Mate Mate. San Francisco

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Mate is the Red Bull of the Millennials Goal: 10000 bottles

Mate is the Red Bull of the Millennials
Goal: 10000 bottles

a week by Jan 2017
The change will start here
in San Francisco
with Mate Mate
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San Francisco Perfect match for Mate Mate! Young population Long history

San Francisco

Perfect match for Mate Mate!
Young population
Long history of counter-culture and

Home of the technology industry
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San Fransisco Bay Area Demographics Population: 7.56 million 900.000 are in

San Fransisco Bay Area Demographics

Population: 7.56 million
900.000 are in the 20

to 35 year old age bracket
225.000 employed in tech industry
Average yearly income:  $98,242
1% of income spent on alcohol beverages
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Mate Drinks in SF Virtually Unknown Club Mate has only 3

Mate Drinks in SF

Virtually Unknown
Club Mate has only 3 store locations

in the suburbs
Local store sells about 4 cases per month
Talked to the store owners, the local sales representative doesn't return calls and doesn't always have inventory.
The market is wide open!
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How to expand the market Market to tech companies and their

How to expand the market

Market to tech companies and their caterers

companies in SF Bay Area provide their employees with free snacks and beverages. They are interested in providing diverse array of beverages in order to improve employee morale and image: be a fun place to work
Once we set Mate Mate in the cafeteria, an employee has just to pick it from the fridge. The company will cover the cost. The barrier for adoption is gone!
When an employee gets used to Mate Mate at work they will seek and recognize Mate Mate at bars and grocery stores.
As more tech employees are aware of Mate Mate, more people in SF area will learn of Mate Mate by the word of mouth.
It will be easier to convince stores and beverage distributors to carry Mate Mate once it is a sought after, known brand.
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Techies Love Mate!

Techies Love Mate!

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Completed Market Experiment Talked to the food procurement manager at Yahoo

Completed Market Experiment

Talked to the food procurement manager at Yahoo SF

office on Oct 21
Put out 50 bottles of Club Mate in cafeteria refrigerator
All bottles were gone within one day!
Favorable reviews in the internal food review website
Currently in talks for recurring sales
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Sales Pipeline In talks with Yahoo (10.000 employees) Uber (5.000 employees)

Sales Pipeline

In talks with
Yahoo (10.000 employees)
Uber (5.000 employees)
Cisco(25.000 employees)
More tech

companies to come!
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Additional Marketing Channels I have contacts in: Select coffee shops Cafe

Additional Marketing Channels

I have contacts in:
Select coffee shops
Cafe Artis
Blue Bottle
Orson's Belly

and Meetups
After hours bars and clubs
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All we need is Mate Mate!

All we need is Mate Mate!

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