Great Britain

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British Isles It consists of four parts: England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland.

British Isles

It consists of four parts:
England, Wales, Scotland and Northern

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United Kingdom Territory – 244000 square kilometres. Population – 56 million

United Kingdom

Territory – 244000 square kilometres.
Population – 56 million people.

The capital

of the United Kingdom is London.
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The climate of Great Britain It is mild the whole year round.

The climate of Great Britain

It is mild the whole year

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Industry Great Britain is a highly developed industrial country.


Great Britain is a highly developed industrial country.

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Education The most famous educational centres are Oxford and Cambridge universities.


The most famous educational centres are Oxford and Cambridge universities.

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Government The United Kingdom is a monarchy and the Queen is the head of the state.


The United Kingdom is a monarchy and the Queen is the

head of the state.