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Travelling Hello my name is Milana and its my blog about


Hello my name is Milana and its my blog about travel.

Today we will discuss what travel is for and you will hear my personal opinion.
Travelling to new and interesting countries has always attracted people. It’s like a part of routine. People work for some time and then they travel during their holidays. The choice of a place depends on their interests and wishes, on their fin. The fact that people travel to other places has many reasons. First of all, it’s always nice to stay in a different place for a change. Secondly, many people are interested in seeing new sights, exploring different cultures and else. Finally, travelling allows simply to relax and have a good time.The history if travelling is quite long. The first travelers were explorers. They travelled to discover new lands, to find fame and wealth. In spite of all possible dangers on the way they continued sailing to far distances.


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Travelling 01.04.2022 The most popular way to spend a holiday in



The most popular way to spend a holiday in our country

is a journey to the beach. Everybody enjoys relaxing under the sun and near the sea.
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Travelling In fact, I would really like to fly to the


In fact, I would really like to fly to the USA.

But unfortunately, now is a very turning point in the country. Therefore, it remains only to dream. If I were in the USA, I would immediately visit the state of Canada. If you believe the Internet, this is the cleanest and most hospitable area.


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Travelling My dear ones, I wish you all your dreams come


My dear ones, I wish you all your dreams come true.

You rested where you wanted. And so that everything is good in your life. I kiss you, bye to everyone!
