Dorset and Thule, Tatyana Shpanchuk, 21-EG

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Whalebone used in the building of an ancient Thule home.

Stone remains of a Dorset longhouse near Cambridge Bay, Nunavut

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DORSET CULTURE The Dorset was a Paleo-Eskimo culture, lasting from 500


The Dorset was a Paleo-Eskimo culture, lasting from 500 BC

to between AD 1000 and 1500, that followed the Pre-Dorset and preceded the Inuit in the Arctic of North America. It is named after Cape Dorset in Nunavut, Canada, where the first evidence of its existence was found. The culture has been defined as having four phases due to the distinct differences in the technologies relating to hunting and tool making. Artifacts include distinctive triangular end-blades, soapstone lamps, and burins.
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The Dorset were first identified as a separate culture in 1925.

The Dorset were first identified as a separate culture in 1925. The

Dorset appear to have been extinct by 1500 at the latest and perhaps as early as 1000. The Thule people, who began migrating east from Alaska in the 11th century, ended up spreading through the lands previously inhabited by the Dorset. There is no strong evidence that the Inuit and Dorset ever met. Modern genetic studies show the Dorset population were distinct from later groups and that "[t]here was virtually no evidence of genetic or cultural interaction between the Dorset and the Thule peoples."
Inuit legends recount them encountering people they called the Tuniit (singular Tuniq) or Sivullirmiut "First Inhabitants". According to legend, the first Inhabitants were giants, taller and stronger than the Inuit but afraid to interact and "easily put to flight.« There is also a controversial theory of contact and trade between the Dorset and the Norse promoted by Patricia Sutherland.

Dorset carving of a polar bear found on Igloolik Island

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In 1925 anthropologist Diamond Jenness received some odd artifacts from Cape

In 1925 anthropologist Diamond Jenness received some odd artifacts from Cape

Dorset. As they were quite different from those of the Inuit, he speculated that they were indicative of an ancient, preceding culture. Jenness named the culture "Dorset" after the location of the find. These artifacts showed a consistent and distinct cultural pattern that included sophisticated art distinct from that of the Inuit. For example, the carvings featured uniquely large hairstyles for women, and figures of both sexes wearing hoodless parkas with large, tall collars. Much research since then has revealed many details of the Dorset people and their culture

Dorset carving of a marine mammal

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HISTORY The origins of the Dorset people are not well understood.


The origins of the Dorset people are not well understood. They

may have developed from the previous cultures of Pre-Dorset, Saqqaq or (less likely) Independence I. There are, however, problems with this theory: these earlier cultures had bow and arrow technology which the Dorsets lacked. Possibly, due to a shift from terrestrial to aquatic hunting, the bow and arrow became lost to the Dorset. Another piece of technology that is missing from the Dorset are drills: there are no drill holes in Dorset artifacts. Instead, the Dorset gouged lenticular holes. For example, bone needles are common in Dorset sites, but they have long and narrow holes that have been painstakingly carved or gouged. Both the Pre-Dorset and Thule (Inuit) had drills.

Stylized ivory amulet from the Dorset culture, found in Labrador or Quebec, Canada

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Dorset culture and history is divided into periods: the Early (500–1

Dorset culture and history is divided into periods: the Early (500–1

BC), Middle (AD 1–500), and Late phases (500–1000), as well as perhaps a Terminal phase (from c. 1000 onwards). The Terminal phase, if it existed, would likely be closely related to the onset of the Medieval Warm Period, which started to warm the Arctic considerably around the mid-10th century. With the warmer climates, the sea ice became less predictable and was isolated from the High Arctic.

The Dorset were highly adapted to living in a very cold climate, and much of their food is thought to have been from hunting sea mammals that breathe through holes in the ice. The massive decline in sea-ice which the Medieval Warm Period produced would have strongly affected the Dorset. They could have followed the ice north. Most of the evidence suggests that they disappeared some time between 1000 and 1500. Scientists have suggested that they disappeared because they were unable to adapt to climate change[7] or that they were vulnerable to newly introduced disease.

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The Dorset adaptation was different from that of the whaling-based Thule

The Dorset adaptation was different from that of the whaling-based Thule

Inuit. Unlike the Inuit, they rarely hunted land animals, such as polar bears and caribou. They did not use bows or arrows. Instead, they seem to have relied on seals and other sea mammals that they apparently hunted from holes in the ice. Their clothing must have been adapted to the extreme conditions.
Triangular end-blades and burins are diagnostic of the Dorset. The end-blades were hafted onto harpoon heads. They primarily used the harpoons to hunt seal, but also hunted larger sea mammals such as walrus and narwhals. They made kudlik lamps from soapstone and filled them with seal oil. Burins were a type of stone flake with a chisel-like edge. They were probably either used for engraving or for carving wood or bone. The burins were also used by Pre-Dorset groups and had distinctive mitten shape.
The Dorset were highly skilled at making refined miniature carvings, and striking masks. Both indicate an active shamanistic tradition. The Dorset culture was remarkably homogeneous across the Canadian Arctic, but there were some important variations which have been noted in both Greenland and Newfoundland/Labrador regions.

The Dorset Parallel harpoon head: one of the most common among the Dorset

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There appears to be no genetic connection between the Dorset and

There appears to be no genetic connection between the Dorset and

the Thule who replaced them.
Archaeological and legendary evidence is often thought to support some cultural contact, but this has been questioned. The Thule, for instance, engaged in seal-hole hunting, a method which requires several steps and includes the use of dogs. The Thule apparently did not use this technique in the time they had previously spent in Alaska. Settlement pattern data has been used to claim that the Dorset also extensively used a breathing-hole sealing technique and perhaps they would have taught this to the Inuit. But this has been questioned on the grounds that there is no evidence that the Dorset had dogs.

Some elders describe peace with an ancient group of people, while others describe conflict.
The Sadlermiut were a people living in near isolation mainly on and around Coats Island, Walrus Island, and Southampton Island in Hudson Bay up until 1902–03. Encounters with Europeans and exposure to infectious disease caused the deaths of the last members of the Sadlermiut.
However a subsequent 2012 genetic analysis showed no genetic link between the Sadlermiut and the Dorset.

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THULE CULTURE Thule culture, prehistoric culture that developed along the Arctic


Thule culture, prehistoric culture that developed along the Arctic coast

in northern Alaska, possibly as far east as the Amundsen Gulf. Starting about 900 CE, it spread eastward rapidly and reached Greenland (Kalaallit Nunaat) by the 12th century. It continued to develop in the central areas of Arctic Canada, and cultural communication persisted between these Eastern Thule and the Western Thule of Alaska from approximately 1300 to 1700.

Thule settlement
Remains of a Thule settlement, Ukkusiksalik National Park, Nunavut, Canada.

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HISTORY The Thule Tradition lasted from about 200 BC to AD


The Thule Tradition lasted from about 200 BC to AD 1600

around the Bering Strait, the Thule people being the prehistoric ancestors of the Inuit who now live in Northern Labrador. Thule culture was mapped out by Therkel Mathiassen, following his participation as an archaeologist and cartographer of the Fifth Danish Expedition to Arctic America in 1921–1924. He excavated sites on Baffin Island and the northwestern Hudson Bay region, which he considered to be the remains of a highly developed Eskimo whaling culture that had originated in Alaska and moved to Arctic Canada approximately 1000 years ago. There are three stages of development leading up to Thule culture; they are Okvik/Old Bering Sea, Punuk, Birnirk, and then Thule culture. These groups of peoples have been referred to as "Neo-Eskimo" cultures, which are differentiated from the earlier Norton Tradition.
There are several stages of the Thule tradition: Old Bering Sea Stage, Punuk Stage, and Birnirk Stage. These stages represent variations of the Thule Tradition as it expanded over time. The Thule Tradition replaced the Dorset Tradition in the Eastern Arctic and introduced both kayaks and umiaks, or skin covered boats, into the archaeological record as well as developed new uses for iron and copper and demonstrated advanced harpoon technology and use of bowhead whales, the largest animal in the Arctic. and spread across the coasts of Labrador and Greenland. It is the most recent "neo-Eskimo" culture.
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Because Thule people resided in the Arctic, their economies were oriented

Because Thule people resided in the Arctic, their economies were oriented

toward hunting. Settlements of permanent houses built of whale bones, skin, and sod, some of them semisubterranean, were located near the seashore. Snowhouses were built during winter journeys inland to hunt terrestrial mammals, and skin tents were probably used for the same purposes in summer. Whales, seals, walrus, polar bears, caribou, musk oxen, and smaller mammals were hunted, while birds, fish, mussels, and wild plants were collected. Kayaks (one-man covered skin boats), umiaks (large, open, skin boats), and dog-drawn sleds provided transportation. Stone lamps and cooking pots, ground-slate implements, and whalebone artifacts were characteristic of the culture. Thule art includes small carved ivory or wooden figures, possibly used for magic or religious purposes or as game pieces.