Philosophy of motion

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What exactly is motion? The answer has changed over time...

What exactly is

The answer has changed
over time...

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Motion as change. Does it exist? NO Parmenides of Elea (512

Motion as change. Does it exist?


Parmenides of Elea (512 BC)

Zeno of

Elea (495 -- 430 BC)
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Parmenides and Zeno of Elea Parmenides: The world is One Being

Parmenides and Zeno of Elea

The world is One Being →

“Ex nihilo nihil fit” (eng. Nothing comes from nothing)
“There is a way which is and a way which is not” (a way of truth and a way of opinion) and that, “There is not, nor will there be, anything other than what is since indeed Destiny has fettered it to remain whole and immovable.”

Zeno’s paradoxes of motion:
Achilles and the tortoise
Arrow paradox
Dichotomy paradox

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Motion as change. Does it exist? YES Democritus (460 BC --

Motion as change. Does it exist?


Democritus (460 BC -- 370 BC)


(535 BC -- 475BC)
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Democritus and Heraclitus Democritus - considered the first scholar who formulated

Democritus and Heraclitus

Democritus - considered the first scholar who formulated the

atomic theory.
All things are made of atoms, small invisible particles.
Depending of the state of an object atoms move differently.
CONCLUSION: If everything consists of constantly moving atoms → everything moves

“Everything changes and nothing remains still ... and ... you cannot step twice into the same stream.”

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Aristotelian theory of motion Entelechy — The complete realisation and final

Aristotelian theory of motion

Entelechy — The complete realisation and final

form of some potential concept or function.
Two types of physical motion: natural and unnatural (violent motion)
Every object has its natural state:
EX: a thrown stone falls down because it seeks its natural place — earth.
Natural motion is the motion that an object does naturally — without being forced
Unnatural motion is caused by the outer forces. Once the force is removed so does the motion.
Heavier objects fall faster (stones falls faster than a feather)
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Aristotle is wrong!

Aristotle is wrong!

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Galileo Galilei vs Aristotle

Galileo Galilei vs Aristotle

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Newton’s laws of motion Mortals rejoice that there has existed such

Newton’s laws of motion

Mortals rejoice that there has existed such

and so great an ornament of the human race! (Indeed! caption mine)

Isaac Newton 1642 -- 1727

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Marxist theory of motion Motion is defined as any change in

Marxist theory of motion

Motion is defined as any change in the

position or state.
Motion is the mode of existence of matter and its chief properly (including time and space)
There are 5 types of motion:
Motion is contradictory in nature
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Most Important Discoveries of the 20th Century The birth of of

Most Important Discoveries of the 20th Century

The birth of of quantum

physics (Max Planck)
Explanation of Brownian motion and photoelectric effect (Albert Einstein)
Theory of Relativity (special and general)
Planetary model of the atom and discovery of proton (Ernest Rutherford)
Emergence of different theories of Universe origins, etc.
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