The Armenian-Turkish war (1920)

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The Armenian-Turkish war The Armenian-Turkish war is a military conflict between

The Armenian-Turkish war

The Armenian-Turkish war is a military conflict between

the Republic of Armenia and Turkey (September 24 - December 2, 1920).
The war ended with the defeat of the armed forces of the Republic of Armenia and the signing of the Alexandropol Peace Treaty. At the talks on concluding peace, the Armenian delegation was forced to declare its refusal to recognize the previously signed Sevrian peace treaty and to cede Turkey to the territory of the Kars region. In fact, however, the Armenian delegation lost its competence at the time of the signing of the treaty, as the government of the Republic of Armenia resigned, transferring power to the coalition government, which included Armenian nationalists and Bolsheviks, and by that time entered the territory of Armenia
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Prehistory 28 Jan 1920 in Constantinople, the newly elected chamber of


28 Jan 1920 in Constantinople, the newly elected chamber of deputies,

the majority of which were supporters of the Kemalist movement, adopted a "Declaration of independence of Turkey," better known as the Turkish national Pact or national oath. Territorial issues in this document were resolved as follows: the question of Arab lands was put to a plebiscite of their inhabitants, and the land inhabited by the representatives of the Turkish nation, of course had to remain part of Turkey. Under the territory inhabited by the Turkish nation, understood all the territory of modern Turkish Republic, with the exception of Western Thrace, and districts of Kars, Ardahan and Batum, where it was proposed to hold a referendum on the nationality of these territories
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Fighting The Armenian and Turkish sources indicate different dates the beginning


The Armenian and Turkish sources indicate different dates the beginning of

the Armenian-Turkish war. The reason for the discrepancy is that Turkey officially the war Armenia has not been announced, and Armenia declared war only on 24 September[7]; to the same hand, as mentioned above, were in a state of war, in June 1920, when they started a border conflict[6].
The Armenian leadership clearly underestimated the military and ideological power of the Turkish nationalists and at the same time overestimated their own resources and strength, as well as potential support from the West[7]. In the first half of September, the Turkish forces took Olty (Oltu) and Penac. In the same period, Armenian troops took control of the territory Almalinskogo County district Culpa. September 20 began a large-scale military action. September 22, Armenian troops attacked the positions of Turkish troops near the village of Bardos (Bardes). Having encountered fierce resistance of the Turkish troops and suffered considerable losses, September 24, Armenian troops were forced
to retreat to the town Sarikamis. The Turkish army on 28 September went to the counter and, having a considerable superiority of forces on the main directions of the offensive, was able in a few days to break the resistance of Armenian troops to take sarıkamış, Kağızman (September 29), Martinek (September 30), went to Igdir. The advancing Turkish troops devastated the districts occupied and destroyed the civilian Armenian population who failed or did not want to flee. At the same time, it was reported that some Armenian units began ethnic cleansing on the territory of the Kars oblast and the Erivan province. After a few days the Turkish offensive was suspended until 28 October, the battles were fought by roughly the same line.
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Fighting During the two-week lull at the Turkish-Armenian front, Georgian troops


During the two-week lull at the Turkish-Armenian front, Georgian troops tried

to occupy southern Ardalinskoe County, representing the subject of a territorial dispute between Georgia and Armenia. These actions caused a diplomatic incident, especially given the fact that they coincided with the negotiations in Tbilisi on the conclusion of the Armenian-Georgian Union for the joint confrontation of the Soviet and Turkish expansion. The negotiations ended in failure. Later, Georgian troops left one of the busy areas (near the okama) and retain the area of lake Childir that 13 October was declared as belonging to Georgia. In connection with the resumption of hostilities at the Turkish-Armenian front Armenia are unable to prevent it.
October 13, Armenian armed forces attempted a counter-offensive from Kars, which, however, were not successful. After this failure, wide sizes made the desertion from the ranks of the Armenian army. This contributed to spreading the rumors about the Turkish-Soviet Union and the perceived lack of political support. In early October, Armenia appealed to the governments of Britain, France, Italy and other allied powers with a request for assistance, diplomatic pressure on Turkey, the great powers were preoccupied with their own problems, and the only state that responded was in Greece, have stepped up military operations against the Kemalists in the West of Asia Minor. This, however, was not enough to force Turkey to ease the pressure on Armenian forces. The US promised aid to Armenia and has not had
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The establishment of Soviet power in Armenia 29 Nov 1920, a

The establishment of Soviet power in Armenia

29 Nov 1920, a group

of Armenian Bolsheviks with the Soviet 11th army and the troops of Soviet Azerbaijan was included in the city of Ijevan and proclaimed the establishment of the Revolutionary Committee, the uprising against dashnagskogo government and the establishment of Soviet power in Armenia.
November 30 the same year, the Soviet Plenipotentiary Boris Legran issued an ultimatum demanding the entry of Armenia into the Soviet sphere, after which on 2 December between him and the representatives of the government of Armenia (Draw and Tertiana) signed an agreement according to which Armenia was proclaimed an independent socialist Republic; formed the provisional military-revolutionary Committee consisting of 5 members from the Communist party and leftist Dashnaks and 2 members of the ARF, in agreement with the Communists; Moscow recognized Armenia: Erivan governorate, part of the Kars region, Zangazur district and part of Kazakh district; officers of the Armenian army and the members of the Dashnaktsutyun party should not be subjected to any reprisals. November 4 at Erivan joined the Red army and on 6 November there arrived the revolutionary Committee refused to recognize the signed with the Dashnaks agreement, after which the clashes broke out.
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