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Music is the greatest thing that connects people all over the

Music is the greatest thing that connects people all over the

world. It has no nationality or citizenship. This is normal human property. For most people, listening to music is a very enjoyable way to relax. And each of us has our own musical preferences, favorite musical styles, bands or singers. Today I want to tell you about «The Beatles».
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Who are they? Or, maybe it would be more logical to

Who are they? Or, maybe it would be more logical to

ask - who they were? Because they do not exist as a creative union for more than 40 years, and two of them, two bright personalities and brilliant musicians perished. Nevertheless, the world dances, laughs and cries with their music, as their art lives with us. So, who are they, four young Englishmen who were called the "fantastic four"?
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John was born on October 9, 1940 in the family of

John was born on October 9, 1940 in the family of

a steward who served on a merchant ship. His father was missing. The mother did not have the means to support her son, and besides she wanted to get married again. John stayed with his aunt, Mimi. It cannot be said that John was an exemplary student. Every day he complained to the director Quorry, who advised John to enter the art college. John himself spoke about that time: "I proved to everyone my rightness and insisted on independence. Of course, I would be disappointed if I did not go to college, but nevertheless I finally gave it up. Everything was smooth and neat, but I could not stand it. And all the same, I believe that my childhood was happy, I never gave up and I always had a smile at the ready. In 1956, John met Paul
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James Paul McCartney was born June 18, 1942 in the private

James Paul McCartney was born June 18, 1942 in the private

ward of the Liverpool Hospital: the only one from the Beatles, who was born in such chic conditions. Paul's parents were the most ordinary representatives of the working class, and the war was in full swing. Since childhood, Paul has shown miracles of diplomatic tact, sharply differing from the ever-troubled younger brother, Mike. Paul successfully completed primary school and entered the Liverpool Institute - the city's most famous high school. "Paul could do his homework right before the screaming TV," his father recalls. He certainly could go to university. But having learned about my intentions, Paul deliberately began to learn badly. As a child, Paul did not show any interest in music. Later, Uncle Paul gave him a pipe, on which he managed to pick up a few tunes. Then Paul, like many of his peers, was carried away by the guitar. The first time he did not work. Then he realized: the reason is that he is left-handed. Paul swapped the strings and it went. Paul first met with "The Quarrymen" as follows: "I was in a white sports jacket and terribly narrowed black pants. I looked cool: passers-by shied away from me. After the performance, I talked to the guys. Of course, I tried to shine.
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George Harrison was born on February 25, 1943. George the only

George Harrison was born on February 25, 1943. George the only

one of the Beatles grew up in a big, strong family and did not experience any serious difficulties in his childhood. Arranging George in primary school was worth the effort: at that time the schools were overcrowded. Nevertheless, George was taken to Dawdale, the same school where John studied. He was 2 years older and George did not notice. He entered the Liverpool Institute in 1954. Paul then moved on to the second year, and John was already in his fourth year of horrified school. John recalls: "We invited George to join the group. Because he knew more chords than we do
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The real name is Richard Starkey. Born July 7, 1940 in

The real name is Richard Starkey. Born July 7, 1940 in

Liverpool. He was a weak and sickly child, because of illness he missed several years of study and could not finish school. Richie from childhood was fond of percussion instruments and at age 13 received from his stepfather his first shock installation. In 1959 he began to play in the band Rory Storm, who invented him the pseudonym Ringo Starr. In 1962, he joined the Beatles, replacing the departed Pete Best. Ringo was not only drummer and percussionist, but also a vocalist. In total, his voice sounds in 10 songs of the Beatles, of which he wrote two. Possessing the greatest acting talent from the whole four, Ringo played leading roles in the films about the Beatles, and after the breakup of the group made a career in the cinema
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Of course, these are four boys from Liverpool who decided to

Of course, these are four boys from Liverpool who decided to

play and sing together. None of them received a special musical education. Each has its own strong, and sometimes strange personality. 15 years of joint life and work, several concerts in the largest television studios, concert halls and stadiums in the world, more than 200 songs - and super-popularity that does not disappear after so many years of their disintegration.
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In the spring of 1956, the leader of the future star

In the spring of 1956, the leader of the future star

team, John Lennon, first heard one of the songs of Elvis Presley. And this song, Heartbreak Hotel, turned the whole life of a young man upside down. Lennon played the banjo and harmonica, but the new music forced him to take up the guitar. The biography of the Beatles in Russian usually begins with the first group organized by Lennon. With school friends, he created a collective "The Quarrymen", named after their educational institution. Teenagers were playing skiffle, a kind of amateur British rock and roll. At one of the band's performances, Lennon met Paul McCartney, who surprised the guy with his knowledge of the chords of the latest songs and high musical development. And in the spring of 1958, they were joined by George Harrison, a friend of Paul. The trio became the backbone of the group. They were invited to play at parties and weddings, but it did not come to real concerts. Inspired by the example of the pioneers of rock and roll, Eddie Cochran and Buddy Holly, Paul and John decided to write songs and play guitars themselves. They wrote the texts together and gave them double authorship. In 1959, a new member appeared in the group – Stuart Sutcliffe, a friend of Lennon. The band was almost formed: Sutcliffe (bass guitar), Harrison (lead guitar), McCartney (vocals, guitar, piano), Lennon (vocals, rhythm guitar). All that was missing was a drummer…
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The fact that numerous Hamburg clubs needed English-speaking bands played into

The fact that numerous Hamburg clubs needed English-speaking bands played into

the hands of young musicians, and several teams from Liverpool proved themselves well. In the summer of 1960, the Beatles received an invitation to come to Hamburg. This was already a serious job, so the quartet had to urgently look for a drummer. So Pete Best appeared in the group. The first concert took place the day after arrival. For several months, the musicians honed their skills in Hamburg clubs. They had to play music of different styles and directions for a long time - rock and roll, blues, rhythm and blues, sing pop and folk songs. It can be said that largely thanks to the experience gained in Hamburg, the Beatles group took place. The biography of the collective was experiencing its dawn.
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In Britain, the quartet was wildly popular, but in America, the

In Britain, the quartet was wildly popular, but in America, the

group's singles were not published, since usually English bands did not have much success. The manager managed to sign a contract with a small company, but the records were not noticed. How did the Beatles get on the big American stage? The biography (brief) of the band tells that everything changed when a music critic of a well-known newspaper listened to the single "I Want to Hold Your Hand", already very popular in England, and called the musicians "the greatest composers after Beethoven". The following month, the band was at the top of the charts."Beatlemania" has crossed the ocean. On the band's first visit to America, the musicians were greeted at the airport by several thousand fans. The Beatles gave 3 big concerts and performed on a TV show. All of America was watching them. IN March 1964, the quartet began creating a new album "A Hard Day's Night" and a musical film of the same name. And the single "Can't Buy Me Love", which appeared this month, set a world record for the number of preliminary applications. On August 19, 1964, a full-fledged tour of North America started. The band gave 31 concerts in 24 cities. Initially, it was planned to visit 23 cities, but the owner of the basketball club from Kazas City offered the musicians 150 thousand dollars for a half-hour concert (usually the ensemble received 25-30 thousand). The tour was hard for the musicians. It was as if they were in prison, completely isolated from the outside world. The places where the Beatles stayed were besieged by crowds of fans around the clock in the hope of seeing idols. The concert venues were huge; the equipment was of poor quality. The musicians did not hear each other or even themselves, they often lost their way, but the audience did not hear this and saw practically nothing, since the stage was set very far away for security purposes. I had to perform according to a clear program, there was no question of any improvisation and experiments on stage.
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John Lennon December 8, 1980 was killed by Mark Chapman, a

John Lennon December 8, 1980 was killed by Mark Chapman, a

US citizen, in New York. On the day of his death, he gave interviewers an interview, and then went with his wife to the house. Chapman took 5 shots at his back. Now Mark Chapman is in prison, where he is serving a life sentence. George Harrison died in 2001, November 29, from a brain tumor. He was treated for a long time, but the musician could not be saved. Paul McCartney is still alive; he is now 73 years old
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"The Beatles" is widely recognized as one of the most influential

"The Beatles" is widely recognized as one of the most influential

world groups, and often played on classic rock radio stations. Later bands, including great successes, copied "The Beatles". Although often imitated, creativity and skill.    This band, their music means a lot to me. And not just for me. Many people around the world love The Beatles. So I can say with certainty that they exist, because their music is loved to the present day. Part "The Beatles" lives in the hearts of people and will remain there forever.