What’s the weather like?


Слайд 2

Choose A, B or C for each sentence. 1. I ____

Choose A, B or C for each sentence.
1. I ____ a

party next Saturday. I hope you can come.
A have B am having C will have
2. There’s a film on TV that I want to watch. It ___ in twenty minutes.
A starts B is starting C will start
3. The weather is nice now. But I think it ___ later.
A is going to rain B is raining C will rain
4. Tom is ill. He ____ to school tomorrow.
A is not going to come B is not coming C will not come
5. What ___ to the party tonight?
A are you going to wear B are you wearing C will you wear


Слайд 3

Check Yourself! cloudy windy foggy snowy sunny chilly stormy









Слайд 4

Слайд 5

The 27th of April. Monday. Classwork. Module 10c. Weekend fun.

The 27th of April. Monday.
Module 10c.
Weekend fun.

Слайд 6

We were waiting for these two days the whole week. It

We were waiting for these two days the whole week.

is Saturday morning and we are full of plans for the weekend.
What plans do we have?
How can we describe our plans in English?
We learn the answers in this lesson.


Слайд 7

А) Что ты собираешься делать в эти выходные? Б) Что ты делал в прошлые выходные?

А) Что ты собираешься делать в эти выходные?
Б) Что ты делал

в прошлые выходные?
Слайд 8

How many of the activities in the picture are mentioned? What

How many of the activities in the picture are mentioned?

is Jane going to do on Saturday afternoon?
What is she going to do on Saturday evening?
What is Jane going to do on Sunday morning?
What is she going to do in the afternoon?
Слайд 9

Find the following word combinations in Jane’s email and translate them.

Find the following word combinations in Jane’s email and translate them.

Answer the questions.
What are you looking forward to?
Do you have any errands for tomorrow?
What was the most fabulous weekend for you?

Запишите в рабочую тетрадь!

Слайд 10

Greeting Приветствие Dear Tom, Hi Mike, Introduction: Введение Thank you for

Greeting Приветствие
Dear Tom,
Hi Mike,
Introduction: Введение
Thank you for your letter. I got

it yesterday. Спасибо за твоё письмо. Я его вчера получил.
I would like to tell you about …Мне бы хотелось тебе рассказать о….
I am writing to tell you about … Я пишу тебе, что рассказать о….
Main part: 1-2 paragraphs (основная часть)
Conclusion: заключение
I am waiting for your letter. Я жду твоего письма.
Please write as soon as possible. Пожалуйста, напиши мне, как можно скорее.
Write back and tell me about…..Вернись и расскажи мне о…
Bye for now…..Пока…
Best wishes….С наилучшими пожеланиями.

Запишите в рабочую тетрадь!

Слайд 11

Какие предложения из Вступления (opening remarks) O Заключения (closing remarks) C

Какие предложения из
(opening remarks) O
(closing remarks) C









Слайд 12

Let’s learn how to use linkers.

Let’s learn how to use linkers.

Слайд 13

We use because to give the reason for an action, event,

We use because to give the reason for an action, event,


So - it gives the result of something.

Запишите в рабочую тетрадь!

Слайд 14

Because and so We use because to give the reason for

Because and so
We use because to give the reason

for an action, event, etc.
So - it gives the result of something.
I live quite far. I'm going to be late.
I'm going to be late because I live quite far. (reason)
I live quite far, so I'm going to be late, (result)
Ex 3. p. 100 (Письменно)
Измените предложения, используя because/so
1. I have some errands to run. I'm going to see you later.
2. She is ill. She is not going to come to the party.
3. He's got a broken leg. He's not going to play basketball.



Слайд 15

Translate Тебе следует надеть теплую куртку, потому что сегодня холодно. Мы

Тебе следует надеть теплую куртку,
потому что сегодня холодно.
Мы не позвонили, потому

что были заняты.
Максим лег спать поздно, поэтому опоздал в школу
сегодня (be late for)


Слайд 16

1. He was lazy. He did not study well. 1. He

1. He was lazy. He did not study well.

1. He was

lazy so he did not study well. 

2. They took him to hospital. He was sick.

2. They took him to hospital because he was sick.

3. He was ill. He did not attend school for a week.

3. He was ill so he did not attend school for a week.

4. The teacher asked him to go out. He misbehaved in the class.

4. The teacher asked him to go out because he misbehaved in the class.


Слайд 17

Дополните, чем вы и ваша семья будет заниматься в эти выходные.

Дополните, чем вы и ваша семья будет заниматься в эти выходные.


a play

Run errands

Meet friends

Go shopping

Play football

Watch TV

Ex. 4. p. 100

Слайд 18

Homework. Write a short email to your friend about what you

Write a short email to your friend about what you are

going to do this weekend
(50 – 60 words)
Слайд 19

Example (образец) Dear Olga, Thanks for your email. I haven’t heard

Example (образец)

Dear Olga,
Thanks for your email. I haven’t heard from

you for ages. Have you got any plans for the weekend?
I’m really looking forward to mine. On Saturday morning I’m going to go shopping. In the afternoon I’m meeting some friends and in the evening we are going to see a play. On Sunday morning I’m going to do my homework and then I’m going to go to the park with my family. In the evening I’m cooking everyone a meal.
I must go now.
Write soon.