The colonial period (1607-1775). Revolutionary and early national period (1776-1830)


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I. The historical and cultural background of the period American literature

I. The historical and cultural background of the period

American literature is

the youngest of all national literatures. For a long time it was under the influence of English literature: it was neither American, nor really literature: it had a provincial and strongly Puritan character. The first books written in America which represent the so-called colonial literature were an interesting mixture of travel accounts and religious writings.
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The earliest writers were Englishmen describing English exploration and colonization of

The earliest writers were Englishmen describing English exploration and colonization of

the new world and the first settlements. Their books were used as travel guides for people planning to move to Virginia or New England. They were diaries dealing with the experiences of newcomers.
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II. Literary works American literature begins with the orally transmitted myths,

II. Literary works

American literature begins with the orally transmitted myths, legends,

epics, tales and lyrics (songs) of Indian culture. Indian tribes had their own religion worshipping gods, sacred persons, animals, plants which were the characters of their literary sources.
The most talented books of the newcomers were written by Captain John Smith, a real adventurer who gave a description of New England and Virginia.
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The writings of Captain John Smith deal mainly with Jamestown’s colony

The writings of Captain John Smith deal mainly with Jamestown’s colony

– one of the first colonies of English settlers. Smith was a romantic and beautified his adventures. To him we owe the famous story of the Indian girl Pocahontas, the chief’s favourite daughter. She saved Captain Smith’s life when he was a prisoner of the chief. Her gentleness, intelligence and beauty impressed the English and later she even married an English gentleman thus initiating peace between the colonists and the Indians.
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Almost from the beginning there were important differences between the Southern

Almost from the beginning there were important differences between the Southern

and the New England colonies.
The rich and powerful plantation owners in the South were slow to develop a literature of their own. They preferred books imported from England.
But in the New England the Puritan settlers had come to the new World in order to form a society based on strict Christian beliefs. This kind of literature was represented by histories, sermons, theological argumentation. The most interesting works of New England Puritan literature were histories.
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The central drama of history is the struggle between Christ and

The central drama of history is the struggle between Christ and

Satan. The style was rather serious, didactic, moralizing and matter-of fact. Certain themes remained constant:
Life was seen as a test;
failure led to eternal damnation and hell fire, and success to heaven.
Puritans laid the foundation of American capitalism, resting on ambition, hard work, striving for success. Material success was a sign of election by God.
The first puritans were not democratic: everybody had to obey the church laws.”.
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At the same time many puritans were intelligent and educated. Among

At the same time many puritans were intelligent and educated. Among

the most important writers of that period we can mention the members of the Mather family of Massachusetts Bay.
Richard Mather was the founder of the Mather dynasty.
The other representatives of the dynasty Increase and Cotton Mather became famous for their descriptions of witch trials in Massachusetts.
Anne Bradstreet was the first real American poet. She wrote about religion, daily life, expressed her love for her husband and children.
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The period from 1775 to 1783 is known as revolutionary because

The period from 1775 to 1783 is known as revolutionary because

of the struggle of American colonies for independence from Great Britain. The period in general is called cosmopolitan as the settlers were of different origins. In Revolutionary America both prose and poetry had a political and practical purpose. The most famous writers of this period were the Founding Fathers, the men who led the Revolution of 1775-1783 and wrote the Constitution of 1789. Their most typical product was the political pamphlet. They shared the Enlightenment ideas;
Unlike the Puritans they were sure man could improve himself.
They wanted to create a happy society based on justice and freedom.
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The writings of Benjamin Franklin (1706-1790), the Father of the Yankees,

The writings of Benjamin Franklin (1706-1790), the Father of the Yankees,

are characterized by great optimism, his style is quite modern and plain.
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He had little formal education, but read very much and got

He had little formal education, but read very much and got

experience in printing matters. When quite young, he became a political leader in Philadelphia’s life, initiated many projects to improve the city life. Then he held important state positions. His experience helped him to write several serious political essays and books. He is also famous for his Poor Richard’s Almanac. Almanacs were a popular form of practical literature. Together with the Bible and the newspaper they were the only reading matter in most households of that time.
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Poor Richard’s Almanac included sayings about saving money and working hard:

Poor Richard’s Almanac included sayings about saving money and working hard:

Lost time is never found again, God helps them who help themselves, Time is money. He invented one type of short prose which greatly influenced the development of a funny story-telling form in America called the hoax or the tall tale His most valuable contribution to American literature is his share in drafting the Declaration of Independence.
Among the pamphletists the most important are John Adams and Thomas Paine.
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The literature of the Revolution is also represented by a democrat Thomas Jefferson (1743-1826).

The literature of the Revolution is also represented by a democrat

Thomas Jefferson (1743-1826).
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He is the chief author of the Declaration of Independence who

He is the chief author of the Declaration of Independence who

is responsible for the spirit and the phrasing of the Declaration.
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He was born in a prominent family and practiced law. He

He was born in a prominent family and practiced law. He

also held some important state positions and was elected President. He was patron of arts and the founder of the University of Virginia. Poets of the Revolutionary era often imitated the neo-classical style and themes of the great English poets. America’s very first poetic circle was called the “Connecticut Wits”. They were more conservative in both their style and politics.
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III. Questions for reflection: - Which genres were typical of the

III. Questions for reflection:

- Which genres were typical of the first

literary works written in the New World?
- Who was Captain John Smith?
- What features characterized Puritan writings?
- Who were the Founding Fathers?
- What type of literature prevailed during the period of American Enlightenment?