What is a gap year for? 9 класс

Слайд 2

Do students in your country go directly(прямо) to university or college

Do students in your country go directly(прямо) to university or college

after school or do they have a break(берут перерыв) first? Taking a gap year (годовой перерыв в учёбе) between school and uni (университет) is quite common(обычно) in the UK and there are lots of different ways (разные способы) to spend your time.

What is a gap year?
A ‘gap year’ is a period of time, usually an academic year, when a student takes a break(берёт перерыв) from formal education. The students often travel or work.

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Слайд 3

When? Young people in formal education usually take a gap year

Young people in formal education usually take a gap year when

they are about 18 years old, before going to university.

Where and what?
Many gap year students choose (выбирают) to do voluntary work. This could (могло бы) include teaching in the mountains in Nepal, a conservation (природоохранный) project in Madagascar, an expedition in Costa Rica or an internship in Japan.
Lots of gap year students want to see the world. They go to Tibet, Indonesia, Taiwan, Eastern Europe and Canada. Popular gap year activities for young people include(включают в себя) surfing in Hawaii, wake boarding in Italy, kite surfing in Egypt or bungee jumping in New Zealand.

Слайд 4

What about money? (Что насчёт денег?) Students who are planning a

What about money? (Что насчёт денег?)
Students who are planning a gap

year take on (беруться за) a part-time job to save up for the trip. Popular jobs include bar work, fruit picking and being (быть) a tour guide. A gap year doesn’t have to (должен) be a full year travelling or having adventures: some students travel for three or six months then work for the rest of the year.
Слайд 5

Чем же можно заняться во время годового перерыва в учёбе?

Чем же можно заняться во время годового перерыва в учёбе?

Слайд 6

1. A gap year is a time to take a break

1. A gap year is a time to take a break

from your studies to travel or work.
True False
2. If you want to take a gap year, you must do it between school and university.
True False
3. Most students ask their parents to finance their gap year.
True False
4. Lots of gap year students just want to see the world.
True False
5. A gap year is a full year travelling or having adventures
True False

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