Guy Fawkes Day

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He was a member of a Catholic group that tried to

He was a member of a Catholic group that tried to

set some explosives beneath the Houses of Parliament while the king was in the building. The plotters were caught and convicted in high treason. The tradition to light bonfires on this day has a different background, but is well connected with the idea of the holiday. As it’s almost the end of autumn people find it necessary to burn all their garden rubbish. In larger cities the authorities organize collective bonfires in a communal space. There are also professional fireworks at park zones.
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In some regions people keep the tradition of dressing up into

In some regions people keep the tradition of dressing up into

spooky thematic outfits. Children’s favorite part during Gay Fawkes Night is the tasty food sold in streets. For example baked potatoes, homemade toffee apples, sausage rolls, popcorn etc. However, not everyone favors this legendary holiday and certainly it’s not a public holiday. All schools and public organizations are open as usual. Transport works according to its habitual timetable. There were many cases of injuries, connected with fireworks. That’s why many people are against loud celebration.