Физиологические изменения кожи и волос при беременности

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PREGNANCY AND SKIN CHANGES For many women, pregnancy brings glowing skin,


For many women, pregnancy brings glowing skin, rosy

cheeks, and shiny hair.
Others, however, can experience skin changes that aren’t so attractive, including acne, dark spots, and stretch marks.
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ACNE Increased blood flow and oil production are the factors behind


Increased blood flow and oil production are the factors behind the

radiant pregnancy glow. That radiance sometimes comes with a price, as the increased oil production can result in acne.
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DARK SPOTS AND PIGMENTATION A natural increase in melanin during pregnancy


A natural increase in melanin during pregnancy is

responsible for areas of darkened skin, especially on the face, around the nipples and white line of the abdomen, being particularly expressed in brunettes.
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CHLOASMA UTERINUM These are irregular brownish or blackish spots especially on


These are irregular brownish or blackish spots especially on the

face that occur sometimes in pregnancy and in disorders of or functional changes in the uterus and ovaries.
Most of these brownish-colored areas fade over time, often within a few months after giving birth.

“mask of pregnancy”

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LINEA NIGRA Linea nigra, often referred to as a pregnancy line,


Linea nigra, often referred to as a pregnancy line, is a

linear hyperpigmentation that commonly appears on the abdomen. 
The brownish streak is usually about a centimeter (0.4 in) in width. The line runs vertically along the midline of the abdomen from the pubis to the umbilicus, but can also run from the pubis to the top of the abdomen.

Fair-skinned women show this phenomenon less often than women with darker pigmentation. Linea nigra typically disappears within a few months after delivery.

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STRIAE GRAVIDUM (STRETCH MARKS) Although most women expect to have some


Although most women expect to have some stretch

marks on their belly with pregnancy, many are surprised to also find these pink or red stripes on their breasts, buttocks, and thighs.
In fact, stretch marks can happen anywhere there is rapid growth and stretching of the skin.
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STRIAE GRAVIDUM On the abdomen and thighs the longitudinal strips 5-6


On the abdomen and thighs the longitudinal strips 5-6 cm

in length, and about 0.5 cm in width appear. At the beginning they are rosy, but later they become pale and more dense. They are supposed to be caused by detachment of elastic layer of skin from other layers due to rise of circulatory hormone level of adrenal glands. They are called striae gravidarum.
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SPIDER VEINS AND VARICOSE VEINS Spider veins come from hormonal changes


Spider veins come from hormonal changes and

increased blood volume during pregnancy. They appear as tiny red veins on the face, neck, and arms. The redness should fade after the baby is born.
Varicose veins happen because of the weight and pressure of the uterus compressing the veins. This decreases the blood flow from the lower body. The veins in the legs become swollen, sore, and blue.  Varicose veins can also be found on the vulva, vagina, and rectum (hemorrhoids).
Typically, varicose veins are cosmetic and clear up after delivery.
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OTHER CONDITIONS Itchy skin Itchy skin is common, especially in the


Itchy skin
Itchy skin is common, especially in the winter, when

skin is dry and easily irritated. Some women develop a rash or itchy bumps that are caused by a variety of conditions.
Hair growth
Hormones of pregnancy can increase hair growth. Many women notice that their hair is thicker and healthier looking. Sometimes those hormones cause hair growth in other places, too, like on the face or neck. 
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HAIR CHANGES DURING PREGNANCY Hormonal changes during pregnancy can affect your


Hormonal changes during pregnancy can affect your hair,

making it thicker or thinner..
Your hair has a natural life cycle. Each individual hair grows, then rests for 2 or 3 months before being pushed out by a new hair growing in that follicle. In pregnancy, this cycle changes.
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THICK HAIR Many women experience their hair feeling thicker at around


Many women experience their hair feeling thicker at around 15

weeks of pregnancy.
This is not because each hair strand itself becomes thicker, but because the hair stays longer in the growing phase of its cycle, which means that less hair falls out than usual. This is due to an increase in the hormone estrogen.
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THIN HAIR Some women experience more of their hair falling out


Some women experience more of their hair falling out during

pregnancy. This is due to a decrease in estrogen, which may happen as a result of the following:
a hormonal imbalance during pregnancy
stopping the oral contraceptive pill
experiencing an abortion, miscarriage or stillbirth
It is also common for women to experience hair loss after pregnancy when their estrogen returns to normal levels. This causes the additional hair from the growth phase to change to the resting phase, which then falls out more than usual, until around 3-4 months after child is born.