poem

What is a Book? by Lora Duneta A book

is pages, pictures and words A book is animals, people and birds A book is stories of queens and kings Poems and songs- so many things! Curled in a corner where I can hide With a book I can journey far and wide Though it's only paper from end to end
A book is a very special friend.
Слайд 3

II Checking the home task Question №1 Question №2 Question №3

II Checking the home task

Question №1

Question №2

Question №3

Question №4

Question №5

Question №6



Question №8

Question №9

Question №10

Question №11

Слайд 4

Who are the main characters of folk poem Kyz-Zhibek? Kyz-Zhibek, Bazarbai,Tolegen,Bekezhan

Who are the main characters of folk poem Kyz-Zhibek?

Kyz-Zhibek, Bazarbai,Tolegen,Bekezhan

Слайд 5

Why did Kyz-Zhibek not marry the men who came to ask

Why did Kyz-Zhibek not marry the men who came to ask

for her hand?

because she wasn’t in love with any of them

Слайд 6

Why didn’t Bazarbai want Tolegen to marry Kyz-Zhibek? because their families were great enemies

Why didn’t Bazarbai want Tolegen to marry Kyz-Zhibek?

because their families

were great enemies
Слайд 7

Who is Bazarbai ? He is Kyz-Zhibek’s father

Who is Bazarbai ?

He is Kyz-Zhibek’s father

Слайд 8

Who killed Tolegen? Bekezhan and his friends

Who killed Tolegen?

Bekezhan and his friends

Слайд 9

What happens in the end? Kyz-Zhibek kills herself

What happens in the end?

Kyz-Zhibek kills herself

Слайд 10

Can you describe Kyz-Zhibek?What was she like?

Can you describe Kyz-Zhibek?What was she like?

Слайд 11

Translate the phrase “ ask for somebody’s hand in marriage” біреуге уйленуге ұсыныс жасау

Translate the phrase “ ask for somebody’s hand in marriage”


уйленуге ұсыныс жасау
Слайд 12

Translate the word “ strong willed” жігерлі

Translate the word “ strong willed”


Слайд 13

Individual work Genres of books

Individual work
Genres of books

Слайд 14

Science-fiction Detective Fairy-tail historical Horror Science-fiction Historical Fairy- tail Horror detective






Fairy- tail

Слайд 15

Proverbs about books Книга — хранилище несметных сокровищ Много книг не

Proverbs about books

Книга — хранилище несметных сокровищ
Много книг не выражают

слов, много слов не выражают мысли
Относись к книгам так же хорошо как и к друзьям
Человек счастлив, если у него есть книги, но еще счастливее, когда он в книгах не нуждается
Читать книгу впервые — это как познакомится с новым другом, читать ее повторно — это будто бы встретить старого друга снова
Голова старше, чем книга — имеется в виду, что разум человека мудрее, ведь он-то книгу и создал
Учителя умирают, в их роли остаются книги
Не судите книгу по обложке
Нет более верного друга, чем хорошая книга
Слайд 16

Слайд 17

Task 3 – Working in groups. Watching the video.

Task 3 – Working in groups. Watching the video.

Слайд 18

The mouse is in the lion's paw. 3 The lion gets

The mouse is in the lion's paw. 3
The lion gets into

a net. 5
The mouse helps the lion. 7
Once when a Lion was asleep 1
A little mouse sees the lion. 6
The lion lets the mouse go. 4
The mouse runs and jumps on the lion. 2
The lion and the mouse became friends 8
Слайд 19

Task 4 Making a poster Descriptor: - Make riddles about stories

Task 4 Making a poster

- Make riddles about stories and

- Describe it correctly




Слайд 20

Слайд 21

Слайд 22

Слайд 23

Refleсtion The ladder of success . I should learn more I

The ladder of success


I should learn more

I tried as much

as I could. GOOD!

I did all my best.

Слайд 24

Home task: To write a recommendation of your favourite book

Home task:
To write a recommendation of your favourite book