Rocks and minerals

Слайд 2

1. Rocks and minerals 2. Igneous rocks 3.Sedimentary rocks 4.Metamorphic rocks Plan:

1. Rocks and minerals
2. Igneous rocks
3.Sedimentary rocks
4.Metamorphic rocks


Слайд 3

The Earth’s crust is made up of rocks and minerlas. The

The Earth’s crust is made up of rocks and minerlas. The

scientists have discovered about 2500 minerlas and every year offers about 20-30 minerals.
Слайд 4

A mineral is a naturally occurring chemical compound, usually of crystalline

A mineral is a naturally occurring chemical compound, usually of crystalline form and abiogenic in origin. A mineral has

one specific chemical composition, whereas a rock can be an aggregate of different minerals or mineraloids.
Rock  is a natural substance, a solid aggregate of one or more minerals or mineraloids. For example, granite, a common rock, is a combination of the minerals quarz, feldspar and biotite. The Earth's outer solid layer, the lithosphere, is made of rock.
Three major groups of rocks are defined: igneous, sedimentary, and metamorphic.

Granite (rocks) consists of these minerals.




Слайд 5

Three rocks

Three rocks

Слайд 6

Earth’s crust Igneous rocks- 71% Metamorphic rocks– 20% Sedimentary rocks– 9%

Earth’s crust

Igneous rocks- 71%
Metamorphic rocks– 20%
Sedimentary rocks– 9%

Слайд 7

Sedimentary rocks are types of rock that are formed by the

Sedimentary rocks are types of rock that are formed by the 
deposition and subsequent cementation of

that material at the Earth's surface and within bodies of water. Strictly speaking, sedimentary rocks form a very small proportion by volume of the rocks of the Earth's crust. On the contrary, about three quarters of t Earth's surface is occupied by sedimentary rocks.

Sedimentary rocks

Слайд 8

Holestone Granit Basalt Siltstone Obsidian






Слайд 9

Vilcanic sand near the Teide volcano

Vilcanic sand near the Teide volcano

Слайд 10

sand clay salt




Слайд 11

Метаморфические горные породы Метаморфические горные породы ( метаморфизм – превращение)- продукты

Метаморфические горные породы

Метаморфические горные породы ( метаморфизм – превращение)-

продукты преобразования осадочных и магматических пород в глубине Земли под воздействием высоких давления и температуры. Метаморфические горные породы по своим свойствам совершенно не похожи на те породы, из которых они образовались. Происходит изменение физических свойств породы, в первую очередь, ее кристаллической структуры, меняется облик породы

Metamorphic rocks arise from the transformation of existing rock types, in a process called metamorphism, which means "change in form.  They may be formed simply by being deep beneath the Earth's surface, subjected to high temperatures and the great pressure of the rock layers above it.

Metamorphic rocks

Слайд 12






Слайд 13

Igneous rock or magmatic rock, is one of the three main

Igneous rock or magmatic rock, is one of the three main rock types, the

others being sedimentary and metamorphic. Igneous rock is formed through the cooling and solidification of magma or lava. The magma can be derived from partial melts of existing rocks in either a planet's mantle or crust.