
Слайд 2

Lecture 8 Electrostatics Electric charge. Coulomb’s law. Electric field. Gauss’ law. Electric potential.

Lecture 8

Electric charge.
Coulomb’s law.
Electric field.
Gauss’ law.
Electric potential.

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Electric Forces Electric forces are dominant in the behavior of matter.

Electric Forces

Electric forces are dominant in the behavior of matter. The

electric forces are responsible for:
Electrons, binding to a positive nucleus, forming a stable atom;
Atoms, binding together into molecules;
Molecules binding together into liquids and solids;
All chemical reactions;
All biological processes.
Friction and other contact forces.
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Electrostatics Electrostatics is the science of stationary charges. There exists two


Electrostatics is the science of stationary charges.
There exists two types of

charges – positive and negative.
If an object has an excess of electrons, it is negatively charged; if it has a deficiency of electrons, it is positively charged.
Like charges repel, and unlike charges attract.
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Charging by induction We have a neutrally charged conductor. Negatively charged

Charging by induction

We have a neutrally charged conductor.
Negatively charged rod polarizes

the sphere. The charge in the rod repels electrons to the opposite side of the sphere.
Then we ground the sphere and some part of electrons is repelled into the Earth. There is induced positive charge near the rod.
Then ground connection is removed.
Eventually, we get positively charged sphere.
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The Law of Conservation of Charge Charge of an isolated system

The Law of Conservation of Charge

Charge of an isolated system is

This law is a fundamental physical law: net charge is the same before and after any interaction.
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Elementary charges Elementary charges are electrons and protons. Usually only electrons

Elementary charges

Elementary charges are electrons and protons. Usually only electrons can

be free and take part in electrical processes.
Excess of electrons causes negative charge and deficiency of electrons causes positive charge of a body.
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Coulomb’s law From Coulomb’s experiments, we can generalize the following properties

Coulomb’s law

From Coulomb’s experiments, we can generalize the following properties of

the electric force between two stationary point charges:
is inversely proportional to the square of the separation r between the particles and directed along the line joining them;
is proportional to the product of the charges q1 and q2 on the two particles;
is attractive if the charges are of opposite sign and repulsive if the charges have the same sign;
is a conservative force.
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Coulomb’s Law The magnitude of the electric force is is the

Coulomb’s Law

The magnitude of the electric force is
is the Coulomb constant,

it can be written in the following form:
where is the electric permittivity of free space.
Слайд 10

In a vector form, the force exerted by charge q1 on

In a vector form, the force exerted by charge q1 on

q2 is:
Where is a unit vector directed from q1 to q2.
(a) two similar charges repels
(b) two different charges attracts
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Electrostatic force is a vector quantity, so in the case of

Electrostatic force is a vector quantity, so in the case of

multiple charges the principle of superposition is applicable:
The total force on charge q2 is the vector sum of all forces:

Forces of Multiple Charges

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Electric Field In general: field forces can act through space, producing

Electric Field

In general: field forces can act through space, producing an

effect even when no physical contact occurs between interacting objects.
Charges gives rise to an electric field.
The electric field can be detected at any particular point by a small test positive charge qo and observing if it experiences a force. Then the electric field vector is:
Note: force Fe and field E are not produced by the test charge qo .
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Electric Field Vector The force exerted by q on the test

Electric Field Vector

The force exerted by q on the test charge

q0 is:
Then dividing it by q0 we get the electric field vector:
Electric field is created by a charge.
If a charge is positive then the electric field vector is directed away from the source charge.
If a charge is negative then the electric field vector is directed to the source charge.
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Continuous Charge Distribution Volume charge density Surface charge density Linear charge density

Continuous Charge Distribution

Volume charge density
Surface charge density
Linear charge density

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Electric Field of a Uniformly Charged ring A ring of radius

Electric Field of a Uniformly Charged ring

A ring of radius a

carries a uniformly distributed positive total charge Q. Let’s find the electric field due to the ring along the central axis perpendicular to the plane of the ring.
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dE is the field at point P on the x axis

dE is the field at point P on the x axis

due to an element of charge dq. dE has two perpendicular components:
EX and E⊥.
Using the symmetry: The perpendicular component of the field at P due to segment 1 is canceled by the perpendicular component due to segment 2.
Thus the total E is directed along x axis.
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The distance from a charge dq to point P: Then the

The distance from a charge dq to point P:
Then the

contribution of a charge dq to electric field E at point P is:
All segments of the ring make the same contribution to the field at P because they are all equidistant from this point. Thus, we can integrate to obtain the total field at P:
Слайд 19

Extreme Case Analysis So we found the electric field of a

Extreme Case Analysis

So we found the electric field of a uniformly

charged ring along its symmetry axis at distance x from the centre of a ring:
ke is the Coulomb constant, a – the ring’s radius, Q – the charge of the ring.
Let’s analyze the obtained result for extreme cases:
If x=0, then E=0.
If x>>a, then we get the Coulomb formula for a point charge:
Look more examples of calculating electric field for continuous charge distribution:
in Serway p.721-723,
Fishbane 642-647.
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Gauss’ Law The net flux of electric field through any enclosed

Gauss’ Law

The net flux of electric field through any enclosed surface

are equal to the net charge inside that surface divided by permittivity of free space.
Here E·dA is a scalar product of electric field and differential of area vectors.
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Electric Flux ΔAi is a vector, which magnitude represents the area

Electric Flux

ΔAi is a vector, which magnitude represents the area of

the i-th element of the surface and direction is defined to be perpendicular to the surface element.
The variation in the electric field over one element of surface can be neglected if the element is sufficiently small.

The electric flux through this element is

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According to the Gauss’ theorem electric flux through any surface S1,

According to the Gauss’ theorem electric flux through any surface S1,

S2, S3 is the same.
Electric flux from a charge located outside a surface equals zero. The number of lines entering the surface equals the number leaving the surface and the net number equals zero.
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Electric Potential Energy For infinitesimal displacement ds the work done by

Electric Potential Energy

For infinitesimal displacement ds the work done by the

electric field on the charge is .
Then the change in the potential energy of the charge-field system is
Thus for finite displacement from A to B the change in potential energy is
This line integral is not path-dependant, as the electric force is conservative.
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Electric Potential The electric potential at any point in an electric

Electric Potential

The electric potential at any point in an electric field

The potential difference ΔV=VB - VA between two points A and B in an electric field is defined as
q0 is a test charge.
Слайд 25

Potential Properties

Potential Properties