Idioms related to technology

Слайд 2

Match translate the idioms and give the definitions. Be on the

Match translate the idioms and give the definitions.

Be on the same


Get one’s wires crossed

Be light years ahead of

Not be rocket science

Думать точно также

Не понимать

Быть намного продвинутым

Не требуется специальных знаний

To think in a similar way and to understand each other well

To have a different understanding of the same situation

To be a long way in front of others in terms of development, success, etc.

Used to say that you don’t think that sth is very difficult to do to to understand

Слайд 3

Guess the idiom. Get one’s wires crossed Not be rocket science

Guess the idiom.

Get one’s wires crossed

Not be rocket science

Be light years

ahead of

Be on the same wavelength