International Communication “Germany”

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Bread, in the form of a loaf (Brot) or a small,

Bread, in the form of a loaf (Brot) or a small,

usually crusty roll (Brötchen), is an important part of the cuisine, which is eaten all over the country and served with most German dishes. Bread is enjoyed with most meals, especially breakfast and dinner, but also at lunch (usually considered the main meal of the day), which will often be served with rolls on the side.

Traditional dishes

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Traditional dishes A Kartoffelpuffer is similar to a swiss 'Rosti': a

Traditional dishes

A Kartoffelpuffer is similar to a swiss 'Rosti': a

shallow fried pancake made from grated potatoes, egg, and flour. It is sometimes eaten with eggs and bacon for breakfast in Germany, as a side with meat for lunch or dinner, or alone with applesauce.
Bratkartoffeln, on the other hand, are more like sauté or hashed potatoes, where small chunks or chips of potatoes are parboiled and then fried with onion and sometimes bacon.
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Stereotypes 1. Germans are unfriendly My take is that a lot


1. Germans are unfriendly
My take is that a lot of Germans

are just more particular about when they socialize. If you’re in a space that’s made for socializing — anything from a dinner party to a nightclub or even a dating app — that cold shoulder you get in public will usually melt away, and bam, you’ve got new German friends.
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2. German food is terrible Stereotypes Even stereotypically German food —

2. German food is terrible


Even stereotypically German food — sausage, spaetzle,

sauerkraut — can be done well. It’s somewhat fair to say that German food tends to be lighter on some seasoning, so high-quality grains, meat, and veggies make more of an impact on flavor. So, keep an eye out for restaurants and stores that offer good produce and you might just develop a soft spot for some German cuisine.
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3. Germans love cars Stereotypes Not exactly — while car ownership

3. Germans love cars


Not exactly — while car ownership in Germany is

pretty common, countries like Italy and Poland have more cars per person. And there isn’t as large a driving culture that other big car-making countries like the U.S. have. Public transport is robust, frequent, and covers most of the country, and research suggests it’s no more or less car-focused than anywhere else in Europe.
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A Badly Timed “Happy Birthday” in Germany Brings Bad Luck Superstitions

A Badly Timed “Happy Birthday” in Germany Brings Bad Luck


In many

cultures wishing someone happy birthday before the actual day can do no harm. It’s done preemptively, better early than never. Got a birthday coming up in a few days? Here, have a hearty old “Happy Birthday!”. Not so in Germany! Wishing someone happy birthday before the actual date, even just a few hours before midnight is said to bring bad luck. Far from being an old lady’s superstition this is still a widely held belief, and failing to respect this will confound or even irritate people.
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Crossing Your Fingers Means You’re Lying Superstitions In many cultures wishing

Crossing Your Fingers Means You’re Lying


In many cultures wishing someone happy

birthday before the actual day can do no harm. It’s done preemptively, better early than never. Got a birthday coming up in a few days? Here, have a hearty old “Happy Birthday!”. Not so in Germany! Wishing someone happy birthday before the actual date, even just a few hours before midnight is said to bring bad luck. Far from being an old lady’s superstition this is still a widely held belief, and failing to respect this will confound or even irritate people.
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Leaving Without Goodbye Superstitions Saying hello and goodbye is serious business

Leaving Without Goodbye


Saying hello and goodbye is serious business in Germany.

As you may know, Germans are vigorous hand-shakers. Even if you meet a larger group, it’s not uncommon to go through the whole awkward ceremony of individually shaking everyone’s mittens.