website revision request

Слайд 2

For all of visitor submitted request in forms such as, Contact

For all of visitor submitted request in forms such as, Contact

us, quick-quote, feedback, sales page submit form, they are all needed to be sent to my email; (please refer to next slide for my detailed requirements). At the same time, those requests are needed to be saved in my server.
Revise all of my link. For example: my sales website right is: I want to change the sales website to be:

Time to delivery revision

Слайд 3

This is an example from Detailed request:in all of Sales,

This is an example from

Detailed request:in all of Sales, Quick

quote, Contact, three webpages,after visitor’s form submission, the website needs to be redirected to another webpage. In the new redirected webpage, it will contains visitor’s submitted info such as:name,company,email,phone,and comments;after that, the website also needs to send submitted info to both my email and visitor’s email。

Submit form-example

Redirected website-example

Email sent to me and visitor-example