Tropical rainforests

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Tropical rainforests grow in the hot, wet, humid places near the Equator.

Tropical rainforests grow in the hot, wet, humid places near the

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They clean and renew the Earth's air supply by absorbing carbon dioxide and producing oxygen.

They clean and renew the Earth's air supply by absorbing carbon

dioxide and producing oxygen.
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They provide a home to thousands of animal and plant species.

They provide a home to thousands of animal and plant species.

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Important products that come from rainforest plants are mahogany wood, rattan,

Important products that come from rainforest plants are mahogany wood, rattan,

bananas, paprika, pepper, cocoa and coffee.
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The medicines quinine and aspirin come from tree bark and cough

The medicines quinine and aspirin come from tree bark and cough

mixture is from tree of rainforests.
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People are destroying the rainforests at a rate of 115 square miles a day.

People are destroying the rainforests at a rate of 115 square

miles a day.
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The trees are cut down and used as building material or fuel.

The trees are cut down and used as building material or

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Join an organisation which tries to save the rainforests!

Join an organisation which tries to save the rainforests!