Baikal is a natural monument of UNESCO

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Baikal is a natural monument of UNESCO

Baikal is a natural
monument of UNESCO

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Baikal - surprising beauty the lake, unique creation of the nature,

Baikal - surprising beauty the lake, unique creation of the nature,

crystal-clear water …
Probably each person to a greater or lesser extent has heard a lot about the deepest lake on our planet. There are a lot of picturesque bays, there are excellent beaches, coast decorate fancy rocks and rocky exposures.
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Baikal was located in the form of a narrow blue half

Baikal was located in the form of a narrow blue half

moon almost in the center of Eurasia, among high ridges of the Baikal mountain region. In length the lake was stretched on 636 km, in width – on 80 km. On Baikal Square it is equal to 31 470 that is comparable with an area of Belgium.
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C:\Users\Маким\Desktop\hSsf0bQtfcKINfhehYhN.jpg The Baikal water is unique and surprising as Baikal. She


The Baikal water is unique and surprising as Baikal. She is

unusually transparent, pure and oxygenated. Not so long ago this water was considered curative, with her help diseases treated. In the spring transparency of the Baikal water makes 40 m. Such high transparency is explained by the fact that the Baikal water, thanks to activity of the live organisms living in her is very poorly mineralized and close to distilled. Water volume in Baikal about 23 thousand cubic kilometers that makes 20% of world and 90% of the Russian reserves of fresh water. In Baikal it is more water, than in all five Great American Lakes combined (22725 cubic km).
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In Lake Baikal there live 2367 animal species and 680 species

In Lake Baikal there live 2367 animal species and 680

species of plants. About 85% of the animal species inhabiting open Baikal are endemic, i.e. are available only in this area, among endemics – such key elements of a lake ecosystem as a crustacean-epishura, the Baikal omul and a seal (the Baikal seal), and also viviparous fishes – golomyanka, plus a number of rare forms of water invertebrates (a sponge, crayfish-bokoplavy, etc.). Natural encirclement of Baikal is of huge value in itself: it is the extensive woods and swamps, the richest fauna and flora, exotic Alpine forms of a relief (glacial lakes and circuses, canyons, sharp crests).