Personal selling and customer service. Positive opening

Слайд 2

Selling cycle

Selling cycle

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Structure of the selling cycle Same structure can be followed with

Structure of the selling cycle

Same structure can be followed with modification

in any service event
Face-to-face, electronic, sales, product support etc.
Products, services, total solutions
B2B, B2C, governmental sector, non-profit organisations etc.
Structure guides the action
Logical flow of events
Sales person is in control of the situation: focus and direction
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Positive opening Goals: Create the positive atmosphere Find the customers mood

Positive opening

Create the positive atmosphere
Find the customers mood
Create the trust
Make initial

customer assesment
? Tuning yourself to the same wavelength with the customer
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Creating positive atmosphere Verbal communication Greeting Small and simple thing, yet

Creating positive atmosphere

Verbal communication
Small and simple thing, yet so often forgotten

vs. Public:
Birthday, promotion, success of favourite team
Weather, positive news of the day
Reference the earlier customer service event
Data from customer relationship management -systems!
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Creating positive atmosphere Non-verbal communication Eye-contact (Genuine) smile Appearance: groomed &

Creating positive atmosphere

Non-verbal communication
(Genuine) smile
Appearance: groomed & smart
Note! We talk much

without saying a thing.
Слайд 7

Finding the customers mood Verbal and non-verbal communication of the customer

Finding the customers mood

Verbal and non-verbal communication of the customer
Facial expressions,

gestures, energy, words
Mirror neurons!
We have biological grounds for empathy – use it.
How Well Do You Read Other People?
Recognizing own emotions and self-reflection is good for rehearsal!
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Building the trust Adapt to customers mood and energy level Style

Building the trust

Adapt to customers mood and energy level
Style and rhythm

of the speak
Using pauses in the speak
Facial expressions
Mimicking gestures
Still be genuine and always honest
Be interested in customer and show that you listen and note customer’s thoughts
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Initial customer assesment Event approach Routine task: fast, easy, focus on

Initial customer assesment

Event approach
Routine task: fast, easy, focus on the

product, price and availability
Need for consulting: more time, lot of questions, alternative / tailored solutions, focus in quality and completeness
Personality of the customer:
Dominating vs. adaptive
Active vs. passive
Stable vs. thrill-seeking
Disciplined vs. spontaneous
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How to read people? Pay attention to: What is the overall

How to read people?

Pay attention to:
What is the overall appearance

of the customer?
What are the posture and physical movements like?
What is the tone of the voice like?
What are the facial expressions like?
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Customer personalities Dominating (vs adaptive) Wants results and control Reacts to

Customer personalities

Dominating (vs adaptive)
Wants results and control
Reacts to presented alternatives, direct

answers, strengths and weaknesses
Quick decision maker
Interactive (vs passive)
Wants to participate
Reacts to recommendations, reducing efforts and possibilities to discuss
Emotion driven and instinct based decisions
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Customer personalities Stable (vs thrill-seeking) Wants safety Reacts to assurances of

Customer personalities

Stable (vs thrill-seeking)
Wants safety
Reacts to assurances of reliability and to

personal attention
Decisions after some consideration
Disciplined (vs. spontaneous)
Wants order and precision
Reacts to logical approach, precision and professionalism
Analytical decision making