Factors affecting the rate of chemical reaction


Слайд 2

Chemical kinetics studies the rate and mechanism of chemical processes. v=mole/L∙sec

Chemical kinetics studies the rate and mechanism of chemical processes.


Слайд 3

Factors affecting the rate of chemical reaction The chemical reaction rate

Factors affecting the rate of chemical reaction

The chemical reaction rate depends

The nature of reacting substances:
Н2 + F2 → 2HF
(in the dark, in cold with the explosion)
Н2 + Cl2 2HCl (in the light)
H2 + I2 2HI (the reaction is reversible)
Слайд 4

Factors affecting the rate of chemical reaction The chemical reaction rate

Factors affecting the rate of chemical reaction

The chemical reaction rate depends

2. The state of the reacting substances.
3. Environment the reaction is proceeding in.
4. The external conditions.
5. Concentration.
Слайд 5

The dependence of the chemical reaction rate on temperature. J. Van't

The dependence of the chemical reaction rate on temperature.
J. Van't Hoff

formulated a empirical rule: when temperature rises to 10 K, the rate of most reactions increases by 2-4 times.
where γ – the coefficient of the Van't Hoff;
КТ – the reaction rate constant at the initial temperatureТ;
КТ+10 – the reaction rate constant at a temperature of 10 K higher.
Слайд 6


Where Vt2 –

rate of a chemical reaction when the temperature is 10°C higher than the initial speed Vt1;
γ – Van't Hoff’s coefficient ;
t2 – temperature 10°C higher than the initial temperature t1
Слайд 7

The mass action law: at a constant temperature chemical reaction rate

The mass action law: at a constant temperature chemical reaction rate

is proportional to the product of reacting substances concentrations taken in the power of their stoichiometric coefficient.

where К – Chemical reaction rate constant, СА and СВ the molar concentrations of reacting substances, х, y, z - stoichiometric coefficients.

К=ν, where СА=СВ=1 mole/L.

Mass action law

Слайд 8

In case of a chemical reaction occurrence at the interface (gas-liquid,

In case of a chemical reaction occurrence at the interface (gas-liquid,

liquid-solid, solid-gas) the surface area of ​​the interface should be taken into account .

Mass action law
for heterogeneous reactions

where К – Chemical reaction rate constant, S - surface area of the phase separation, СА and СВ the molar concentrations of reacting substances, х, y, z - stoichiometric coefficients.

Слайд 9

Kinetic chemical reactions classification according to the molecularity and order of

Kinetic chemical reactions classification according to the molecularity and order of

Molecularity of reactions is determined by the number of molecules participating in the elementary act of interaction. Most common mono-, bi-and trimolecular reaction.


The reaction of compound

Oxidation reaction




Decomposition reaction

Слайд 10

Kinetic classification of chemical reactions Order reaction is defined as the

Kinetic classification of chemical reactions

Order reaction is defined as the sum

of the degrees of concentration in the kinetic equation.
For example:
1 v=kCCaCO3 n=1, 1st order
v=kCH2CI2 n=2, 2nd order
v=kC2NO CO2 n=3, 3rd order
CH2O=const, v=kCC12H22O11- this is a first order reaction
Слайд 11

The rate constant. The rate constant has an expression and a dimension.

The rate constant.
The rate constant has an expression and a dimension.

Слайд 12

The period of half-transformation In the kinetics the notion of the

The period of half-transformation
In the kinetics the notion of the

period of half-transformation t1/2. is often used
The period of half-transformation is the time during which reacts half the concentration of initial substances.
Слайд 13

Methods for determining the order of reaction: The substitution method. The graphical method. Differential method.

Methods for determining the order of reaction:
The substitution method.

graphical method.


Слайд 14

The activation energy. A significant increase of the reaction rate as

The activation energy.
A significant increase of the reaction rate as

the temperature increases can be explained by the clash of active particles with a large reserve of energy. These include:
- fastest molecules whose kinetic energy Ec ≥ 9,7 kJ / mol.    
- excited molecules.
The energy required for the conversion of inactive particles in active is called the activation energy Ea kJ/mol.
Слайд 15

Arrhenius Equation К – the reaction rate constant; А – a

Arrhenius Equation

К – the reaction rate constant;
А – a constant value

or the total number of collisions;
е – base of the natural logarithm;
R – gas constant;
T – temperature;
Ea – activation energy.
Слайд 16

Catalytic reactions Catalysis is the process of changing the rate of

Catalytic reactions

Catalysis is the process of changing the rate of reaction

by catalysts.
Reactions taking place with the participation of catalysts called catalytic.
A catalyst is a substance that changes the rate of a chemical reaction, but it is not spent.
Catalysis has specificity:
Слайд 17

Enzymes Enzymes are protein molecules able to accelerate the course of


Enzymes are protein molecules able to accelerate the course of biochemical

reactions. Other than enzymes-proteins there are so-called ribozymes - RNA capable of catalysis.
Слайд 18

The active center is a plot of an enzyme which is

The active center is a plot of an enzyme which is

binding, and the transformation of molecules of substrate.
E - enzyme
P - product
S – substrate
I - inhibitor
[ES] – enzyme-substrate
[EP] – enzyme-product
Слайд 19

Factors affecting the activity of the enzyme The concentration of the

Factors affecting the activity of the enzyme

The concentration of the substrate.

1913 Michaelis and Menten proposed equation
= υmax[S]/Km+[S]
Km - Michaelis constant.
A limiting factor of the reaction is the formation of the enzyme-substrate complex.
Km= the substrate concentration at which the reaction rate equals to half of the rate to the maximum.
Слайд 20

Specificity of enzymes: highly specific; law specific; nonspecific. Most of the

Specificity of enzymes:

highly specific;
law specific;
Most of the enzymes are highly

specific, since they change only 1 substrate.
Low specific interact with a group of related substances. Nonspecific change substances of different groups.


Слайд 21

The mechanism of action of enzymes Classic catalysts operate due to

The mechanism of action of enzymes

Classic catalysts operate due to the

energy of activation. Catalysts do not change Δ G they reduce the activation energy. The decrease of activation energy increases the number of molecules able to overcome the energy barrier.
Слайд 22

The principle of irreversibility of chemical reactions Irreversible reactions lead: to

The principle of irreversibility of chemical reactions

Irreversible reactions lead:
to the formation

of gaseous substances:
Zn + 2H2SO4 (k) → ZnSO4 + SO2 ↑+ 2H2O
Ba(NO3)2 + Na2SO4 → BaSO4 ↓+ 2NaNO3
weak electrolyte:
Na2S + 2HCl → 2NaCl + H2S (in solution)
Слайд 23

Reversible chemical reactions. Equilibrium constant. Reactions that proceed in opposite directions

Reversible chemical reactions. Equilibrium constant.

Reactions that proceed in opposite directions are

called reversible.

V1=K1CH2CI2; V2=K2CHI2
At the moment of equilibrium V1=V2, means K1CH2CI2 = K2CHI2
Where К1\К2 = CHI2 \ CH2CI2 =Кр
The equilibrium constant is equal to the ratio of the concentration of the reaction product to product concentrations of initial substances, taken in power of stoichiometric coefficient.
For equilibrium processes

Кр does not dependend on the concentration of substances. Depends on the nature and temperature.

Слайд 24

LE CHATELIER'S PRINCIPLE Shift of the equilibrium based on the principle

Shift of the equilibrium based on the principle

of Le Chatelier:
If the system is in a stable equilibrium, external influence upon changing any of the conditions determining the equilibrium position of the system will increase the directions of the process, which weakens the impact of exposure, and the equilibrium will shift in the same direction.
1. The increase in the concentration of initial substances shifts the balance in the direction of increasing the concentration of the reaction products. And Vice versa.
2. Pressure increase shifts the balance in the direction of reducing the volume of the system.
3. Temperature influence: temperature increase shifts the balance in the direction of the process that is accompanied by absorption the heat.
Слайд 25

LE CHATELIER'S PRINCIPLE 2СО + О2 = 2СО2; ∆Н Equilibrium condition


2СО + О2 = 2СО2; ∆Н<0.
Equilibrium condition : ∆G

=0; and ∆G=∆H-T∆S.
G - Gibbs energy (j/mol),
Н – enthalpy (j/mol),
S – entropy (j/mol * K)

Increase [O2] leads to the binding O2 and Hb and shift the equilibrium to the right, i.e. in favour of formation HbO2 and Vice versa.

The binding of oxygen by hemoglobin to form oxyhemoglobin occurs according to the equation:

Слайд 26

LE CHATELIER'S PRINCIPLE Acid - base balance of the body is


Acid - base balance of the body is disturbed

in violation of the balance between acid and base:

If the reaction results in the formation of gas, insoluble or poorly soluble substance, which would leave the scope of the reaction, the balance shifts to the right.

This reaction is used for preparation of radiopaque drug ВаSO4
Ability to use the principle of Le Chatelier's principle allows to predict changes in the body, caused by external influence.

Слайд 27

The decrease of activation energy is achieved by: 1. Orientation substrates.

The decrease of activation energy is achieved by:
1. Orientation substrates.
2. Theory

of steric interactions. Fischer suggested that the active center of spatially corresponds to the substrate molecule. Due to its spatial specificity of an enzyme and the substrate are oriented specifically.
Слайд 28

3. The theory of induced correspondence. Suggested by Koshland. After the

3. The theory of induced correspondence.
Suggested by Koshland. After the formation

of the enzyme-substrate complex, inside the enzyme molecule some conformation changes can be observed. They induce corresponding changes in the substrate molecule.
Слайд 29

4. the formation of intermediate complexes. а) the acid-basic catalysis. In

4. the formation of intermediate complexes.
а) the acid-basic catalysis.
In the enzyme

donors protons can be cysteine amino acid residues, glutamate, aspartate, lysine, gistidine. Acceptors of protons are the same groups but in the deprotonated form.
b) covalent catalysis.
During it the substrate or part of it formes stable covalent bonds with the enzyme molecule.
c) nucleophilic-electrophilic attack
Слайд 30

PHOTOCHEMICAL REACTIONS Photochemical reactions occur with the absorption of light energy

Photochemical reactions occur with the absorption of light energy

example, photosynthesis of the glucose:

6СО2 + 6Н2О

С6Н12О6 + 6О2

Слайд 31

Mechanisms of chemical reactions Atoms, molecules, radicals, or ions may participate

Mechanisms of chemical reactions

Atoms, molecules, radicals, or ions may participate in

reaction. It’s simple, ion, and radical reaction.
Reactions occurring between the molecules are called simple : H2 + I2=2HI
2NO + Cl2=2NOCl
Activation energy is 150-450 kJ/mol.