The photon and thefor vacuum cleaner


Слайд 2

• Continuous variables for single photons • Reduced noise: Fock states

• Continuous variables for single photons
• Reduced noise: Fock states
• Increased

correlations: Engineered space-time entanglement
• Application: single-photon CV QKD

• Peak intensity vs average power: brighter nonclassical light
• Precise timing: concatenating nonclassical sources
• Broad bandwidth: engineering space-time correlations

Ultrafast ?

Слайд 3

Continuous variables for single photons Localized modes Role in QIP •

Continuous variables for single photons

Localized modes
Role in QIP
• Reduced

noise: Fock states
• Increased correlations: Engineered space-time entanglement
• Application: single-photon CV QKD
Слайд 4

x p Optical field: • Phase space of mode functions:



Optical field:

• Phase space of mode functions:

Слайд 5

t x Photon is in a pure state, occupying a single



Photon is in a pure state, occupying a single mode

Mode: restricted

to a small region of space-time

One-photon interference: Modes must have good classical overlap
Two-photon interference: Photons must be in pure states

Femtosecond photons: space-time “localized” modes

Biphoton may be space-time entangled:

Слайд 6

Two-photon interference: The Hong-Ou-Mandel effect A pair of photons incident on

Two-photon interference: The Hong-Ou-Mandel effect

A pair of photons incident on a

50:50 beamsplitter both go one way or the other with 50% probability:

Bosonic behavior: bunching

Interference depends on:
Symmetry of biphoton state
Purity of biphoton state
…. and mode matching

Слайд 7

If the photons are labelled, say by having a definite frequency,

If the photons are labelled, say by having a definite frequency,

then the pathways leading to a coincidence are distinguishable in principle, and no interference can take place

Probability of photon detection simultaneously at D1 and D2

•Broadband photon interference

Слайд 8

2 If the photons are entangled, having no definite frequency, then


If the photons are entangled, having no definite frequency, then the

pathways leading to a coincidence are indistinguishable in principle, and interference occurs

Probability of photon detection simultaneously at D1 and D2

• Broadband photon interference

Слайд 9

0 Ralph, White, Milburn, PRA 65 012314 (2001) Linear optical quantum


Ralph, White, Milburn, PRA 65 012314 (2001)

Linear optical quantum computing: operation

depends on what is not seen….

Conditional sign-shift gate



Слайд 10

Hong-Ou-Mandel effect: some details Different sign shift when two photons are

Hong-Ou-Mandel effect: some details
Different sign shift when two photons are incident

on the BS



Interference of two pathways

Sign shift depends on R and T

Provided photons are in single modes, in pure states…….

Слайд 11

Reduced noise Efficient generation of Fock states Testing sub-Poissonian photon number

Reduced noise

Efficient generation of Fock states
Testing sub-Poissonian photon number


• Continuous variables for single photons
• Increased correlations: Engineered space-time entanglement
• Application: single-photon CV QKD

Слайд 12

Spontaneous emission from single “atoms” generates single photons A. Shields et al., Science 295, 102 (2002)

Spontaneous emission from single “atoms” generates single photons

A. Shields et al.,

Science 295, 102 (2002)
Слайд 13

Spontaneous generation via downconversion generates photon pairs ωp ωi ωs Pump

Spontaneous generation via downconversion generates photon pairs







Parametric downconversion process in

a χ(2) nonlinear crystal:

Phasematching conditions:

Ultrafast pulsed pump beam centered at 400 nm

Photon pair created at around 800 nm

Energy conservation:

Momentum conservation:








Dispersion couples energy and momentum conservation

Слайд 14

Quasi-phase matching Δ k = 0 Intensity L Quasi-phase matching enables

Quasi-phase matching

Δ k = 0



Quasi-phase matching enables PDC in a waveguide

→ well-defined spatial mode: high correlation
→ large nonlinear interaction: high brightness

Nonlinear susceptibility is structured (e.g. periodic poling) decoupling conservation conditions

Roelofs, Suna, et al J. Appl. Phys. 76 4999 (1994)


Слайд 15

Experimental apparatus: fs PDC in KTP T-II waveguide

Experimental apparatus: fs PDC in KTP T-II waveguide

Слайд 16

Conditioned coincidence circuit Experimental apparatus Low-loss spectral filter Pump laser Timing det. KTP waveguide

Conditioned coincidence circuit

Experimental apparatus

Low-loss spectral filter

Pump laser

Timing det.

KTP waveguide

Слайд 17

Experimental results coincidence &

Experimental results



Слайд 18

Test of nonclassicality: “click-counting” inequality for POVMs Multi-fold coincidence counts for

Test of nonclassicality: “click-counting” inequality for POVMs

Multi-fold coincidence counts for classical

light are bounded:

Classical bound for monotonic „click-counting“ detectors:

Counting rates

For a photon pair, with perfect detection, B=-0.25

Слайд 19

1 1 trigger if n filter Pulsed blue light Generate photons



trigger if n


Pulsed blue light

Generate photons in correlated beams, and use

the detection of n in one beam to herald the presence of n in the other.

N-photon generation

Concatentation of sources requires pulsed pump

C.K. Hong and L. Mandel, Phys. Rev. Lett. 56, 58 (1986)
More recently, twin beams developed by Kumar, Raymer..

Слайд 20

Principle: photons separated into distributed modes • • • input pulse

Principle: photons separated into distributed modes

• • •



linear network





2m+1 Light pulses

D. Achilles, Ch.

S., C. Sliwa, K. Banaszek, and I. A. Walmsley, Opt. Lett. 28, 2387 (2003).

Fiber based experimental implementation

• • •

realization of time-multiplexing with passive linear elements & two APDs


Fiber-based, photon-number resolving detector

Слайд 21

High-efficiency number resolving detection Detection FPD - clock APD - trigger

High-efficiency number resolving detection

FPD - clock
APD - trigger


• Timing diagram
FPD - clock
APD - trigger
TMD output

Слайд 22

losses in signal arm Estimation of losses from count statistics coherent

losses in signal arm

Estimation of losses
from count statistics


Conditional state

preparation with two-photon trigger

count probability conditioned on coincidence trigger

33,8 %

29,6 %

32,4 %

Слайд 23

State Reconstruction with two-fold trigger condition The photon statistics are related

State Reconstruction with two-fold trigger condition

The photon statistics are related to

the count statistics by the
binomial distribution

losses in signal arm

count statistics

photon number statistics

suppression due
to two-fold trigger

suppression due
to PDC statistics

The count statistics can be inverted
to retrieve the photon statistics

raw detection efficiency

State reconstruction:

Слайд 24

Increased correlations: Engineering space-time entanglement Entanglement and pure state generation Engineering

Increased correlations: Engineering space-time entanglement

Entanglement and pure state generation

entanglement in PDC
• Continuous variables for single photons
• Reduced noise: Fock states
• Application: single-photon CV QKD
Слайд 25

Filtering trades visibility and count rate Interference from independent sources

Filtering trades visibility and count rate

Interference from independent sources

Слайд 26

“click” signal idler filter Conditionally prepared single photons are not usually





Conditionally prepared single photons are not usually in pure states

The purity

of the prepared state depends not only on the number correlation between the beams, but also on the space-time correlations between the photonic wavepackets
Слайд 27

The two-photon state: x = ψ = d ω s d ω i Spectrally entangled!

The two-photon state:











Spectrally entangled!

Слайд 28

Spectral filtering ωp ωi ωs Interference filter 1 Interference filter 2

Spectral filtering




Interference filter 1

Interference filter 2



Spectral filtering can remove correlations…

But at the expense of the count rates

de Riedmatten et al,
PRA 67, 022301 (2003)

Слайд 29

Decomposition of field into Discrete Wave-Packet Modes. Single-photon Wave-Packet States: (Schmidt Decomposition) Characterization of spectral entanglement

Decomposition of field into Discrete Wave-Packet Modes.

Single-photon Wave-Packet States:

(Schmidt Decomposition)


of spectral entanglement
Слайд 30

Type II collinear BBO C. K. Law, I. A. W., and

Type II collinear BBO

C. K. Law, I. A. W., and J.

H. Eberly Phys. Rev. Lett. 84, 5304-5307 (2000)

Spectral Schmidt decomposition

No. modes

Слайд 31

Signal and idler are temporally factorable, so carry no distinguishing information

Signal and idler are temporally factorable, so carry no distinguishing information

about the conjugate arrival time.

Factorable spatio-temporal states: space-time group matching

Spatio-temporal two-photon joint amplitude:

Слайд 32

Controlling the number of Schmidt modes. Example: Binary entanglement

Controlling the number of Schmidt modes.

Example: Binary entanglement

Слайд 33

Pure state generation using heralding: source engineering required The pump wavelength,

Pure state generation using heralding: source engineering required

The pump wavelength, bandwidth

and spectra phase, the parameters of the crystal material, and in the case of quasi-phasematching the poling period can be chosen, such that the joint spectral amplitude factors.





Signal in a pure state if

Symmetric (Keller & Rubin, PRA,1997)

This can be achieved by group delay matching.

• BBO @ 800 nm

Слайд 34

Filtering trades visibility and count rate Engineering sources to have K=1

Filtering trades visibility and count rate

Engineering sources to have K=1 leads

to unit visibility without compromising count rate

Interference from independent engineered sources

Слайд 35

10x BBO + 10x calcite 48μm 58 μm Engineered structures for

10x BBO + 10x calcite
48μm 58 μm

Engineered structures for pure

state generation

Linear sections (over)compensate group velocity mismatch of nonlinear sections

Mean group-delay matching using distributed nonlinearity

Phasematching function modified by macroscopic structure (viz. 1-D PBG)

Isolated factorable component

GDM between pump and DC

GDM difference between DC

Erdmann, et al. CLEO (2004)

U’Ren, et al. Laser Physics (2005)

Слайд 36

Two-segment composite: Principle Each possible location of pair generation in the

Two-segment composite: Principle

Each possible location of pair generation in the first

crystal has a corresponding location leading to opposite group delay in the second
Слайд 37

Engineered GVM structures Two-segment composite: Experimental demonstration of group velocity matching

Engineered GVM structures

Two-segment composite: Experimental demonstration of group velocity matching

Слайд 38

Positively frequency entangled states Generalized group velocity matching by means of

Positively frequency entangled states

Generalized group velocity matching by means of pump

pulse shaping

Dispersion cancellation to all orders at optical fiber wavelengths

Erdmann et al, Phys. Rev. A 62 53810 (2000)

Source engineering for other applications

Kuzucu et al, Phys. Rev. Lett. 94, 083601 (2005)

Z.D. Walton, et al., Phys. Rev. A 70, 052317 (2004)
J.P. Torres, et al., Opt. Lett. 30, 314 (2005)

Слайд 39

ω’ ω λ0 =800 nm KG = 25206/mm Δn/n ~ 6x10-4



λ0 =800 nm
KG = 25206/mm
Δn/n ~ 6x10-4
(κ = 2/mm)


99% mirror

Distributed-cavity PDC for pure states

M. G. Raymer, et al., submitted (2005)

Distributed feedback cavity

Слайд 40

Application: QKD using single photon continuous variables Spatial entanglement and CV

Application: QKD using single photon
continuous variables

Spatial entanglement and CV

Mutual information and eavesdropping
• Continuous variables for single photons
• Reduced noise: Fock states
• Increased correlations: Engineered space-time entanglement
Слайд 41

Photons generated by PDC are correlated in lateral position and transverse

Photons generated by PDC are correlated in lateral position and transverse



The security is guaranteed by uncertainty principle

QKD using spatial entanglement

Continuous quantum correlations in photon pairs can be used for key distribution

Then these EPR correlations can be used to transmit information secretly

Слайд 42

Photon transmission (Raw keys) Key sifting Estimate the error rate and

Photon transmission
(Raw keys)

Key sifting

Estimate the error rate and quantum


Interactive error correction

Privacy amplification


For realistic applications, the continuous variables must be discretized.

CV QKD protocol

Слайд 43

Lenses are used to select either measurement of position or momentum.

Lenses are used to select either measurement of position or momentum.

in coincidence between Alice and Bob.

Experimental Set-up

QKD using spatial entanglement

Слайд 44

• Since the Hilbert space of the photonic degree of freedom

• Since the Hilbert space of the photonic degree of freedom

is large, we can expect to transmit more than one bit per photon
• For actual PDC sources, the mutual information per photon pair is determined by the length of the crystal and the spot size of the pump

QKD using spatial entanglement

Mutual information analysis

Слайд 45

Eve intercepts the photon sent to Bob, measures the position or

Eve intercepts the photon sent to Bob, measures the position or

the momentum, prepares another photon and resends it to Bob. The state of the photons Eve resends (eigenstate, squeezing state, etc) will affect the security of the system.

Fraction of photons sent by Alice to Bob that are intercepted by Eve

(a) Mutual information between Alice and Bob when Eve resends position eigenstate
when Eve resends the ‘optimal’ state
Mutual information between Alice and Eve

To extract a secure key, it is sufficient that

QKD using spatial entanglement

Eavesdropping: Intercept and resend strategy

Слайд 46

The VP indicates the strength of correlations between Alice and Bob.

The VP indicates the strength of correlations between Alice and Bob.

For large entanglement the VP is very small.
Eavesdropping will decrease the entanglement, and increase the VP.
By measuringthe VP on a subset of data, Alice and Bob can detect the presence Eve

Variance Product

The VP strongly depends on the state that Eve resends to Bob.
There exists a state that can minimize the VP. This state is defined as the optimal state.

QKD using spatial entanglement

All about Eve

Слайд 47

What about other continuous degrees of freedom? Entropy of entanglement, as

What about other continuous degrees of freedom?

Entropy of entanglement, as a

function of length (for fixed pump bandwidth and fixed central wavelength) for some common crystals.

QKD using spectral entanglement

Spectral mutual information:
Entropy of entanglement

Слайд 48

• Continuous variables are useful things even at the level of

• Continuous variables are useful things even at the level of

individual photons
Pulsed sources
- can be concatenated
- allow flexible space-time engineering
- enable new kinds of detectors
• Reduced noise:
Efficient conditional nonclassical state preparation
• Engineered correlations:
Conditional pure-state preparation
• Application:
CV QKD using entangled photon pairs


Слайд 49

Слайд 50

Spontaneous Parametric Down Conversion in a second-order nonlinear, birefringent crystal (Type-II)

Spontaneous Parametric Down Conversion in a second-order nonlinear, birefringent crystal (Type-II)


(Phase matching)


Signal V-Pol

Idler H-Pol

Energy conservation:

red red blue







Dispersion couples energy and momentum conservation

Слайд 51

Detection of quadrature amplitude fluctuations Homodyne detection The difference photoelectron number

Detection of quadrature amplitude fluctuations

Homodyne detection

The difference photoelectron number measures the

quadrature amplitudes of the input mode a

Measurement of the marginal distributions for different phases enables reconstruction of the complete phase space distribution

Homodyne tomography

Smithey et al, Phys. Rev. Lett, 70, 1244 (1993)

Space-time mode matched local oscillator is needed

• Mode mismatch and losses cannot be distinguished from input state

Слайд 52

F. T. Arecchi, Phys. Rev. Lett. 15, 912 (1965) G –

F. T. Arecchi, Phys. Rev. Lett. 15, 912 (1965)

G – Bose-Einstein

statistics (thermal light)
L – Poissonian statistics (coherent light)


• Intensity fluctuations

• Photon number fluctuations

• Prob. Of generating n photoelectrons in detector of efficiency η from a pulse of fixed energy

Detection of intensity fluctuations


Слайд 53

Intensity correlations Measurement of the two-time intensity correlation function: Schwarz inequality:

Intensity correlations

Measurement of the two-time intensity correlation function:

Schwarz inequality:

For a stationary

source and

Ratio is a measure of nonclassicality