Profession programmer

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Profession programmer Plan: Where and how did programming come from. The

Profession programmer

Where and how did programming come from.
The very first computers

programming has affected people's lives.
How many programming languages exist now?
My assessment of the need for programming in modern life.
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Where and how did programming come from. A programmer is a

Where and how did programming come from.

A programmer is a specialist

who develops software for various types of computing systems. The first programmable device is considered to be a jacquard loom, built in 1804 by Joseph Marie Jacquard. A great contribution to programming was made by Countess Ada Augusta Lovelace, who on July 19, 1843, as is commonly believed, wrote the first program in the history of mankind for an Analytical engine.
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The very first computers. The very first computer officially recognized. The

The very first computers.

The very first computer officially recognized. The Mark-1

programmable machine is considered to be officially registered as the very first computer. Initially, its main purpose was to serve for the benefit of the military. After a series of tests, which were successful, in 1944 the computer was put into operation. It was created by IBM engineers and Harvard mathematician Howard Akeson.
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How programming has affected people's lives. By 2020, programming had become

How programming has affected people's lives.

By 2020, programming had become so

deeply embedded in everyday life that people stopped noticing how life had changed. Hundreds of thousands of familiar things would not exist without programming or would be much less convenient to use. Familiar household appliances: microwave oven, washing machine - work thanks to the programs built into them. Just 50 years ago, it was impossible to imagine how easy it would be to find any necessary information, how much more economically the time spent on solving some tasks would be used.
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1. Python Год создания: 1991 Сложность изучения: ⅖ Распространеность: 5/5 Now

1. Python
Год создания: 1991 Сложность изучения: ⅖ Распространеность: 5/5

Now it is

the most popular language, without which it is difficult to start the path to programming. Knowing only him, you will be able to create robots, artificial intelligence and bots for Telegram, automate processes, make web projects and engage in scientific research.

2. JavaScript
Год создания: 1995

was very different from the modern one – basically the sites of the Web 1.0 era consisted of text and hyperlinks. Therefore, programmer Brendan Eich came up with the JavaScript language to diversify Internet content and make it dynamic. In addition, it could be quickly mastered by people without a serious technical background.

3. Java
Год создания: 1995

Сложность изучения: ⅖ Сложность изучения: ⅘

Распространеность: 5/5 Распространеность 5/5 The Internet in the 90s

Java has almost nothing in common with JavaScript - except for 4 letters in the name. Java has been in the top of the most popular languages for decades and has been the real king of the corporate sector. The server software of almost all banks is written on it.

5. C++

Год создания: 1983

Сложность изучения: 5/5

Распространеность: ⅘

C++ became the evolution of the C language, surpassed it in many ways. Bjorn Stroustrup, like Dennis Ritchie, was an employee of Bell Labs. He added to C the ability to work with classes and objects.

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I believe that without programming and technology, people would not move

I believe that without programming and technology, people would not move

on, and it would be incredibly difficult to do everyday things. The basics of programming nowadays are taught at school in the process of studying computer science. Of course, this is far from the knowledge that C++ courses provide for novice programmers, but with their help, the child is already beginning to understand what it is. It is worth noting that in fact programming is not such a simple subject as it seems to many at first glance, although some even perceive it as a hobby. Programming itself is in demand in almost all spheres of our life, as a result of which there is hardly any doubt about its practical benefits.

My assessment of the need for programming in modern life.