“Key words” in translation: based on the material of modern translated comics

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“With a great power comes great responsibility”

“With a great power comes great responsibility”

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Content Introduction The theoretical part Practical part Conclusion


The theoretical part
Practical part

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Introduction The Relevance Growing popularity of comics abroad and especially in


The Relevance
Growing popularity of comics abroad and especially in Kazakhstan
Insufficient number

of research works on this topic

The Purpose of the Study
Cidentify and study the features of the translation of the comic book text, to trace the influence of the comic book genre on the translation of the text

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Consider the comic as a creolized text Consider the history of

Consider the comic as a creolized text
Consider the history of the

creation of comics
Familiarize yourself with the rules for constructing comics
identify the features and problems of translating comic texts by analyzing the text of comics on the example of some of them.


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Creolized text as a linguo-visual phenomenon They are interconnected and form

Creolized text as a linguo-visual phenomenon
They are interconnected and form one

structural, semantic and functional whole, which helps to influence the addressee.

Theoretical part

Image features in comic text
The image as the most important element of the creolized text carries a very important semantic load.

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Theoretical part Comics as the notion of creolization Drawing and verbal

Theoretical part

Comics as the notion of creolization
Drawing and verbal text in

comic create an organic semantic unity.

Multimodal approach in comics translation based on "keywords" as contextual significance

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Practical part Graphic and phonetic levels.

Practical part

Graphic and phonetic levels.

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Practical part Lexical level

Practical part

Lexical level

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Conclusion In the process of translating comics, it is possible to


In the process of translating comics, it is possible to use

different translation methods, but each specific situation requires special attention and consideration of the context and linguistic environment of a lexical unit or group of lexical units. When translating, context plays an important role, as well as the translator's erudition, including background knowledge that helps to ensure understanding when communicating. Thus, the study of the comic book language opens up broad prospects in many areas related to linguistics. Studies of the developing language of comics make it possible to understand the path of further development of mass media, as well as to assess the trends in the development of world culture as a whole.