Collaboration proposal between NCSR “Demokritos” & almaty Кazakhstan


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The National Centre for Scientific Research “Demokritos” (NCSRD) is the largest

The National Centre for Scientific Research “Demokritos” (NCSRD) is the largest

and most acclaimed research center in Greece, employing over 1,000 researchers, engineers, technicians and administrative personnel. It is a multidisciplinary research center focusing on several fields of natural sciences and engineering and hosting important laboratory national facilities. The main mission of the center is conduct of basic and applied research, develop specialized “know-how” and contribute to the social and economic development of the country, offer customized high technology services to the public and private sectors. The NCSR is a self-administered governmental legal entity, under the supervision of the General Secretariat of Research and Technology of the Ministry of Education, Research and Religious Affairs.

Who we are

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Environmental Research Laboratory provides research activities and service provision in the

Environmental Research Laboratory provides research activities and service provision in the

field of air pollution and environmental protection, through R&D projects and contracts with National Authorities, industries, public and private companies respectively.
The activities of the lab are focused on four main actions:
Indoor and Outdoor Air Quality
Impact of air pollution in Human Health
De-pollution Technologies (Photocatalysis)
Advice and Policy support on Environmental issues
EREL is accredited by the Hellenic Accreditation System S.A (ESYD) under the terms of ELOT EN ISO/IEC 17025:2005 Standard, to carry out the following tests:
Sampling and determination of PM10
Determination of PAHs-collection on sorbent backed filters with GC-MS analysis
Pumped sampling and analysis of benzene by GC / TDS

What we do

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Indoor and outdoor Air Quality The current action focuses on the

Indoor and outdoor Air Quality
The current action focuses on the

assessment and improvement of indoor and outdoor air quality through:
Airborne Particulate Matter (TSP, PM10, PM2.5 and PM1)
Volatile Organic Compounds (n-alkanes, aromatic H/C, aldehydes and ketones, sulfur compounds etc) sampling and analysis.
Chemical characterization of PM for the detection of OC/EC, ions and PAHs and cross-correlation with atmospheric pollution indicators in order to estimate their origin.
Receptor modelling application (Principal Component Analysis, Positive Matrix Factorization, Chemical Mass Balance, ME etc) for the identification of sources and quantitative assessment of their contribution.
Continuous inorganic compounds measurements (NOX, SO2, O3, CO, CO2)
Isokinetic stack sampling for the determination of air pollutants emissions from industries
Meteorological measurements (WS, WD, T, RH) in order to investigate the role of meteorology to the recorded air pollutants’ values.
Based on the above field measurements and using mathematical models we perform calculation of atmospheric pollutants dispersion in industrial and urban areas
Assess the impact of Air Pollution on Human Health
Estimation of the local population exposure profile
This action aims at deriving exposure profiles representative of population subgroups, which will be used to quantitatively estimate the associated adverse health impact of the major air pollutants. To this aim an Agent Based Model (ABM) platform is used.
The concentration-response functions established by WHO in the HRAPIE project will be used for the health impact assessment of the major air pollutants.

What we do (I)

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What we do (II) Photocatalysis (de-pollution technology) This action, aims to

What we do (II)

Photocatalysis (de-pollution technology)
This action, aims to provide support

to policy makers and authorities at a regional and national level in relation to the large scale application of photo catalytic materials as a means for the improvement of the air quality in the coupled indoor – outdoor environment.
The photo catalytic remediation approach will be efficient in achieving levels of air quality that do not give rise to significant negative impacts and risk to human health and the environment.
By providing such an assessment, we will provide a basis for encouraging local authorities to adopt a more integrated approach to urban management by informing stakeholders to use those techniques and methods which have been positively assessed and have successfully been tested in projects for their performance. Thus, it constitutes a new, alternative means for the effective reduction of airborne agents in indoor and/or outdoor environments improving this way our day-to-day life, while at the same time contributing to coordinated efforts for the promotion of Innovative Clean Air Technologies.
The current action focuses on laboratory and real scale applications of innovative titanium dioxide containing materials for testing the degradation of air pollutants in the urban and indoor environment.
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TiO2 in building matrix or surface coating could
give to the material self cleaning and depolluting activities Such materials, when exposed to solar UV rays, will act as a
catalyst for the photo induced decomposition of inorganic and
organic molecules adsorbed on its surface.

Photocatalysis by semiconductor particles provides a very promising solution for pollutants removal compared with other technologies
Pollutants are oxidized
Energetically interesting process:
It operates near ambient temperature
Use solar energy to initiate photocatalytic reactions
TiO2 is considered to be the most promising photo catalyst for
the treatment of air pollutants due to:
its highly strong oxidative ability even at low U.V irradiation
chemical stable material
non toxic
its very common and relative cheap

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TiO2 + U.V Antidazzle Water cleaning Self cleaning Air pollution removal Antibacterial Application of TiO2 Technology

TiO2 + U.V


Water cleaning

Self cleaning

Air pollution removal


Application of TiO2 Technology

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Materials’ ability to degrade air pollutants are examined through their competence

Materials’ ability to degrade air pollutants are examined through their
competence to

photocatalytically decomposes them under controlled
external conditions.
Within a Specially Designed Reactor, the evaluation of the
materials’ photocatalytic performance is carried out through the
calculation of certain photocatalytic and chemical kinetics
parameters. Additionally, the mechanisms of the chemical reactions
taking place between nanomaterials and gaseous pollutants are
For the needs of the photocatalytic experiments, EREL has
constructed a 0.125m3 stainless-steel, cubic photocatalytic reactor
according to the provisions of the ISO standard. The reactor:
is light-sealed to avoid possible light interference
is equipped with two cubic glassy environmental chambers of 0.001 m3 and 0.125 m3 volume capacity
is equipped with up to 10 (UV or Vis) lamps for the provision of irradiation
is equipped with two fans to prevent temperature fluctuations
can operate under both dynamic and static conditions

What we do (III)

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Participation in various European projects funded by EC Ηorizon2020-SC5-04-2015 (Grant Agreement

Participation in various European projects funded by EC

Ηorizon2020-SC5-04-2015 (Grant Agreement No

690105, 2016-2020): “Integrated Climate forcing and Air pollution Reduction in Urban Systems” (ICARUS). Budget: 6.472.015,00 €.
FP7-ENV-2013 (Grant Agreement No 690105, 2013-2018) Health and Environment-wide Associations based on Large population Surveys (HEALS) Budget:11.514.483,78 €
FP7-REGPOT-2013 (Grant Agreement No 690105, 2013-2015) Enhancing the Capacity for Environmental Technology & Climate Research (EnTEC) Budget: 2.736.953,00 €.
FP7-REGPOT-2009 (Grant Agreement No 229773, 2009-2011) - Enhancing the Research Potential of the NCSR “Demokritos” Environmental Research Laboratory in the European, National and Regional Research Areas (PERL) Budget: 797.000,00 €.
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Participation in various European projects funded by EC CEN/TC264/WG15 (2013-2015) Standardization

Participation in various European projects funded by EC

CEN/TC264/WG15 (2013-2015) Standardization

mandate to European Commission CEN, CENELEC and ETSI in support of the Implementation of the Ambient Air Quality Legislation Budget: 390.000,00 €
LIFE+11-ENV (2012-2016) Testing and Development of air quality mitigation measures in Southern Europe (AIRUSE) Budget: 1,138,861 €
LIFE+09-ENV (2009-2014) Development of A Cost Efficient Policy Tool for reduction of Particulate Matter in AIR (ACEPT AIR) Budget: 836,449 €.
…and beyond EU
Ministry of Health, QATAR (2015) Provision of Consultancy Services and Analysis of Indoor and Outdoor Air monitoring stations’ filters in Doha, Qatar
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Technology & Science Park of Attica (TE.S.P.A) "Lefkippos“ NCSR Demokritos, 15310

Technology & Science Park of Attica (TE.S.P.A) "Lefkippos“
NCSR Demokritos, 15310 Aghia

Paraskevi Attiki Greece

Environment & Health company

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Envionian is located in the Technology & Science Park of Attica

Envionian is located in the Technology & Science Park of Attica

(TE.S.P.A) "Lefkippos"
is established in the campus of NCSR "Demokritos" in Aghia Paraskevi of Attica since 2009
TESPA "Lefkippos" owns a new building of an area of 1760 m2 (with 50 incubators from 20m2 to 45m2 each)
The objective of TE.S.P.A "Lefkippos" is to support the development of new companies and to reinforce their effort to exploit commercially innovative ideas and high-end technologies in close collaboration with NCSRD Labs.
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Who we are ENVIONIAN is a start-up company whose team is

Who we are
ENVIONIAN is a start-up company whose team is comprised

by experienced young and senior engineers and scientists in the field of environmental research.
ENVIONIAN is leading the way in delivering a diverse range of services, knowledge and insight to clients across a number of sectors. It provides a global management, engineering and development consultancy adding value for public and private clients on agenda-setting.

ENVIONIAN’s aim is to provide certified and tailored services in the field of air quality in working, living and ambient environments, to assess the health effects of human exposure to indoor air pollutants, to study the mechanisms of human exposure (i.e. intake, translocation, clearance) through fluid mechanics models and to provide the most effective and efficient solutions.

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Environmental Measurements Machine Learning Human Health Research Projects Development of Computational

Environmental Measurements

Machine Learning

Human Health

Research Projects

Development of Computational Tools (Machine Learning System)

for the on-line management of a range of environmental parameters

Identification of air quality problems, performing comprehensive chemical analysis and suggestion of effective and efficient solutions to industry, government agencies and local authorities

Environmental research focused on air quality and health related effects

Management of European and national research projects

What we do

ENVIONIAN main activities are focused on:
Elaboration and implementation of research and innovation activities;
Consultation on governmental research and innovation policy issues;

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ENVIONIAN also provides: Development of an Integrated Air Quality Monitoring Action

ENVIONIAN also provides:
Development of an Integrated Air Quality Monitoring Action

Studies to assess the health effects of human exposure to indoor air pollutants;
Integrated and advanced services in the field of air quality in working, living and ambient environments;
Laboratory and real scale applications of innovative photocatalytic building materials for testing the removal of air pollutants in the urban and indoor environment;
Advanced studies in the field of photocatalytic materials through in-vitro experimental studies and in relation to pollutants that effecting human diseases;
Studies of the mechanisms of human exposure (i.e. intake, translocation, clearance) through fluid mechanics models;
Health Risk Assessment of environmental stressors through environment and health examination surveys;
Assessment and management of Air Quality in Industry (Oil/Gas, Chemical, Food, Pharmaceuticals, Car industry, Refineries);
Aerial monitoring and recording of environmental and infrastructure parameters;
Assessment of air pollution exposure in vessels.
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Clients ENVIONIAN develops a broad range of cooperation with Public and

ENVIONIAN develops a broad range of cooperation with Public and Private

Organizations in Greece and abroad, such as:
Industry: Oil/Gas, Chemical, Food, Pharmaceuticals, Car industry, Refineries;
Public & Private Organizations, Environmental & other related Agencies;
Public authorities: Ministry of Environment, Ministry of Employment, Ministry of Economy, Municipalities, Regions, General Chemical State Lab., Greek Universities and Research Centers

Technology & Science Park of Attica (TE.S.P.A) "Lefkippos“, NCSR Demokritos, 15310 Aghia Paraskevi Attiki Greece



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What’s our proposal for Almaty Kazakhstan

What’s our proposal for Almaty Kazakhstan

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Almaty’s Environmental and Public Health Network (AEPHeN) Project I: Almaty’s Outdoor

Almaty’s Environmental and Public Health Network (AEPHeN)
Project I:
Almaty’s Outdoor Air

Quality and Public Health Monitoring Network
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Background The Almaty city is characterized by heavy local pollution and

The Almaty city is characterized by heavy local pollution and increased

smog due to its complex terrain, frequent thermal inversions together with the atmospheric pollutant emissions produced by around 1.5 million inhabitants of the city.
Main pollution sources: emissions from energy production, industrial processes and vehicular exhaust emissions (gas, coal and diesel combustion).
Currently measured pollutants (particulate matter-PM10, NO2, CO and heavy metals) frequently exceed the EU limit values, implying the necessity for immediate mitigation actions.

Current Status (I)

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A joined work by the Ministry of Environment and Water Resources

A joined work by the Ministry of Environment and Water Resources

(MEWR) of Kazakhstan and the World Bank, under the auspices of the Joint Economic Research Program (JERP) has been carried out so far named:
“Towards Cleaner Industry and Improved Air Quality Monitoring in Kazakhstan”
Q: How many of the actions-recommendations proposed are implemented or are under implementation?

Current Status (IΙ)

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The establishment of a modern Outdoor Air Pollution Monitoring and Health

The establishment of a modern Outdoor Air Pollution Monitoring and Health

Impact Network which will support :
DSS (Decision Support System) for the local authorities which will analyze and propose technological and non-technological measures and policy options for air pollution abatement
Cloud based tool to inform citizens of environment-conscious alternatives
that may have a positive impact on air quality and finally on their health and motivate them to adopt alternative behaviors
The above project is proposed to be applied by the National Centre for Scientific Research “DEMOKRITOS” (NCSR”D”) and ENVIONIAN.

Aim of the project

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Implementation chart of the proposal

Implementation chart of the proposal

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WP1: Air Pollution Monitoring The current situation will be assessed to

WP1: Air Pollution Monitoring
The current situation will be assessed to derive

a “picture” as reliable as possible with regard to current AQ situation in the Almaty city.
AQ data from ground-based monitoring stations from a) local monitoring stations, b) AQ databases and c) from field campaigns will be collated and anayzed (filling gaps)
Afterwards they will feed atmospheric dispersion models which will be used for future estimation of AQ at ground level. For that purpose expanding and upgrading of the current monitoring network is proposed:
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Task 1.1. Current status and upgrading of the monitoring network expanding

Task 1.1. Current status and upgrading of the monitoring network
expanding and

upgrading of the air pollution monitoring network targeted to the protection of the public health
setting up of a number of fully-equipped fixed and mobile stations
modernization of the existing network with high priority pollutants monitoring equipment
an up to date report of the existing monitoring network status in Almaty city will be conducted, regarding
the number and the location of the sampling sites
the sufficiency and accuracy of the monitoring instrumentation
the range of the pollutants measured etc.
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pre-existing and new stations: at focal and representative sites within the

pre-existing and new stations:
at focal and representative sites within the city

resolution automatic instrumentation for the monitoring of particulate matter (PM1, PM2.5, PM10 and TSP fractions), volatile organic compounds as well as inorganic gases (O3, NOx, SO2, CO)
according European Directives (ISO, EN)
an open-access monitoring network will be established so as to achieve public and stakeholders’ immediate information about short-term air pollution episodes
With the use of cutting edge information technology methods, safe data transport from the data acquisition systems in the field to the public and policymaking professionals will be achieved.
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Task 1.2. Upgrading of the existing chemical laboratories upgrading of the

Task 1.2. Upgrading of the existing chemical laboratories
upgrading of the

existing chemical laboratories
analysis of: trace elements, ions, polycyclic aromatic compounds (PAHs), PCBs, dioxins, organic/elemental carbon, volatile organic compounds etc
regular calibrations, data validation and analytical methods’ harmonization according to the international and European standards
ionic chromatography and gas-chromatography systems, X-Ray Fluorescence system, OC/EC analyzer
Task 1.3. Establishment of a National Reference Laboratory and a National Air Quality Data Center
establishment of a National Reference Laboratory and a National Air Quality Data Center in line to a Quality Assurance and Quality Control system to ensure representativeness and traceability of collected data
the laboratory will be authorized by the European Commission or other international authority for the control of air pollution in Kazakhstan in general.
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WP2: Health Impact Assessment for the population of Almaty Field campaigns

WP2: Health Impact Assessment for the population of Almaty
Field campaigns with

individual sensors will take place to derive detailed time activity patterns at individual level. Then will be coupled to air pollutants concentrations derived from WP1 in order to assess individual exposure profile through ABM.
Furthermore SES info will be collected through questionaries (during the field campaigns) in order to derive exposure profile for vulnerable population subgroups.
Refined approaches including human respiratory tract (HRT) deposition modeling (for PM, MH, PAHs) and (PBTK/BBDR) models will be applied to finally estimate health impact
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Task 2.2. Pilot study on the Health-Related Effects of Air Pollution

Task 2.2. Pilot study on the Health-Related Effects of Air Pollution

on the residents of Almaty city
suitable candidate sensor technologies to be used by volunteers, will be selected based on the NCSR”D” reviews and preliminary trials of instrument reliability and utility (GPS-enabled personal sensors, remote sensing etc)
A data collection tool will be developed in order to store and manage all data coming from different devices
agent-based modelling (ABM) will be used, informed from the collected multi-sensor data to capture individual spatio-temporal behaviours and to model individual exposure.
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WP3: Intergraded methodology approach for air pollution abatement 2 types of

WP3: Intergraded methodology approach for air pollution abatement
2 types of tools

will be developed tailored to the specific needs of
2 stakeholder groups
a DSS (Decision Support System) which will include:
a) guidebook for estimating the effects of a number of policies in Almaty b) a GeoDatabase which will give access to city data and
c) an integrated computational system
2) a citizen web-mobile based tool which will inform citizens about the CF and the AQ and associated health impact of their actions. They could monitor the results of their actions
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Task 3.1 Air pollution prediction and prevention solution. Based on the

Task 3.1 Air pollution prediction and prevention solution.
Based on the state

of the art of the Artificial Intelligence Technology, this activity aims at building a system that by combining information collected by the National Air Quality Data Center and different models will be able to:
a) predict the severity of air pollution and
b) suggest remediation actions in order to reduce impact on the environment and on the population (for example by restricting number of permitted vehicles in circulation etc).
c) predict the impact of AEPHeN proposed measures or policies
This system that will be based on the innovative technologies of the Internet of Things (IoT), will position Kazakhstan as a World Wide Level Center of Excellence in Government digitization for control Air Quality and Health quality in general.
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Task 3.2 Technological and non-technological measures Technological measures: The application of

Task 3.2 Technological and non-technological measures
Technological measures:
The application

of Depollution Technologies (photocatalysis) through a pilot study in Almaty city could reduce the harmful substances present in the air and preserve the aesthetic quality of buildings over time
Real scale application of photocatalytic building materials (cement-based, paints) in public buildings in Almaty will be a first step for the estimation of the benefits of photocatalytic technology in the city
Other proposed technological measures include: enhancement of electricity-based public transportation, penetration of bio-fuel, energy-efficient design of buildings etc.
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Task 3.2 Technological and non-technological measures Non technological measures: Measures concerning

Task 3.2 Technological and non-technological measures
Non technological measures:

concerning transportation domain (access limitations zones to city centers, taxation based on emissions, intelligent traffic management systems)
urban planning domain (establishment of low emission zones, design of additional green spaces within the city)
residential domain (public awareness about energy conservation
eco-labelling of energy efficient/environment-friendly products
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WP4: Pilot application of the AEPHeN integrated methodology to the city

WP4: Pilot application of the AEPHeN integrated methodology to the city

For the assessment of the long-term impact of the project outcome on the air quality of the city, a pilot application of the methodology derived from WP3 will be performed at the city of Almaty with the interaction of both stakeholders and citizens through the DSS and the citizen app tool.
A program of user training will be delivered to the authorities and updated during the project’s life in order to encourage uptake of tools and measures.
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Almaty’s Environmental and Public Health Network (AEPHeN) Project II: Almaty’s Indoor

Almaty’s Environmental and Public Health Network (AEPHeN)
Project II:
Almaty’s Indoor Air

Quality and Public Health Monitoring Study
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Background Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) is of great importance for the

Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) is of great importance for the health

of the population, especially for vulnerable groups i.e. children, elderly or people suffering from respiratory, cardiovascular diseases etc.
the identification of the sources contributing to primary and secondary pollutants inside buildings originating from indoor sources as well as the estimation of the outdoor environment's contribution is crucial.
Special attention should be paid in case of urban cities of aggravated outdoor air quality, as Almaty city.
A proposal for the establishment of a Modern Indoor Air Pollution Monitoring and Health Impact Study is applied by the National Centre for Scientific Research “DEMOKRITOS” (NCSR”D”) and ENVIONIAN.
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Overview of the proposal of NCSRD and ENVIONIAN

Overview of the proposal of NCSRD and ENVIONIAN

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WP1: Assessment of Indoor Environment Quality in Almaty public buildings Task

WP1: Assessment of Indoor Environment Quality in Almaty public buildings
Task 1.1.

Indoor air quality monitoring in selected public buildings of Almaty.
extended campaign of indoor air quality assessment in selected Almaty’s buildings used by the citizens
priority will be given to buildings occupied by vulnerable population groups (children, elderly and sick people): schools, hospitals, public buildings etc.
A number of fully-equipped monitoring stations for the indoor measurement of high priority pollutants (PM10, PM2.5, PM1, volatile organic compounds, carbonyls, phthalates, inorganic compounds, mold, etc.) and other parameters (temperature, humidity, ventilation)
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WP1: Assessment of Indoor Environment Quality in Almaty public buildings Task

WP1: Assessment of Indoor Environment Quality in Almaty public buildings
Task 1.1.

Indoor air quality monitoring in selected public buildings of Almaty.
coupled outdoor measurements will be performed for an outdoor to indoor contribution estimation
Linked to WP1 (Task 1.2) of Project I, a complete chemical composition analysis on PM (ions, metals, organic and elemental carbon, polycyclic aromatic compounds)
application of a receptor model for a source apportionment study
emphasis will be given in the required frequency of calibrations, checks and maintenance as well as on the requirements for ongoing comparisons with the corresponding ISO EN standards.
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Task 1.2. Questionnaire-based survey in selected public buildings of Almaty. Indoor

Task 1.2. Questionnaire-based survey in selected public buildings of Almaty.

environmental conditions (thermal, noise, light, and indoor air quality) may affect occupants’ health and well-being
A questionnaire-based survey will be performed with the purpose of assessing the relations between perceived indoor environment and occupants’ comfort and health, as well as of examining the modifying effects of both personal and building characteristics.
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WP2: Indoor environment quality and health Impact assessment Task 2.1 Linked

WP2: Indoor environment quality and health Impact assessment
Task 2.1 Linked

to Task 2.2 of Project I and Task 1.1 of Project II, a Health-Related Effects of Air Pollution study on the residents of Almaty city will be performed.
Task 2.2. Linked to Task 2.1 of Project I, a Health impact assessment will be performed.
Task 2.3. Developing of IAQ guidelines which conform to conditions that satisfy the public health and welfare of the Almaty city.
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Three main Pillars of Experts will be involved in the implementation

Three main Pillars of Experts will be involved in the

of the project:
Air Quality Experts Health Impact Assessment IT (computational)
(analytical, modelling)
* National Research Center “Demokritos”
** Private companies
*** University of Thessaloniki
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Timetable Gant Chart

Timetable Gant Chart