English in Museum. Великое посольство - Grand Ambassy. 1697-1698


Слайд 2

One important event in the history of our country took place

One important event in the history
of our country took place

in 1697-1698.
Its consequences were fateful for the
development of Russia.
The Grand Embassy was the visit
of the young Tsar Peter the Great to a number of European countries. It is believed that the main purpose of the trip was to obtain the support of European countries in the fight against the Ottoman Empire. However, there is
a version that it was not so.
Слайд 3

1. What were the main purposes of the trip? To buy

1. What were the main purposes of the trip?

To buy

To send


search for

To change

To get acquainted with

foreign specialists

To search for foreign specialists

Make up correct collocations by clicking the appropriate verb, then turn the wheel to continue.

Слайд 4

1. What were the main purposes of the trip? To buy

1. What were the main purposes of the trip?

To buy

To send



To get acquainted with

European lifestyle

To get acquainted with European lifestyle

Make up correct collocations by clicking the appropriate verb, then turn the wheel to continue.

Слайд 5

1. What were the main purposes of the trip? To buy

1. What were the main purposes of the trip?

To buy

To send



materials and weapons

To buy materials and weapons

Make up correct collocations by clicking the appropriate verb, then turn the wheel to continue.

Слайд 6

1. What were the main purposes of the trip? To send

1. What were the main purposes of the trip?

To send

To change


nobles to study

To send Russian nobles to study

Make up correct collocations by clicking the appropriate verb, then turn the wheel to continue.

Слайд 7

1. What were the main purposes of the trip? To change

1. What were the main purposes of the trip?

To change

state and

military system

To change state and military system

Make up correct collocations by clicking the appropriate verb, then turn the wheel to continue.

Слайд 8

1. What were the main purposes of the trip? To change

1. What were the main purposes of the trip?

To change state

and military system

To send Russian nobles to study

To buy materials and weapons

To get acquainted with European lifestyle

To search for foreign specialists

Make up the whole sentence and read it aloud.

Слайд 9

The group of royal followers consisted of 250 people. Peter joined

The group of royal followers consisted of 250 people. Peter joined

the group, but he was enlisted under another name.
Слайд 10

2.Which nickname did Peter the Great take? Alekseev Mikhailov Petrov Peter

2.Which nickname did Peter the Great take?




Peter Mikhailov

Preobrazhensky regiment sergeant

Click the

correct version of his nickname then turn the wheel to continue.
Слайд 11

The young tsar planned to visit several European countries.

The young tsar planned to visit several European countries.

Слайд 12

3. Which country didn’t Peter plan to visit? Germany England Holland

3. Which country didn’t Peter plan to visit?






Peter didn’t plan to

visit Spain.

Click the corresponding name of the country, then turn the wheel to continue.

Слайд 13

The purpose of the embassy was "to confirm the friendship and

The purpose of the embassy was "to confirm the friendship and

love" with the European monarchs and "to weaken the enemies of the Cross of the Lord", i.e. in achieving union against the Turks.
We do not know how Peter
then explained the goals of his
own journey. Contemporaries
judged the unprecedented trip
of the Russian tsar to foreign
lands in various ways.
Слайд 14

4. How did Peter explain his participation? He wanted to pray

4. How did Peter explain his participation?

He wanted to

pray God.

go shopping.



see the world.

learn the seaman’s trade.

learn the seaman’s trade.

Click the appropriate reason then turn the wheel to continue.

Слайд 15

The embassy went to North Germany by sea via Riga. In

The embassy went to North Germany by sea via Riga. In

Riga, which belonged to Sweden, Peter received a number of unpleasant impressions both from the population and from the Swedish administration.
Слайд 16

5. Why did Peter feel insulted in Riga? They received him

5. Why did Peter feel insulted in Riga?

They received him without


They gave him bad food.

They didn’t allow him to enter the city.

They didn’t show their fortress.

They didn’t recognize him.

They didn’t show their fortress.

Click the appropriate reason, then turn the wheel to continue.

Слайд 17

In Kurland, on the other hand, the reception was more cordial,

In Kurland, on the other hand, the reception was more cordial,

and in Prussia the Russian embassy was received extremely cordially. In Koenigsberg, a number of feasts were given for Peter and the ambassadors.
Слайд 18

6. In Koenigsberg Peter got a diploma of a “skillful artist”.

6. In Koenigsberg Peter got a diploma of a “skillful artist”.

What did he study?







Слайд 19

The Russian embassy, ​​meanwhile, was engaged in lively negotiations with the

The Russian embassy, ​​meanwhile, was engaged in lively negotiations with the

Brandenburg government on an alliance; but the Russians wanted a union against the Turks, and the Prussians – against the Swedes, and the matter had no result.
After some excursions
in Germany, Peter went
to Holland. On the way
there he met with two
Princesses (Hanover
and Brandenburg
Kurfyurstins), who
characterized him
in a certain way.
Слайд 20

7. Which peter's characteristic made the Europeans upset? ugliness unintelligence rudeness noisiness laziness rudeness

7. Which peter's characteristic made the Europeans upset?







Слайд 21

In Holland, Peter first went to the town of Saardam (Zaandam);

In Holland, Peter first went to the town of Saardam (Zaandam);

there were famous shipyards, which he had heard of in Russia.
Слайд 22

8. What did Peter do in Saardam, Holland? He watched the

8. What did Peter do in Saardam, Holland?

He watched the sea.


examined ships.

He studied astronomy.

He went sightseeing.

He took up carpentry.

He took up carpentry.

Слайд 23

In Amsterdam, he studied shipbuilding at the East India Shipyard and achieved significant success.

In Amsterdam, he studied shipbuilding at the East India Shipyard and

achieved significant success.
Слайд 24

9. Why was Peter dissatisfied by shipbuilding in Amsterdam? He couldn’t

9. Why was Peter dissatisfied by shipbuilding in Amsterdam?

He couldn’t understand

their language.

He didn’t like their ships.

He didn’t have enough time.

They didn’t want to share their skills.

They didn’t have drawings of ships.

They didn’t have drawings of ships.

Слайд 25

Peter left Holland with a feeling of displeasure, but, nevertheless, he

Peter left Holland with a feeling of displeasure, but, nevertheless, he

learned a lot from it. Simultaneously with the work at the shipyard, he studied a lot.
Слайд 26

10. What didn’t Peter do in Holland? studied maths studied astronomy

10. What didn’t Peter do in Holland?

studied maths

studied astronomy

studied law

studied drawing



He didn’t study law.

visited museums

studied engraving

attended lectures

observed mechanisms

learned whaling

Слайд 27

Getting used to the peculiarities of brilliant, prosperous and enlightened Dutch

Getting used to the peculiarities of brilliant, prosperous and enlightened Dutch

life, Peter acquired a lot of new cultural impressions, got developed and educated.
The same thing happened in England,
where Peter moved to without an
embassy at the beginning of 1698.
Peter studied the theory of shipbuilding
and military affairs and observed the
English life, communicating with
representatives of various fields.
Слайд 28

11.Which engineers impressed Peter more? Dutch English English engineers and sailors

11.Which engineers impressed Peter more?



English engineers and sailors impressed

Peter more than

the Dutch ones did.
Слайд 29

In April 1698, Peter returned to Holland, and with the embassy

In April 1698, Peter returned to Holland, and with the embassy

went to Vienna. There he was cordially received by the Emperor Leopold,
but with surprise and annoyance, Peter saw that the Austrian politicians did not want to continue the war against Turkey, that the coalition against the Turks was impossible,
that Russia should make peace with Turkey if it did not want to fight with it alone.
In July, Peter was going to visit Italy.
Слайд 30

12.What prevented Peter from going to Italy? illness tiredness weather lack

12.What prevented Peter from going to Italy?




lack of time

musketeers’ riot

musketeers’ riot

Слайд 31

Although it was soon reported that the rebellion was suppressed, Peter

Although it was soon reported that the rebellion was suppressed, Peter

hurried home. On his way to Moscow, Peter paid a visit to the new Polish king Augustus II; their meeting was very friendly.
Слайд 32

13. What did Augustus II suggest Peter? having a grand party

13. What did Augustus II suggest Peter?

having a grand party

hunting deer


two countries

staying in Poland for a year

making an alliance against Sweden

making an alliance against Sweden

Слайд 33

The results of Peter’s journey were great: firstly, it made the

The results of Peter’s journey were great: firstly, it made the

Muscovite state closer to Western Europe, and secondly, it finally worked out Peter’s personality.
Слайд 34

14. How did the Europeans treat Peter’s visit? scared indifferent happy bewildered curious curious

14. How did the Europeans treat Peter’s visit?







Слайд 35

But the whole education of Peter, his whole life in Moscow

But the whole education of Peter, his whole life in Moscow

didn’t make him obtain progressive looks concerning inner policy: the conqueror of Azov and the creator of the Russian fleet, Peter didn’t think much about managing the Moscow state. And abroad, Peter was
attracted by marine and
military affairs, culture
and industry. On his
coming back to Moscow,
Peter immediately began
to carry out reforms, finally
breaking with old traditions.
Слайд 36

15. What wasn’t Peter interested in while visiting European countries? military

15. What wasn’t Peter interested in while visiting European countries?

military affairs





social structure and management

social structure and management

Слайд 37