The Long and Short of Macroeconomics


Слайд 2

The Long and Short of Macroeconomics Become familiar with the focus

The Long and Short of Macroeconomics

Become familiar with the focus of


Explain how economists approach macroeconomic questions.

Become familiar with key macroeconomic issues and questions.

Слайд 3

When you enter the job market can matter a lot Job

When you enter the job market can matter a lot
Job market

entrants in 2005 had more employment opportunities.
Expanding labor force, low and falling unemployment
Job market entrants in 2008-2011 had a much harder time.
Unemployment rate at highest level in 25 years
Over 600,000 more firms closed than opened during 2008-2009
Depressed home and stock prices led many older workers to delay retirement
Economic research has shown that students graduating during a recession accept jobs paying 9% less than those graduating during an expansion.
Lower average wages persist for 8-10 years on average.
Слайд 4

Understanding these fluctuations Fluctuations in the economy can be understood by

Understanding these fluctuations
Fluctuations in the economy can be understood by learning

Microeconomics The study of how households and firms make choices, how they interact in markets, and how the government attempts to influence their choices.
Macroeconomics The study of the economy as a whole, including topics such as inflation, unemployment, and economic growth.
Слайд 5

Become familiar with the focus of macroeconomics 1.1

Become familiar with the focus of macroeconomics


Слайд 6

Macroeconomics in the short run and in the long run Short

Macroeconomics in the short run and in the long run
Short Run

cycle Alternating periods of economic expansion and economic recession.
Long Run
Long-run economic growth The process by which increasing productivity raises the average standard of living.
Labor productivity The quantity of goods and services that can be produced by one worker or by one hour of work.
One important determinant of growth is the ability of firms to expand and fund their operations; for this, a healthy financial system is critical.
Exploration of these concepts is the main focus of this class.
Слайд 7

Long-run growth in the United States Real gross domestic product (GDP)

Long-run growth in the United States

Real gross domestic product (GDP) The

value of final goods and services adjusted for changes in the price level.
Long-run economic growth is often better measured by real gross domestic product per person.
Long-run growth between 1900 and 2012 improved the U.S. standard of living in many ways.
3% of homes had electricity in 1900 versus nearly all today.
Average consumption of water increased from 5 to 150 gallons/day.
Most homes used coal to heat and cook.
Seven tons per family per year on average.
Led to high levels of pollution.
Lack of modern items like TV, radio, computers, air conditioners.
Life expectancy increased from 47 to 78 years.
Слайд 8

The growth in real GDP per capita By 2011, the average

The growth in real GDP per capita

By 2011, the average American

was able to buy approximately eight times what they would have been able to buy in 1900.

The growth in real GDP per capita, 1900-2011

Figure 1.1

Слайд 9

Some countries have experienced less long-run growth Differing levels of long-run

Some countries have experienced less long-run growth

Differing levels of long-run economic

growth have resulted in countries today having very different levels of GDP per capita.

Differing levels of GDP per capita, 2011

Figure 1.2

Слайд 10

Aging populations pose a challenge Lower birthrates and increases in lifespans

Aging populations pose a challenge

Lower birthrates and increases in lifespans have

resulted in aging populations; this trend it projected to continue.
Government spending on programs like Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid is projected to grow to about 20% of GDP by 2050, which would be about the same size as the entire government today.

The aging of the population

Figure 1.3

(a) The world (b) The United States

Слайд 11

Unemployment in the United States Labor force The sum of employed

Unemployment in the United States

Labor force The sum of employed and

unemployed workers in the economy.
Unemployment rate The percentage of the labor force that is unemployed.

Unemployment rate in the United States, 1890-2011

Figure 1.4

Unemployment rises and falls with the business cycle.
We will examine why it was so low during the Great Moderation.

Слайд 12

Unemployment rates differ across developed countries Government policy and structural differences

Unemployment rates differ across developed countries

Government policy and structural differences can

lead to persistently higher unemployment rates across developed countries.
Between 2001 and 2010, unemployment rates were on average much higher in developed countries like France, Germany, and Spain compared to the U.S. The reasons for widely varying levels of unemployment is not entirely clear.

Average unemployment rates in the United States and other high income countries, 2002-2011

Figure 1.5

Слайд 13

Inflation rates fluctuate over time Inflation rates have tended to peak

Inflation rates fluctuate over time

Inflation rates have tended to peak during

wartime, with the 1970s being a notable exception.
Deflation occurred in 2009 for the first time in 50 years.
Inflation rates have averaged below 5% annually since the mid 1980s.
Inflation rate The percentage increase in the price level from one year to the next.
Deflation A sustained decrease in the price level.

Inflation in the United States, 1775-2011

Figure 1.6

Слайд 14

Inflation rates vary across countries Different countries experience widely different inflation

Inflation rates vary across countries

Different countries experience widely different inflation rates.

Some countries like Ireland and Norway are experiencing mild inflation, while others face high inflation.
Extreme example: in 2008, Zimbabwe experienced 15 billion percent inflation.

Inflation rates around the world, 2011

Figure 1.7

Слайд 15

Economic policy can help stabilize the economy High unemployment is associated

Economic policy can help stabilize the economy
High unemployment is associated with

economic downturns.
Expansions have become longer and recessions shorter since 1950.
Recessions accompanied by financial crises are particularly deep and prolonged

Fluctuations in U.S. real GDP, 1900-2011

Figure 1.8

Слайд 16

Economic policy can help stabilize the economy The two types of

Economic policy can help stabilize the economy
The two types of government

policy used to stabilize the economy are:
Monetary policy The actions that central banks take to manage the money supply and interest rates to pursue macroeconomic policy objectives.
Fiscal policy Changes in government taxes and purchases that are intended to achieve macroeconomic policy objectives.
A major focus of this class is on these two types of policy, and on their role in stabilizing the economy. The severe recession of 2007-2009 will also be a focus, with its roots in the financial crisis.
Financial crisis involves a significant disruption in the flow of funds from lenders to borrowers.
Слайд 17

International factors have become more important International factors have become more

International factors have become more important
International factors have become more important

in explaining macroeconomic events.
Example: Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke spoke of a “global savings glut” that had driven down U.S. interest rates.
International trade has been becoming more and more significant for the United States.

International trade is of increasing importance to the United States

Figure 1.9a

Слайд 18

International factors have become more important International trade is even more

International factors have become more important
International trade is even more important

for many other—especially smaller—countries.
Economic openness has increased in the U.S. and other developed countries.
Countries like S. Korea and Germany are highly dependent on trade.
China has dramatically increased its openness in the past few decades.

International trade as a percentage of GDP for several countries, 2011

Figure 1.9b

Слайд 19

The increasing importance of global financial markets Just as markets for

The increasing importance of global financial markets

Just as markets for goods

and services have become more open, so have global financial markets.
Foreigners now invest more in the United States; and U.S. investors invest more overseas also.
Markets affect one another; the recession of 2007-2009 reduced Chinese exports, and the Greek debt crisis caused worldwide stock market declines.

Growth of foreign financial investment in the United States

Figure 1.10

Слайд 20

Explain how economists approach macroeconomic questions 1.2

Explain how economists approach macroeconomic questions


Слайд 21

Macroeconomics happens to us all Everyone is affected by macroeconomics: Job

Macroeconomics happens to us all
Everyone is affected by macroeconomics:
Job loss due

to recessions
Stock market gains and losses
Obtaining loans
Misperceptions about macroeconomics are common in the general public:
What causes inflation? “Corporate greed!”
How would an increase in inflation affect wages and salaries? “No effect!”
What causes recessions? “Government mistakes!”
How do foreign imports affect unemployment rates? “Permanent increase!”
Слайд 22

What is the best way to analyze macroeconomic issues? Economists study

What is the best way to analyze macroeconomic issues?

Economists study economic

problems systematically.
Gather data relevant to the problem.
Form models capable of analyzing data.
Could inflation be caused by corporate greed?
Inflation has varied a great deal since 1775.
Most recent 50 years inflation was below 3% in the 1950s and 1960s and well above 10% in the late 1970s and early 1980s.
If corporate greed were the cause, greed would have to fluctuate over time.
Just inspecting data can give misleading results.
Rather than rejecting an explanation, it is useful to provide an alternative explanation.
Слайд 23

Macroeconomic models Models are very important to the study of macroeconomics.

Macroeconomic models
Models are very important to the study of macroeconomics.
Economists study

economic problems systematically by gathering data relevant to the problem and then building a model capable of analyzing the data.
Simple explanations are often not satisfying.
Solved Problems are in each chapter of the textbook. These problems show you how to solve an applied macroeconomic problem by breaking it down step by step.
Visit to practice using more Solved Problems.
Слайд 24

Rising imports and U.S. employment Do rising imports lead to a

Rising imports and U.S. employment

Do rising imports lead to a permanent

reduction in U.S. employment?
Opinion polls show that many people believe that imports of foreign goods lead to a reduction in employment in the United States. On the surface, this claim may seem plausible: If U.S. automobile firms use more imported steel, production at U.S. steel firms declines, and U.S. steel firms will lay off workers. Briefly describe how you might evaluate the claim that employment in the United States has been reduced as a result of imports.
Слайд 25

Rising imports and U.S. employment Do rising imports lead to a

Rising imports and U.S. employment

Do rising imports lead to a permanent

reduction in U.S. employment?
Step 1 Review the chapter material
Step 2 Discuss what data you might use in evaluating this claim. The Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA) at collects data on GDP and trade. The Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) at can provide employment data.
Step 3 Draw a graph that shows total employment and imports as a percentage of GDP.
Слайд 26

Rising imports and U.S. employment Do rising imports lead to a

Rising imports and U.S. employment

Do rising imports lead to a permanent

reduction in U.S. employment?
Step 4 Discuss what else you might do to evaluate this claim. Economists typically inspect data as only the first step in evaluating a claim about a macroeconomic event. By examining the data here, it appears that over the past 40 years, both imports and employment have risen. Thus, it seems unlikely that rising imports have led to reduced employment. However, employment might have risen faster if imports did not rise so much. In Chapter 7, we will study a model of the labor market in an attempt to better understand the long-run determinants of employment.
Слайд 27

Macroeconomic models Macroeconomic models are useful simplifications of reality Economists typically

Macroeconomic models
Macroeconomic models are useful simplifications of reality
Economists typically assume that

consumers buy goods and services that maximize their well-being or utility.
Firms are often assumed to maximize profits.
Abstraction from reality, since we do not describe the motives of all consumers and firms.
Models and Theories
Used to analyze real-world issues.
Model and theory will be used interchangeably.
Models use assumptions to simplify reality by focusing on a few key variables.
Слайд 28

Macroeconomic models Endogenous and Exogenous in a Model If we assume

Macroeconomic models
Endogenous and Exogenous in a Model
If we assume the Federal

Reserve determines the supply of money, then the money supply is exogenous.
Inflation would then be considered endogenous because we are attempting to explain how the Federal Reserve can control inflation.
Economic Variables
Something measureable that can have different values, like the rate of inflation.
Endogenous variable A variable that is explained by an economic model.
Exogenous variable A variable that is taken as given and is not explained by an economic model.
Слайд 29

Macroeconomic models

Macroeconomic models

Слайд 30

Formulating and testing hypotheses in economic models Hypothesis A statement that

Formulating and testing hypotheses in economic models

Hypothesis A statement that may

be either correct or incorrect.
Example: “Higher marginal tax rates on income lead to higher rates of unemployment.”
How to evaluate? Idea: collect data on unemployment and tax rates for several countries.
Causation vs. Correlation
Economic hypotheses are usually about causal relationships, showing that changes in one variable cause changes in another variable.
Proving correlation, that two variables are related, is much easier than causation.
Confounding variables may be related to both exogenous and endogenous variables
Example: Stringent labor laws limiting the firing of workers might be positively correlated with both high tax and high unemployment countries.
Слайд 31

Formulating and testing hypotheses in economic models Positive analysis Analysis concerned

Formulating and testing hypotheses in economic models
Positive analysis Analysis concerned with

“what is”.
Examining the world from an objective point of view.
Measuring the costs and benefits of different courses of action.
Economics is mostly concerned with positive analysis.
Normative analysis Analysis concerned with “what ought to be”.
Слайд 32

Why should the U.S. worry about the Euro crisis? Euro zone:

Why should the U.S. worry about the Euro crisis?

Euro zone: 17

member states of the European Union that adopted the euro as their currency.
Monetary policy conducted by European Central Bank.
Recession beginning 2007 worsened debt problems of several euro-zone members.
Austerity policies (economic reforms, spending cuts, tax increases) became common.
Effect on the U.S. economy?
Decreased exports to Europe.
U.S. banks hold European debt.
“A lack of confidence can be very contagious.” - Shawn DuBravac, Chief Economist, Consumer Electronics Association
Слайд 33

Become familiar with key macroeconomic issues and questions 1.3

Become familiar with key macroeconomic issues and questions


Слайд 34

Key issues and questions of macroeconomics Each chapter will highlight one

Key issues and questions of macroeconomics

Each chapter will highlight one key

issue and a related key question.
Material from each chapter will use the concepts covered to answer that question.
Chapter 2: Measuring the Macroeconomy
Issue: The unemployment rate can rise even though a recession has ended.
Question: How accurately does the government measure the unemployment rate?
Слайд 35

Key issues and questions of macroeconomics Chapter 3: The U.S. Financial

Key issues and questions of macroeconomics
Chapter 3: The U.S. Financial System

The financial system moves funds from savers to borrowers, which promotes investment and the accumulation of capital goods.
Question: Why did the bursting of the housing bubble in 2006 cause the financial system to falter?
Chapter 4: The Global Financial System
Issue: Some governments allow the value of their currency to fluctuate in foreign-exchange markets, while other government fix the value of their currency.
Question: What are the advantages and disadvantages of floating versus fixed exchange rates?
Слайд 36

Key issues and questions of macroeconomics Recommended Reading: Chapter 5: The

Key issues and questions of macroeconomics

Recommended Reading:
Chapter 5: The Standard of

Living Over Time and Across Countries
Issue: Some countries have experienced rapid rates of long-run economic growth, while other countries have grown slowly, if at all.
Question: Why isn’t the whole world rich?
Chapter 6: Long-Run Economic Growth
Issue: Real GDP has increased substantially over time in the United States and other developed countries.
Question: What are the main factors that determine the growth rate of real GDP per capita?
Слайд 37

Key issues and questions of macroeconomics Chapter 7: Money and Inflation

Key issues and questions of macroeconomics
Chapter 7: Money and Inflation
Issue: The

Federal Reserve’s actions during the financial crisis of 2007–2009 led some economists and policymakers to worry that the inflation rate in the United States would be increasing.
Question: What is the connection between changes in the money supply and the inflation rate?
Chapter 8: The Labor Market
Issue: The unemployment rate in the United States did not fall below 8% until more than three years after the end of the 2007–2009 recession.
Question: Has the natural rate of unemployment increased?
Слайд 38

Key issues and questions of macroeconomics Chapter 9: Business Cycles Issue:

Key issues and questions of macroeconomics
Chapter 9: Business Cycles
Issue: Economies around

the world experience a business cycle.
Question: Does the business cycle impose significant costs on the economy?
Chapter 10: Explaining Aggregate Demand: The IS-MP Model
Issue: The U.S. economy has experienced 11 recessions since the end of World War II.
Question: What explains the business cycle?
Recommended: 10.A IS-LM Model
Keynesian Model
Focuses on Money Supply while IS-MP focuses on Fed interest rate target.
IS-MP is updated model, but still similiar
Слайд 39

Key issues and questions of macroeconomics Chapter 11: The IS-MP Model:

Key issues and questions of macroeconomics
Chapter 11: The IS-MP Model: Adding

Inflation and the Open Economy
Issue: The recession of 2007–2009 was the worst since the Great Depression of the 1930s.
Question: What explains the severity of the 2007–2009 recession?
Chapter 12: Monetary Policy in the Short Run
Issue: The Federal Reserve undertook unprecedented policy actions in response to the recession of 2007-2009.
Question: Why were traditional Federal Reserve policies ineffective during the 2007-2009 recession?
Слайд 40

Key issues and questions of macroeconomics Chapter 13: Fiscal Policy in

Key issues and questions of macroeconomics
Chapter 13: Fiscal Policy in the

Short Run
Issue: During the 2007–2009 recession, Congress and the president undertook unprecedented fiscal policy actions.
Question: Was the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 successful in increasing real GDP and employment?
Chapter 14: Aggregate Demand, Aggregate Supply, and Monetary Policy
Issue: Between the early 1980s and 2007, the U.S. economy experienced a period of macroeconomic stability known as the Great Moderation.
Question: Did discretionary monetary policy kill the Great Moderation?