Nuclear Energy, Controlled Fission and Fusion 2016


Слайд 2

Fission Break into parts Decay Controlled Fission and Fusion


Break into parts

Controlled Fission and Fusion

Слайд 3

Atomic Structure Operation of a nuclear reactor depends upon various interactions

Atomic Structure

Operation of a nuclear reactor depends upon various interactions of

neutrons with atomic nuclei
protons (p); neutrons (n); electrons (e)
protons or neutrons = nucleons
- Atomic number Z= # of protons (H=1, He=2…U=92)
- Mass number A, # of nucleons, A=p+n=Z+n or n=A-Z
- Isotopes – same Z but different A
e.g. U – 234, 235, 238
U (235) = 92p+143n

Controlled Fission and Fusion

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Controlled Fission and Fusion

Controlled Fission and Fusion

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Controlled Fission and Fusion

Controlled Fission and Fusion

Слайд 6

Energy/Mass Equivalence E=mc2 c = 3x1010cm/s = 3x108m/s E (joules) =

Energy/Mass Equivalence

E=mc2 c = 3x1010cm/s = 3x108m/s
E (joules) = m(kg) x

9 x 1016
E (kWh) = m(kg) x 25 x 10 9
1 kg = 25 Bn kWh ≈ 5 x Armenian electric power consumption.
Electron volt unit = 1.6 x 10-19 joules
1 Mev = 1.6 x 10-13 joules
E (Mev) = m(kg) x 9x1016/1.6x10-13 = 5.6x1029 m(kg)
E (Mev) = m(g) x 9x1012/1.6x10-13 = 5.6x1026 m(kg)

Controlled Fission and Fusion

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Binding Energy (Table 2.4) B.E./A = 931/A [ZmH + mn (A-Z)

Binding Energy (Table 2.4)

B.E./A = 931/A [ZmH + mn (A-Z) –

M] Mev/nucleon
931 is equivalent to 5.6x1026 divided by Avogadro No. = 6.02x1023
mH = 1.008; mn = 1.009
M = in amu (atomic mass unit)
1 amu = 1.660 x 10-24 gm

Controlled Fission and Fusion

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Binding Energy Controlled Fission and Fusion

Binding Energy

Controlled Fission and Fusion

Слайд 9

Controlled Fission and Fusion On average B.E. = 7.5-8.5 Mev per nucleon

Controlled Fission and Fusion

On average B.E. = 7.5-8.5 Mev per nucleon

Слайд 10

Radioactivity Unstable elements; from Z=84-92 Unstable nucleus emits characteristic particles (radiation)


Unstable elements; from Z=84-92
Unstable nucleus emits characteristic particles (radiation)
α -

particles (2p); β - particle (e) and gamma rays (γ)
The fission process is one such decay or splitting of the unstable atom such as uranium.

Controlled Fission and Fusion

Слайд 11

The Fission Process Occurs only with nuclei of high Z (and

The Fission Process

Occurs only with nuclei of high Z (and mass)

3 nuclides are fissionable by neutrons of all energies (slow/thermal; fast)
U-233, 235 and Pu-239, called fissile nuclides
Of these only U-235 occurs in nature. The other two are generated by neutron capture
Fission releases large amount of energy and creates a chain reaction.

Controlled Fission and Fusion

Слайд 12

U-235 →Fission product A + Fission product B + Energy 92p

U-235 →Fission product A + Fission product B + Energy
92p +143n

→ U235 + 235 x 7.6 Mev
92p + 143n → A and B + 235 x 8.5 Mev
Subtracting the two B.E. expressions
U-235 → fission products + 210 Mev
Thus fission of one U-235 nucleus releases 200 Mev energy compared to C(12) combustion releasing 4ev
Ergo, U-235 yields 2.5 million times more energy than same weight of carbon
[or, 1 lb of U-235 =1400 tons of 13,000 Btu/lb. coal]

Controlled Fission and Fusion

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Radioactive Decay of Uranium Controlled Fission and Fusion

Radioactive Decay of Uranium

Controlled Fission and Fusion

Слайд 14

V Controlled Fission and Fusion


Controlled Fission and Fusion

Слайд 15

Controlled Fission and Fusion

Controlled Fission and Fusion

Слайд 16

Schematic Representation of Nuclear Reactor System Controlled Fission and Fusion

Schematic Representation of Nuclear Reactor System

Controlled Fission and Fusion

Слайд 17

Controlled Fission and Fusion

Controlled Fission and Fusion

Слайд 18

Controlled Fission and Fusion

Controlled Fission and Fusion

Слайд 19

Specifics of Light water reactors - LWR Uranium oxide, enriched to

Specifics of Light water reactors - LWR

Uranium oxide, enriched to

3-5% U-235
Moderator and coolant, purified ordinary water; heavy water; graphite.
Control rods: neutron absorbing-Cd, Hf, Boron
Steam generator and Containment
PWR – water coolant at 150 atm; heated to 325C superheated water generates steam in a second loop and operates a turbine
BWR – boils within the core at lower pressure; piped directly to turbine generator
LWR are re-fueled every 12-18 months, where 25% of the fuel is replaced

Controlled Fission and Fusion

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New NPP for Armenia 1000MWe; $5billion Metzamorenergatom, 50-50Russian-Armenian joint stock company;

New NPP for Armenia

1000MWe; $5billion
Metzamorenergatom, 50-50Russian-Armenian joint stock company; will fund

40%; 60% other investors
VVER-1000,model V-392; 60yr life
If 60yr life, retail price of 1 kWh < 7 cents.
Fuel type is UO2

Controlled Fission and Fusion

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Controlled Fission and Fusion

Controlled Fission and Fusion

Слайд 22

Controlled Fission and Fusion

Controlled Fission and Fusion

Слайд 23

PWR animation Controlled Fission and Fusion

PWR animation

Controlled Fission and Fusion

Слайд 24

Three types of reactors (for others see handout) 1. Light and

Three types of reactors (for others see handout)

1. Light and Heavy Water

(Medzamor is a PWR-VVER 440 Model)
2. Propulsion Reactors (PWR family)
Naval vessels / submarines
3. Liquid metal Cooled Fast Breeder Reactors (LMFBR)
Produces more fuel than it consumes
(U-238 absorbs neutrons and converts it to PU-239)
Molten metal is the coolant liquid

Controlled Fission and Fusion

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Controlled Fission and Fusion

Controlled Fission and Fusion

Слайд 26

Fusion Merging of nuclei = Fusing nuclei together Controlled Fission and Fusion


Merging of nuclei =
Fusing nuclei together

Controlled Fission and Fusion

Слайд 27

165,000 TW of sunlight hit the earth every day “God’s version

165,000 TW
of sunlight
hit the earth
every day

“God’s version of a fusion reactor”


Fission and Fusion
Слайд 28

Controlled Fusion Controlled Fission and Fusion

Controlled Fusion

Controlled Fission and Fusion

Слайд 29

Controlled Fission and Fusion Net Power = Efficiency * (Fusion -

Controlled Fission and Fusion

Net Power = Efficiency * (Fusion - Radiation

Loss - Conduction Loss)

Net Power is the net power for any fusion power station.
Efficiency how much energy is needed to drive the device and how well it collects power.
Fusion is rate of energy generated by the fusion reactions.
Radiation is the energy lost as light, leaving the plasma.
Conduction is the energy lost, as momentum leaves the plasma.

Слайд 30

Controlled Fission and Fusion

Controlled Fission and Fusion

Слайд 31

Inertial Confinement Controlled Fission and Fusion

Inertial Confinement

Controlled Fission and Fusion

Слайд 32

Controlled Fission and Fusion

Controlled Fission and Fusion

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Controlled Fission and Fusion

Controlled Fission and Fusion

Слайд 34

Controlled Fission and Fusion

Controlled Fission and Fusion

Слайд 35

Magnetic confinement: Tokamak (Stellerator) Controlled Fission and Fusion

Magnetic confinement: Tokamak (Stellerator)

Controlled Fission and Fusion

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Alcator (MIT) Controlled Fission and Fusion

Alcator (MIT)

Controlled Fission and Fusion

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Controlled Fission and Fusion

Controlled Fission and Fusion

Слайд 38

Magnetic confinement Controlled Fission and Fusion

Magnetic confinement

Controlled Fission and Fusion

Слайд 39

Parameter Space occupied by Inertial/Magnetic Fusion Energy Devices nτ>1014 Lawson criterion.

Parameter Space occupied by Inertial/Magnetic Fusion Energy Devices


Lawson criterion.
n - plasma

(electron) density
τ – confinement time

Controlled Fission and Fusion

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Controlled Fission and Fusion

Controlled Fission and Fusion

Слайд 41

Confinement Concepts Equilibrium: There must be no net forces on any

Confinement Concepts

Equilibrium: There must be no net forces on any part

of the plasma, otherwise it will rapidly disassemble. The exception, of course, is inertial confinement, where the relevant physics must occur faster than the disassembly time.
Stability: The plasma must be so constructed that small deviations are restored to the initial state, otherwise some unavoidable disturbance will occur and grow exponentially until the plasma is destroyed.
Transport: The loss of particles and heat in all channels must be sufficiently slow. The word “confinement” is often used in the restricted sense of “energy confinement”.

Controlled Fission and Fusion

Слайд 42

ITER International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor, and is also Latin for "the


International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor, and is also Latin for "the way")

facility in Saint-Paul-lès-Durance, south of France

Controlled Fission and Fusion

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ITER Controlled Fission and Fusion


Controlled Fission and Fusion