The judiciary of Russia, the powers

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The Supreme Court of the Russian Federation is the highest judicial

The Supreme Court of the Russian Federation is the highest judicial

body for civil cases, the resolution of economic disputes, criminal, administrative cases and other cases that are subject to jurisdiction by the courts of general jurisdiction;
Слайд 3

-Supervision of common vessels; -Considers cases as a court of appellate

-Supervision of common vessels;
-Considers cases as a court of appellate and

cassation instances, in the order of supervision and on newly discovered circumstances, and in cases provided for by federal law - also as a court of first instance;
-Higher court in relation to the supreme courts of the republics, regional and regional courts, courts of cities of federal significance, courts of the autonomous region and autonomous districts, district and naval military courts;
-Studies and summarizes judicial practice, analyzes judicial statistics and provides explanations on judicial practice;
-Resolves within its powers issues arising from international treaties of the Russian Federation, the USSR and the RSFSR.