Hiking tourism

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The idea of taking a walk in the countryside for pleasure

The idea of taking a walk in the countryside for pleasure

developed in the 18th-century, and arose because of changing attitudes to the landscape and nature, associated with the Romantic movement. In earlier times walking generally indicated poverty and was also associated with vagrancy.


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Hiking is the preferred term, in Canada and the United States,

Hiking is the preferred term, in Canada and the United States,

for a long, vigorous walk, usually
on trails (footpaths), in the countryside, while
the word walking is used for shorter, particularly urban walks. The term "bushwalking" is endemic to Australia, having been adopted by the Sydney Bush Walkers club in 1927. In New Zealand a long, vigorous walk or hike is called tramping. It is a popular activity with numerous hiking organizations worldwide, and studies suggest that all forms of walking have health benefits.


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Hiking sometimes involves bushwhacking and is sometimes referred to as such.

Hiking sometimes involves bushwhacking and is sometimes referred to as such.

This specifically refers to difficult walking through dense forest, undergrowth, or bushes, where forward progress requires pushing vegetation aside. In extreme cases of bushwhacking, where the vegetation is so dense that human passage is impeded, a machete is used to clear a pathway. Common terms for hiking used by New Zealanders are tramping (particularly for overnight and longer trips), walking or bushwalking. Trekking is the preferred word used to describe multi-day hiking in the mountainous regions of India, Pakistan, Nepal, North America, South America, Iran and in the highlands of East Africa. Hiking a long-distance trail from end-to-end is also referred to as trekking and as thru-hiking in some places. In North America, multi-day hikes, usually with camping, are referred to as backpacking.


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Dog hiking – hiking with dogs that carry a pack Nordic

Dog hiking – hiking with dogs that carry a pack
Nordic Walking – fitness

walking with poles
Scrambling – "non-technical" rock climbing or mountaineering, or "technical" hiking
Waterfalling – aka waterfall hunting and waterfall hiking, is hiking with the purpose of finding and enjoying waterfalls


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Frequently nowadays long-distance hikes (walking tours) are undertaken along long-distance paths,

Frequently nowadays long-distance hikes (walking tours) are undertaken along long-distance paths,

including the:
National Trails in England and Wales
National Trail System in the United States
Grande Randonnée (France)
Lange-afstand-wandelpaden (Holland)
Grande Rota (Portugal)
Gran Recorrido (Spain)


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There are extensive networks in other European countries of long-distance trails,

There are extensive networks in other European countries of long-distance trails,

as well as in Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Nepal, and to a lesser extent other Asiatic countries, like Turkey, Israel, and Jordan. In the Alps of Austria, Slovenia, Switzerland, Germany, France, and Italy walking tours are often made from 'hut-to-hut', using an extensive system of mountain huts.
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The equipment required for hiking depends on the length of the

The equipment required for hiking depends on the length of the

hike, but day hikers generally carry at least water, food, a map, and rain-proof gear. Hikers usually wear sturdy hiking boots for mountain walking and backpacking, as protection from the rough terrain, as well as providing increased stability.


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The Mountaineers club recommends a list of "Ten Essentials“: compass trekking

The Mountaineers club recommends a list of "Ten Essentials“:
trekking pole
a flashlight

first aid kit
a fire starter
Proponents of ultra light backpacking argue that long lists of required items for multi-day hikes increases pack weight, and hence fatigue and the chance of injury. Instead, they recommend reducing pack weight, in order to make hiking long distances easier. Even the use of hiking boots on long-distances hikes is controversial among ultra light hikers, because of their weight