
Слайд 2

PROMOTION Promotion describes the methods used by a business to inform,


Promotion describes the methods used by a business to inform, persuade

a target market about its product.
Promotion attempts to:
Attract new customers by heightening awareness of a particular product
Increase brand loyalty by reinforcing the image of the product
Encourage existing customers to purchase more of the product
Provide information so that customers can make informed decisions
Encourage new and existing customers to purchase new products.
Слайд 3

Promotion The communication Process Promotional mix Developing Ad program Personal Selling

The communication Process
Promotional mix
Developing Ad program
Personal Selling
Sales Promotion
Public Relation
Developing and

Managing an Advertising Program
Setting the Objectives
advertising budget factors
Deciding on Media

Sales Promotion
Sales promotion includes tools
Purpose of sales promotion
Major Consumer-Promotion Tools
Marketing Public Relations (MPR)
MPR Role
Major Public Relations Tools
Direct Marketing

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Слайд 5

Promotion Promotion represents the fourth element in the marketing mix (4


Promotion represents the fourth element in the marketing mix (4 p’s)

is a mix which consists of advertising, personal selling, sales promotional, and publicity.
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Promotion objectives Advertising objectives can be classified by primary purpose: Inform

Promotion objectives

Advertising objectives can be classified by primary purpose:
Introducing new products

more important as competition increases
Comparative ads
Most important for mature products
Слайд 7

Communication Communication: is the sharing of meaning and requires five elements


Communication: is the sharing of meaning and requires five elements a

source, a massage, a receiver, and the process of encoding and decoding.
Source: the information sent by a source.
Massage: is new form of product.
Receiver: is a consumer who read, hears, or sees the massage are reviser.
Encoding: is the reverse at the process of having the receiver take a set of symbols, the massage, and transfer them back to an abstract idea.
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Promotional Mix

Promotional Mix

Слайд 10

Promotional Mix Advertising ADVERTISING paid, impersonal communication regarding goods, services, organizations,

Promotional Mix


ADVERTISING paid, impersonal communication regarding goods, services, organizations, people, places,

and ideas that is transmitted through various media by business firms, government and other nonprofit organizations, and individuals who are identified in the advertising message as the sponsor.
Слайд 11

Promotional Mix Advertising

Promotional Mix


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Promotional Mix Advertising

Promotional Mix


Слайд 13

Promotional Mix Personal Selling Face to face communication is buyers to

Promotional Mix

Personal Selling 

Face to face communication is buyers to inform and

persuade them to buy.
On average, companies spend more money on personal selling than other elements of promo mix.
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Promotional Mix Personal Selling PERSONAL selling: involves oral communication with one

Promotional Mix

Personal Selling 

PERSONAL selling: involves oral communication with one or more

prospective buyers by paid representatives for the purpose of making sales.
Major advantages: are more persuasive.
Major disadvantages: are costly per individual reached.
Слайд 15

Promotional Mix Sales Promotion Sales promotion activities are important to build

Promotional Mix

Sales Promotion

Sales promotion activities are important to build traffic, attract

attention, generate increased sales, create excitement, and create a competitive advantage.
Sales promotion activities worldwide are at their highest levels.
Слайд 16

Promotional Mix Public Relation Publicity is no personal public relations that

Promotional Mix

Public Relation

Publicity is no personal public relations that is transmitted

Public relations includes any communication to foster a favorable image for goods, services, organizations, people, places, and ideas.
Слайд 17

Promotional Mix Public Relation It may be personal or impersonal, paid

Promotional Mix

Public Relation

It may be personal or impersonal, paid or unpaid,

and sponsor controlled or not controlled through media but not paid for by an identified sponsor.
Слайд 18

Developing And Managing An Advertising Program

Developing And Managing An Advertising Program

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Developing & Managing An Advertising Program Advertising is any paid form

Developing & Managing An Advertising Program

Advertising is any paid form of

non-personal presentation and promotion of ideas, goods, or services by an identified sponsor.
Ads can be a cost-effective way to disseminate messages, whether to build a brand preference or to educate people.
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Developing & Managing An Advertising Program In developing an advertising program,

Developing & Managing An Advertising Program

In developing an advertising program, marketing

managers must always start by identifying the target market and buyer motives.
Then they can make the five major decisions, known as "the five Ms":
 (Mission, Money, Message, Media, Measurement)
Слайд 21

Objectives of Advertising An advertising goal (or objective) is a specific

Objectives of Advertising

An advertising goal (or objective) is a specific communications

task and achievement level to be accomplished with a specific audience in a specific period of time.
Advertising objectives can be classified according to whether their aim is to inform, persuade, remind, or reinforce.
Слайд 22

Advertising Budget Specific Factors To Consider When Setting The Advertising Budget.

Advertising Budget

Specific Factors To Consider When Setting The Advertising Budget.
Stage in

the product life cycle - New products typically receive large advertising budgets to build awareness and to gain consumer trial.
Market share and consumer base - High-market-share brands usually require less advertising expenditure as a percentage of sales .
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Advertising Budget Specific Factors To Consider When Setting The Advertising Budget.

Advertising Budget

Specific Factors To Consider When Setting The Advertising Budget.
Competition and

clutter- In a market with a large number of competitors and high advertising spending, a brand must advertise more heavily to be heard.
Advertising frequency - The number of repetitions needed to put across the brand's message to consumers has an important impact on the advertising budget.
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Deciding on Media Deciding on Reach, Frequency, and Impact Media selection

Deciding on Media

Deciding on Reach, Frequency, and Impact
Media selection is finding

the most cost-effective media to deliver the desired number and type of exposures to the target audience.
What do we mean by the desired number of exposures?
Suppose the rate of product trial increases at a diminishing rate with the level of audience awareness.
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Deciding on Media Choosing Among Major Media Types The media planner

Deciding on Media

Choosing Among Major Media Types
The media planner has to

know the capacity of the major advertising media types to deliver reach, frequency, and impact.
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Deciding on Media

Deciding on Media

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Deciding on Media

Deciding on Media

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Deciding on Media

Deciding on Media

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Deciding on Media

Deciding on Media

Слайд 30

Deciding on Media Media planners make their choices by considering the

Deciding on Media

Media planners make their choices by considering the following

Target audience media habits. Radio and television are the most effective media for reaching teenagers.
Product characteristics. Media types have different potential for demonstration, visualization, explanation, believability, and color.
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Deciding on Media Media planners make their choices by considering the

Deciding on Media

Media planners make their choices by considering the following

Message characteristics.
A message announcing a major sale tomorrow will require radio, TV, or newspaper.
A message containing a great deal of technical data might require specialized magazines or mailings.
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Deciding on Media Media planners make their choices by considering the

Deciding on Media

Media planners make their choices by considering the following

Television is very expensive, whereas newspaper advertising is relatively inexpensive.
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Deciding on Media Evaluating Advertising Effectiveness Good planning and control of

Deciding on Media

Evaluating Advertising Effectiveness
Good planning and control of advertising depend

on measures of advertising effectiveness. Most advertisers try to measure the communication effect of an ad—that is, its potential effect on awareness, knowledge, or preference. They would also like to measure the ad's sales effect.
Слайд 34

Deciding on Media Evaluating Advertising Effectiveness Communication-effect research seeks to determine

Deciding on Media

Evaluating Advertising Effectiveness
Communication-effect research seeks to determine whether an

ad is communicating effectively.
Called copy testing
It can be done before an ad is put into media and after it is printed or broadcast.
The consumer feedback method asks consumers for their reactions to a proposed ad
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Deciding on Media Evaluating Advertising Effectiveness Portfolio tests Ask consumers to

Deciding on Media

Evaluating Advertising Effectiveness
Portfolio tests
Ask consumers to view or listen

to a portfolio of advertisements.
Consumers are then asked to recall all the ads and their content, aided or unaided by the interviewer.
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Deciding on Media Evaluating Advertising Effectiveness Laboratory Tests: Use equipment to

Deciding on Media

Evaluating Advertising Effectiveness
Laboratory Tests:
Use equipment to measure physiological reactions—heartbeat,

blood pressure, and galvanic skin response.
Слайд 37

Sales Promotion

Sales Promotion

Слайд 38

Sales Promotion Sales promotion, a key ingredient in marketing campaigns, consists

Sales Promotion

Sales promotion, a key ingredient in marketing campaigns, consists of

a collection of incentive tools, mostly short term, designed to stimulate quicker or greater purchase of particular products or services by consumers or the trade.
Whereas advertising offers a reason to buy, sales promotion offers an incentive to buy.
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Sales promotion includes tools Consumer promotion (samples, coupons, cash refund offers,

Sales promotion includes tools

Consumer promotion (samples, coupons, cash refund offers,

prices off, premiums, prizes, patronage rewards, free trials, warranties, tie-in promotions, cross-promotions, point-of-purchase displays, and demonstrations).
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Sales promotion includes tools Trade promotion (prices off, advertising and display

Sales promotion includes tools

Trade promotion (prices off, advertising and display

allowances, and free goods).
Business and sales-force promotion (trade shows and conventions, contests for sales reps, and specialty advertising).
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Purpose of sales promotion Attract new triers or brand switchers Reward loyal customers Increase repurchase rates

Purpose of sales promotion

Attract new triers or brand switchers
Reward loyal customers

repurchase rates