Hazardous Waste Management


Слайд 2

REVISION What did you learn last week? 1.11.2016 Environmental Administration and Legislation 2016

What did you learn last week?


Environmental Administration and Legislation 2016

Слайд 3

Hazardous Waste Management Collection – requirements for registers, containers and transportation.

Hazardous Waste Management

Collection – requirements for registers, containers and transportation.

– requirements on treatment facilities.
Disposal – requirements for HW landfills
Hazardous wastes can take the form of solids, liquids, sludges, or contained gases. This needs to be considered when deciding on the management options.


Environmental Administration and Legislation 2016

Слайд 4

REACH “The EU has modernised European chemicals legislation and established an


“The EU has modernised European chemicals legislation and established an integrated

system for the registration, evaluation, authorisation and restriction of chemicals.”
objective is to improve the protection of human health and the environment
European Chemicals Agency

Environmental Administration and Legislation 2016


Слайд 5

REACH: Registration The European Chemicals Agency is responsible for managing the

REACH: Registration

The European Chemicals Agency is responsible for managing the database,

receiving registration dossiers and developing technical guides aimed at helping manufacturers, importers and the competent authorities in implementing these provisions.
During the first eleven years of application of the REACH system, around 30 000 substances already on the market should be registered.


Environmental Administration and Legislation 2016

Слайд 6

REACH: Evaluation Evaluation can lead to the following conclusions: the substance

REACH: Evaluation

Evaluation can lead to the following conclusions:
the substance must be

subject to restriction or authorisation procedures;
the classification and labelling of the substance must be harmonised;

Environmental Administration and Legislation 2016


Слайд 7

REACH: Evaluation … information must be supplied to the other authorities

REACH: Evaluation

information must be supplied to the other authorities so that

they can adopt appropriate measures.
For example, if, while the substance is being evaluated, information on risk management measures become available and could have an impact on the conditions of use of that substance, the information should be transmitted to the authorities responsible for this legislation.

Environmental Administration and Legislation 2016


Слайд 8

REACH: Authorisation After inclusion of this substance any placing on the

REACH: Authorisation

After inclusion of this substance any placing on the market

and use of such chemical substances is subject to authorisation. This is granted if the risks arising from the substance in question can be validly controlled. If they cannot and if no alternative exists, the Commission is to assess the level of risk and the socio-economic advantages of using the substance and decide whether to authorise it or not.
Some substances, such as PBTs and vPvBs can be authorised only if the socio-economic advantages override the risks and there are no alternatives.

Environmental Administration and Legislation 2016


Слайд 9

REACH: Authorisation The burden of proof is placed on the applicant.

REACH: Authorisation

The burden of proof is placed on the applicant. All

authorisations must be reviewed after a certain period of time, determined on a case-by-case basis.
Downstream users may use a substance for an authorised use provided they obtain the substance from a company to which an authorisation has been granted and keep within the conditions of that authorisation.

Environmental Administration and Legislation 2016


Слайд 10

REACH: Restrictions The restriction procedure provides a safety net, making it

REACH: Restrictions
The restriction procedure provides a safety net, making it possible

to manage the risks which are not adequately covered by other provisions of the REACH system.

Environmental Administration and Legislation 2016


Слайд 11

REACH: Restrictions may relate to the conditions of manufacture, use(s) placing

REACH: Restrictions

may relate to
the conditions of manufacture,
placing on the

market of a substance, or the possible prohibition of such activities, if necessary.

Environmental Administration and Legislation 2016


Слайд 12

CLP Pictograms 1.11.2016 Environmental Administration and Legislation 2016 Please visit: echa.europa.eu

CLP Pictograms


Environmental Administration and Legislation 2016

Please visit: echa.europa.eu (link in Moodle)

for further information.
Слайд 13

Environmental Impact Assessment Environmental Administration and Legislation 2016 1.11.2016

Environmental Impact Assessment

Environmental Administration and Legislation 2016


Слайд 14

The Directives Directive 85/337/EEC on the assessment of the effects of

The Directives

Directive 85/337/EEC on the assessment of the effects of certain

public and private projects on the environment
Directive 2001/42/EC on the assessment of the effects of certain plans and programmes on the environment.

Environmental Administration and Legislation 2016


Слайд 15

Background International agreements: Espoo Convention, the Århus agreement Managing environmental impacts


International agreements: Espoo Convention, the Århus agreement
Managing environmental impacts throughout the

life cycle of a project:
EIA: reducing harms during the planning construction phases
IPPC licencing: reducing harms during the planning, construction, operation and closing phases.

Environmental Administration and Legislation 2016


Слайд 16

EIA procedure The European Union requires an environmental impact assessment to

EIA procedure

The European Union requires an environmental impact assessment to be

carried out before approval can be granted for certain public and private projects.
The Directive lists the projects concerned, the information to be provided and the third parties to be consulted in connection with approving such a project.

Environmental Administration and Legislation 2016


Слайд 17

EIA Directive Directive 85/337/EEC known as the "EIA“ Directive. Directive, requires

EIA Directive

Directive 85/337/EEC known as the "EIA“ Directive.
Directive, requires an assessment

to be carried out by the competent national authority for certain projects which have a physical effect on the environment.

Environmental Administration and Legislation 2016


Слайд 18

SEA - Directive Directive 2001/42/EC (known as the “SEA” Directive for

SEA - Directive

Directive 2001/42/EC (known as the “SEA” Directive for “Strategic

Environmental Assessment”) aims to supplement the EIA Directive (Directive 85/337/EEC).
requires certain plans and programmes, which are likely to have significant effects on the environment, to be subject to an environmental assessment. 

Environmental Administration and Legislation 2016


Слайд 19

To begin at the beginning… The environmental impact assessment must identify

To begin at the beginning…

The environmental impact assessment must identify the

direct and indirect effects of a project on:
man, the fauna and the flora,
the soil, water, air, the climate,
the landscape, the material assets and cultural heritage
and the interaction between these various elements.

Environmental Administration and Legislation 2016


Слайд 20

Projects An assessment is obligatory for certain projects: dangerous industrial facilities


An assessment is obligatory for certain projects:
dangerous industrial facilities such as

oil refineries, nuclear fuel or nuclear waste treatment facilities, integrated chemical installations;
power stations of more than 300 megawatts or nuclear power stations;
transport infrastructure such as railways, airports, motorways, inland waterways and ports when the infrastructure exceeds certain specific thresholds;
waste and water treatment facilities;
large mining facilities (large quarries, large gas or oil rigs);
water transport or storage facilities, and dams;
installations for the intensive rearing of poultry or pigs which exceed certain specific thresholds.
Look for a list in ANNEX II of the directive (and in relevant national legislation)!

Environmental Administration and Legislation 2016


Слайд 21

Projects requiring EIA Other projects are not automatically assessed. Member States

Projects requiring EIA

Other projects are not automatically assessed.
Member States can

decide to subject them to assessment on a case-by-case basis or according to thresholds, certain criteria (for example size), location (sensitive ecological areas in particular) and potential impact (surface affected, duration).

Environmental Administration and Legislation 2016


Слайд 22

The operator Contact authority The Public Authorities Interested parties EIA Programme

The operator

Contact authority

The Public
Interested parties

EIA Programme

EIA Report

Publication of the EIA Programme


and Statements

Opinions and Statements

Statement of the EIA Programme

Publication of the EIA Report

Statement of the EIA Report

Adjustment of the EIA Programme

End of EIA
-> env. permit procedure

Beginning of EIA

Слайд 23

EIA Procedure: EIA Programme The developer must provide the authority responsible

EIA Procedure: EIA Programme

The developer must provide the authority responsible for

approving the project with the following information as a minimum:
a description of the project (location, design and size);
data required to assess the main effects of the project on the environment;
possible measures to reduce significant adverse effects;
the main alternatives considered by the developer and the main reasons for this choice;
a non-technical summary of this information.
EIA Programme

Environmental Administration and Legislation 2016


Слайд 24

To whom? the competent environmental authorities likely to be consulted on

To whom?

the competent environmental authorities likely to be consulted on the

authorisation of the project;
the public:
information on the procedure for approving the project,
details of the authority responsible for approving or rejecting the project and
the possibility of public participation in the approval procedure;
other Member States, if the project is likely to have transboundary effects.

Environmental Administration and Legislation 2016


Слайд 25

EIA Procedure: EIA Programme The competent authority must duly publicise the

EIA Procedure: EIA Programme

The competent authority must duly publicise the EIA

programme, collect the resultant opinions and statements from interested parties.
Citizens, the authorities and other interested parties are all able to contribute to the materials used in decision-making.
The finalised programme define which alternative implementation plans and impacts should be assessed for the development concerned during the planning stage.

Environmental Administration and Legislation 2016


Слайд 26

The operator Contact authority The Public Authorities Interested parties EIA Programme

The operator

Contact authority

The Public
Interested parties

EIA Programme

EIA Report

Publication of the EIA Programme


and Statements

Opinions and Statements

Statement of the EIA Programme

Publication of the EIA Report

Statement of the EIA Report

Adjustment of the EIA Programme

End of EIA
-> env. permit procedure

Beginning of EIA

Слайд 27

EIA: Assessment Assessment described in the EIA Programme is then carried

EIA: Assessment

Assessment described in the EIA Programme is then carried out

man, the fauna and the flora,
the soil, water, air, the climate,
the landscape, the material assets and cultural heritage
and the interaction between these various elements
are assessed and reported on the EIA report.

Environmental Administration and Legislation 2016


Слайд 28

The operator Contact authority The Public Authorities Interested parties EIA Programme

The operator

Contact authority

The Public
Interested parties

EIA Programme

EIA Report

Publication of the EIA Programme


and Statements

Opinions and Statements

Statement of the EIA Programme

Publication of the EIA Report

Statement of the EIA Report

Adjustment of the EIA Programme

End of EIA
-> env. permit procedure

Beginning of EIA

Слайд 29

EIA report and EIA statement The competent authority must duly publicise

EIA report and EIA statement

The competent authority must duly publicise the

EIA report, collect the resultant opinions and statements from interested parties, and ultimately issue its own official statement with reference to other parties' opinions.
The EIA process is concluded when the regional environment authority issues its official statement on the EIA report.

Environmental Administration and Legislation 2016


Слайд 30

The operator Contact authority The Public Authorities Interested parties EIA Programme

The operator

Contact authority

The Public
Interested parties

EIA Programme

EIA Report

Publication of the EIA Programme


and Statements

Opinions and Statements

Statement of the EIA Programme

Publication of the EIA Report

Statement of the EIA Report

Adjustment of the EIA Programme

End of EIA
-> env. permit procedure

Beginning of EIA

Слайд 31

To conclude the procedure The following information must be made available

To conclude the procedure

The following information must be made available to

the public and to the other Member States concerned:
the approval or rejection of the project and any conditions associated with it;
the principal arguments upon which the decision was based after examination of the results of the public consultation, including information on the process of public participation;
any measures to reduce the adverse effects of the project.
In accordance with national legislation, Member States must ensure that the interested parties can challenge the decision in court.

Environmental Administration and Legislation 2016


Слайд 32

Key Definitions* EIAP - EIA Programme EIA (assessment itself) EIAR -EIA

Key Definitions*

EIAP - EIA Programme
EIA (assessment itself)
EIAR -EIA Report
EIAS -EIA Statement


Administration and Legislation 2016


Слайд 33

EIA of Plans, Programmes and Policies EIA is now extended to

EIA of Plans, Programmes and Policies

EIA is now extended to plans

“The authorities must investigate and assess the environmental impacts of the plans, programmes and policies they are preparing if the implementation of these may have a significant effect on:
human health,
the natural environment and biodiversity,
the built environment, the landscape or natural resources.”

Environmental Administration and Legislation 2016


Слайд 34

Case Example: EIA Programme Extension of the Olkiluoto Nuclear Power Plant

Case Example:
EIA Programme
Extension of the Olkiluoto Nuclear Power Plant by

a Fourth Unit

Environmental Administration and Legislation 2016


Слайд 35

Case Example: EIA Programme Extension of the Olkiluoto Nuclear Power Plant

Case Example: EIA Programme

Extension of the Olkiluoto Nuclear Power Plant by

a Fourth Unit
“The environmental impact assessment programme (EIA programme) is a plan for arranging an environmental impact assessment procedure and required reviews.”
“The EIA programme shall be submitted to the coordinating authority at the initial stage of the EIA procedure. The Ministry of Trade and Industry acts as the coordinating authority for projects associated with nuclear facilities as referred to in the Nuclear Energy Act”

Environmental Administration and Legislation 2016


Слайд 36

Case Example: EIA Programme “On the assignment of Teollisuuden Voima Oy

Case Example: EIA Programme

“On the assignment of Teollisuuden Voima Oy (TVO),

Pöyry Energy Oy has prepared this EIA programme for the nuclear power plant unit planned in Olkiluoto”
“According to Section 4 of the EIA Act (468/1994), projects subject to the environmental impact assessment procedure are specified in more detail by Council of State Decree. According to point 7 b) in the list of projects within Chapter 2, Section 6 of the EIA Decree (713/2006), nuclear power plants are included in projects subject to the assessment procedure.”

Environmental Administration and Legislation 2016


Слайд 37

Case Example: EIA Programme Provides general information on: Organisation responsible for

Case Example: EIA Programme
Provides general information on:
Organisation responsible for the

Purpose and justification for the project
Location and need for land
Project schedule
Links to other projects, plans and programmes

Environmental Administration and Legislation 2016


Слайд 38

Case Example: EIA Programme “The objective of the environmental impact assessment

Case Example: EIA Programme
“The objective of the environmental impact assessment (EIA)

procedure is to promote the assessment and uniform observation of environmental impacts in planning and decision-making. Another objective of the procedure is to increase the opportunities for citizens to receive information, become involved in the planning of projects and express their opinion.”

Environmental Administration and Legislation 2016


Слайд 39

Case Example: EIA Programme “The EIA programme will present: the options

Case Example: EIA Programme

“The EIA programme will present:
the options under

the present state of the environment
the environmental impacts of the various options and the zero-option, as well as the significance of these impacts
a comparison of the assessed options
measures to prevent and mitigate adverse impacts
a proposal for an environmental impact assessment monitoring programme
actions taken to facilitate interaction and involvement during the EIA procedure
how the Ministry’s statement on the EIA programme has been taken into account in the assessment.”

Environmental Administration and Legislation 2016


Слайд 40

Case Example: EIA Programme “Plan for Communications and Participation: Audit group

Case Example: EIA Programme

“Plan for Communications and Participation:
Audit group work
Small group

Information and discussion events on the project’s environmental impacts
Public display of the assessment programme and international hearing
The coordinating authority’s statement on the EIA programme
Other communications”

Environmental Administration and Legislation 2016


Слайд 41

Case Example: EIA Programme “The Options Under Assessment: Zero-option: no nuclear

Case Example: EIA Programme

“The Options Under Assessment:
Zero-option: no nuclear power plant

unit will be constructed at Olkiluoto
Implementation options (optional sites)
Option excluded from the investigation: energy conservation”

Environmental Administration and Legislation 2016


Слайд 42

Case Example: EIA Programme “Technical description of the power plant unit:

Case Example: EIA Programme

“Technical description of the power plant unit:
Operating principles

of the planned nuclear power plant unit
Procurement of fuel
Spent fuel
Operating waste and other wastes
Radioactive emissions
Other emissions
Water requirements and supply
Cooling and waste water”

Environmental Administration and Legislation 2016


Слайд 43

Case Example: EIA Programme “Present State of the Environment: Land use

Case Example: EIA Programme

“Present State of the Environment:
Land use planning
Functions located

in and around the area
Landscape and cultural environment
People and communities
Traffic and noise
Soil, bedrock and groundwater
Air quality and climate
The state and use of waters
Flora and fauna
Conservation areas

Environmental Administration and Legislation 2016


Слайд 44

Case Example: EIA Programme “Environmental Impact Assessment and the Methods Used:

Case Example: EIA Programme

“Environmental Impact Assessment and the Methods Used:
Assessment of

environmental impacts during construction
Assessment of environmental impacts during operation
Assessment of zero-option impacts
Comparison between alternatives”

Environmental Administration and Legislation 2016


Слайд 45

Case Example: EIA Programme “Mitigation of adverse impacts: The possibilities for

Case Example: EIA Programme

“Mitigation of adverse impacts:
The possibilities for preventing

or mitigating the adverse impacts of the project, and its associated projects, by means of design or implementation will be investigated during the assessment work. A report on the mitigation measures and nuclear safety systems will be presented in the assessment report.”

Environmental Administration and Legislation 2016


Слайд 46

Case Example: EIAP Statement Extension of the Olkiluoto Nuclear Power Plant

Case Example:
EIAP Statement
Extension of the Olkiluoto Nuclear Power Plant by

a Fourth Unit

Environmental Administration and Legislation 2016


Слайд 47

Case Example: Statement of the EIA Programme Public Display of the

Case Example: Statement of the EIA Programme

Public Display of the EIA

Programme and international hearing:
36 Statements
18 Opinions
The coordinating authority’s statement on the EIA programme:
Meets the contents requirements of EIA legislation
Has been handled in the manner required by the legislation

Environmental Administration and Legislation 2016


Слайд 48

Case Example: EIA (the assessment) Extension of the Olkiluoto Nuclear Power

Case Example:
EIA (the assessment)
Extension of the Olkiluoto Nuclear Power Plant

by a Fourth Unit

Environmental Administration and Legislation 2016


Слайд 49

Case Example: EIA (assessment itself) Carried out according to the plan

Case Example: EIA (assessment itself)

Carried out according to the plan (programme),

taking into consideration possible changes as suggested in opinions and statements.
Assessment includes assessing possible impacts on:
man, the fauna and the flora,
the soil, water, air, the climate,
the landscape, the material assets and cultural heritage
and the interaction between these various elements.

Environmental Administration and Legislation 2016


Слайд 50

Case Example: EIA Report Extension of the Olkiluoto Nuclear Power Plant

Case Example:
EIA Report
Extension of the Olkiluoto Nuclear Power Plant by

a Fourth Unit

Environmental Administration and Legislation 2016


Слайд 51

Case Example: EIA Report (summary) Extension of the Olkiluoto Nuclear Power

Case Example: EIA Report (summary)

Extension of the Olkiluoto Nuclear Power Plant

by a Fourth Unit (link in Moodle).
p. 6 “Impacts of the Project”
p. 11 “Comparison between alterntives”
“Once the EIA report is completed, citizens may present their opinions on it. Authorities will provide statements on the EIA report.”

Environmental Administration and Legislation 2016


Слайд 52

Case Example: EIA Statement Extension of the Olkiluoto Nuclear Power Plant

Case Example:
EIA Statement
Extension of the Olkiluoto Nuclear Power Plant by

a Fourth Unit

Environmental Administration and Legislation 2016


Слайд 53

Case Example: EIA Statement Statement by Ministry of Employment and Economy:

Case Example: EIA Statement

Statement by Ministry of Employment and Economy:

“The Ministry of Employment and the Economy finds the EIA report essentially adequate, but certain topics require further clarification before the consideration of the application, submitted by TVO on 25 April 2008 on the construction of a nuclear power plant, with a view to arriving at a decision-in-principle, can commence regarding the application’s essential parts. Section 4.7 contains a summary on the issues that should be handled in the supplementary report.”

Environmental Administration and Legislation 2016
