Advantages and Disadvantages of Russian and foreign Education

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Introduction The aim of the research work is the comparison and


The aim of the research work is the comparison and analysis

of the Russian and foreign educational systems to find out the reasons for preference of the Russian students in favour of the foreign universities. In order to achieve the goal, it’s necessary to solve the following tasks: - To define the concept of «The Bologna Process»; - To learn the European system of the Higher education; - To compare Russian education with foreign, analyze the information; - To conduct a survey and study students’ and applicants’ opinions on this concept; - To conduct a survey and study scientists’ and pedagogues’ opinions on this concept; - To undertake the diagnostic study on the degree of the reflection of all the advantages and disadvantages, inherent in Russian and European educational systems. In this way the problem of the research work is to find out what are the reasons of the growing number of Russian graduates choosing European higher education. The objects of the research are the Russian and foreign European systems of the higher education. The subject is the detection of the advantages of foreign education and the influence on modern student’s personality and their life. Research methods used in the work: - Research and analysis of the literature; - Questionnaire of students/applicants and teachers.
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10 Main directions of the Bologna process: Adoption of a system

10 Main directions of the Bologna process:

Adoption of a system of

easily readable and comparable degrees;
Adoption of a system essentially based on two main cycles, undergraduate and graduate;
Establishment of a system of credits (in the ECTS);
Promotion of mobility by overcoming obstacles to the effective exercise of free movement;
Promotion of European co-operation in quality assurance with a view to developing comparable criteria and methodologies;
Promotion of the necessary European dimensions in higher education;
Doctoral studies and the synergy between the EHEA and ERA;
Lifelong learning;
Promoting the attractiveness of the European Higher Education Area;
Higher education institutions and students.
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Comparison «U21 Ranking of National Higher Education Systems» «World University Rankings 2018»


«U21 Ranking of National Higher Education Systems»

«World University Rankings 2018»

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Questionnaire Questionnaire for students. What university do you study now/ would


Questionnaire for students. 
What university do you study now/ would you like

to study?
How long does the educational process last? 
What bonuses are available to foreign students at the University?
What is the average price of education in this university?
What exams should you take in order to be accepted to this University? 
What are the features of the education system? 
What is the level of the local university’s infrastructure? 
What are the environmental conditions of the university? 
What are the advantages of getting exactly your specialization in this country? 
Does studying at the University in this country live up your expectations? Why? 

Questionnaire for students. 
What university do you study now/ would you like to study? 
How long does the educational process last? 
What bonuses are available to foreign students at the University? 
What is the average price of education in this university? 
What exams should you take in order to be accepted to this University? 
What are the features of the education system? 
What is the level of the local university’s infrastructure? 
What are the environmental conditions of the university? 
What are the advantages of getting exactly your specialization in this country? 
Does studying at the University in this country live up your expectations? Why? 

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Analysis of students’ points of view 1. Russian entrants give their

Analysis of students’ points of view

1. Russian entrants give their choice

in favor of the European system of the higher education. The most popular states were the United States of America, the Great Britain, Germany, Switzerland and Finland.
2. The average cost of studying abroad ranges from 4,000 $ to 25,000 $ (from 200,000 rubles to 1,100,000 rubles). The most expensive countries of the country are Hong Kong, the United States of America, Canada, Switzerland and the United Kingdom.
3. In order to become a full-fledged student abroad it’s necessary to pass international examinations in the level of knowledge of the English language (TOEFL, IELTS).
4. The average duration of study abroad is from 4 to 5 years. Besides, if an enrollee is a pupil of a Russian school, he will not be able to enter a foreign university at first. It’s important to finish a pre-graduate language course for it and after pass the exams.
5. The Russian education system considerably differs from the European system. The European system gives great opportunities, such as modern infrastructure, favorable environment, benefits, high level of specialists, extracurricular activities, flexible schedule and a wide range of scientific literature.
6. The level of the infrastructure in the European states is significantly higher, than in the Russian Federation.
7. The level of the surrounding cleanliness of European countries also seriously differs from the Russian level.
8. Foreign students have practically no privileges abroad. They are treated by the government on an equal basis with local students.
9. A distinctive feature of the European system of higher education is its mobility, flexibility, "the ability to catch the trends of time". Most of the European states have the narrow focus which can be offered the foreign student. So, for example, France student can receive one of the best skills in the world in the field of medicine, information science, in Germany – in the field of power. There are no such features in the Russian Federation.
10. Most respondents responded positively to the question of whether their expectations were justified.
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Analysis of teachers’ points of view 1. First of all, they

Analysis of teachers’ points of view

1. First of all, they can

get the qualified professional education with centuries-old experience. Besides, the level of educational conditions (infrastructure, environment, courses) is much higher than in Russia. The European system of education is focused on the interests of the student, which allows foreign students to choose the necessary disciplines and independent form their activities.
2. The majority of the interviewed specialists noted that the modern Russian system of higher education does not correspond to the level of technical progress.
3. The most significant problems of the Russian education system are the lack of infrastructure development, insufficiency of the Russian specialists in this field, the adverse level of the environment, small historical experience, and the lack of flexibility of the Russian education system.
4. The European system of higher education is quite controversial, it has many, both merits and shortcomings.
5. The Russian system of the higher education seriously differs from the European. The main features of the European education system are the autonomy, adaptivity, democratization and unity.
6. The most priority countries in the field of the education are the United States of America, Germany, France, Switzerland, Denmark and the Great Britain.
7. We should increase in financing of educational programs, introduction of modern technologies, infrastructure, expansion of social benefits for teachers, implementation of flexible parameters of the education system.
8. The main direction of modern education teachers should be the humanization of education.
9. The main areas are specialties connected with informatics, physics, chemistry and foreign language. The most advanced states are the United States of America, Germany, Belgium, the United Kingdom and the Czech Republic.
10. The Russian system of higher education has very vague prospects.
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Conclusions. To sum up our research work, we came to a


To sum up our research work, we came to a conclusion

about need of intensive transformations of the Russian system. The requirement of the higher education in Russia is on the highest possible level and the level of opportunities substantially does not correspond to them.
Also we marked out the main differences of foreign education systems from the Russian. By its structure, contents and directions, educational system of Russia, doubtless, is very close to the foreign one, however, the level of its quality is different. Like foreign countries, we have to dictate the high-quality to the higher education not as a privilege, but as a social conquest which provides all the people with equal chances.
However, the Russian specific features make an essential impact on a role of the Russian universities in the integration and internationalization of educational Area. In particular it’s noticeable because of the differences of the level of the higher education in regions and the center of the country.
It emphasizes need of detailed reforming of an educational system, expansion of availability of the higher education and change of state policy in the social sphere. Besides, we figured out the connection between conditions of receiving the higher education, their quality, and the personality of students. The possibility of self-development, high level of training, modern infrastructure, and personal growth makes Russian graduates go abroad. The prospects of European education allow their students to take a more prestigious position in society and build a successful career.
Foreign system of the higher education is much more advanced in comparison with ours. The Russian Federation has to make a lot of effort to get such a high level in the educational sphere in order to keep school – graduates from getting higher education abroad.
Nevertheless, the educational system of Russia for the last 10 years directed the education to integration with Europe and it should promote further improvement of quality of the Russian education system.
At the thought-over and weighed approach to the problem resolution which can impede at this stage the prestige of Russian universities on a global scale, it’s possible to turn into such factors which the uniqueness and effective mechanisms of functioning will promote strengthening of influence of higher education institutions of Russia on the rest of the world.
Anyway, education — is the base of future career. And that how strong will be this base, depends not only on a training system in general, but also on capabilities and efforts of the student. On the one hand, it’s important how valuable, useful and accessible are the knowledge received at the university, on the other - how well and diligently they are assimilated by the students themselves. Today quality education can be got as abroad, as in Russia. Careful choice of the university, study of the training plan and feedback of real graduates are important steps allowing avoiding frustration in the profession, loss of time and money.
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Conclusions. To sum up our research work, we came to a


To sum up our research work, we came to a conclusion

about need of intensive transformations of the Russian system. The requirement of the higher education in Russia is on the highest possible level and the level of opportunities substantially does not correspond to them.
Also we marked out the main differences of foreign education systems from the Russian. By its structure, contents and directions, educational system of Russia, doubtless, is very close to the foreign one, however, the level of its quality is different. Like foreign countries, we have to dictate the high-quality to the higher education not as a privilege, but as a social conquest which provides all the people with equal chances.
It emphasizes need of detailed reforming of an educational system, expansion of availability of the higher education and change of state policy in the social sphere. Besides, we figured out the connection between conditions of receiving the higher education, their quality, and the personality of students. The possibility of self-development, high level of training, modern infrastructure, and personal growth makes Russian graduates go abroad. The prospects of European education allow their students to take a more prestigious position in society and build a successful career.
Foreign system of the higher education is much more advanced in comparison with ours. The Russian Federation has to make a lot of effort to get such a high level in the educational sphere in order to keep school – graduates from getting higher education abroad.
Nevertheless, the educational system of Russia for the last 10 years directed the education to integration with Europe and it should promote further improvement of quality of the Russian education system.
At the thought-over and weighed approach to the problem resolution which can impede at this stage the prestige of Russian universities on a global scale, it’s possible to turn into such factors which the uniqueness and effective mechanisms of functioning will promote strengthening of influence of higher education institutions of Russia on the rest of the world.
Anyway, education — is the base of future career. And that how strong will be this base, depends not only on a training system in general, but also on capabilities and efforts of the student. On the one hand, it’s important how valuable, useful and accessible are the knowledge received at the university, on the other - how well and diligently they are assimilated by the students themselves. Today quality education can be got as abroad, as in Russia. Careful choice of the university, study of the training plan and feedback of real graduates are important steps allowing avoiding frustration in the profession, loss of time and money.