Recommended vaccinations


Слайд 2

Plan of lecture 1.Law in the field of immunization. 2.The list

Plan of lecture

1.Law in the field of immunization. 2.The list of contraindications

for vaccines 3.The concept of recommended vaccination
4.Vaccination against chickenpox 5.Vaccination against hepatitis A 6.Hepatitis B vaccination 7.Vaccination against flu 8.Vaccination against pertussis 9.Vaccination against measles, rubella, mumps
10.Vaccination against pneumococcal infections 11.Vaccination against meningococcal disease 12.Vaccination against human papillomavirus 13. Vaccination against rotavirus
Слайд 3

Immunoprophylaxis of Infectious Diseases– system of measures to prevent the spread

Immunoprophylaxis of
Infectious Diseases–
system of measures to prevent the spread

of infectious diseases and elimination through preventive vaccinations.
Слайд 4

Vaccination carried: Only registered in Ukraine vaccines; Accordance with the instructions

Vaccination carried:
Only registered in Ukraine vaccines;
Accordance with the instructions for

use of vaccines;
After receipt informed consent
(Order the Ministry Health of Ukraine from 11.08.2014, № 551)
Слайд 5

The list of contraindications to vaccines (Order the Ministry Health of

The list of contraindications to vaccines
(Order the Ministry Health of Ukraine

from 11.08.2014, № 551)

All types of vaccines:
Severe complications after previous dose, such as anaphylactic reactions or toxic erythema;
Allergic reaction to any component of the vaccine;
Organic progressive disease of the nervous system, hydrocephalus and hydrocephalic syndrome, epilepsy, epileptic syndrome with convulsions more than 2 times a month;
Congenital combined immunodeficiency;
Immunosuppressive therapy.

Слайд 6

The list of contraindications to vaccines (Order the Ministry Health of

The list of contraindications to vaccines
(Order the Ministry Health of Ukraine

from 11.08.2014, № 551)

Live vaccines:
Transient hypogammaglobulinemia;
  HIV infection.

Слайд 7

Recommended vaccinations - recommended for specific groups of patients, but the

Recommended vaccinations - recommended for specific
groups of patients, but
the cost of

vaccine is paid
by patient.
Слайд 8

CHICKEN POX Indications for vaccination: Adults who do not have chickenpox;

Indications for vaccination:
Adults who do not have chickenpox;
  healthy children

under 12 months of age and who do not have chicken pox;
  children to enroll in kindergartens and schools that previously do not have chicken pox;
  healthcare and education, which have a high risk of infection and do not have chickenpox.
Слайд 9

CHICKEN POX live attenuated vaccine -VARILRIX™(Belgium); -OKAVAX (Japan)

CHICKEN POX live attenuated vaccine
-VARILRIX™(Belgium); -OKAVAX (Japan)

Слайд 10

CHICKEN POX CONTRAINDICATIONS Universal for all vaccines; -allergic reaction to any

Universal for all vaccines;
-allergic reaction to any component of the

vaccine, including neomycin;
Слайд 11

CHICKEN POX Planned prophylaxis: - Children before 12 years: 1 dose

Planned prophylaxis: - Children before 12 years: 1 dose of

vaccine (0.5 ml) once -Children after 12 years: 1 dose of vaccine (0.5 ml) twice with a minimum interval of 6 weeks.
Emergency prevention Vaccinate once one vaccine dose (0.5 ml) for 96 hours after the first contact (preferably within 72 hours).
The vaccine injected subcutaneously
Слайд 12

Viral hepatitis A Indications for vaccination: - staff catering establishments; -

Viral hepatitis A
Indications for vaccination:
- staff catering establishments; - military personnel,

firemen; - servicers water treatment plants,; - people who use drugs intravenously; - HIV-positive people; - persons, who living in endemic areas for hepatitis A; - persons, who traveling to areas of high endemicity; - person, to communicate with the patient of hepatitis A.
Слайд 13

Viral hepatitis A AVAXIM 160U inactivated adsorbed liquid vaccine AVAXIM 80U

Viral hepatitis A
AVAXIM 160U inactivated adsorbed liquid vaccine

inactivated adsorbed liquid vaccine for Junior (France)
3) TWINRIX™ (vaccine for the prevention of hepatitis A (inactivated) and B (adsorbed) (Belgium)
4) Havrix™-1440 / Havrix™-720 Junior monodose (Belgium)
Слайд 14

Viral hepatitis A CONTRAINDICATIONS -Universal for all vaccines; -Pregnancy and lactation

Viral hepatitis A
-Universal for all vaccines;
-Pregnancy and lactation -NOT are contraindications.

vaccination (2 doses): 1 dose of vaccine twice with interval of 6 (12) months (subcutaneous, intramuscular)
Слайд 15

Viral hepatitis В Indications for vaccination: Medical workers; military personnel, firemen;

Viral hepatitis В
Indications for vaccination:
Medical workers;
military personnel, firemen;
staff and patients

of closed institutions (psychiatric clinical, etc.);
staff and persons in prisons;
personnel services, who have professional contact with human body fluids (hairdressers, beauty salons personnel, masseurs, etc.);
Слайд 16

Viral hepatitis В Indications for vaccination: people who use drugs intravenously,

Viral hepatitis В
Indications for vaccination:
people who use drugs intravenously,
persons who

frequently change sexual partners;
women who provide sexual services;
men who have sex with men;
patients with chronic diseases and cancer,
chronic liver failure;
persons who traveling to endemic areas of hepatitis B
Слайд 17

Vaccines, registered in Ukraine, for the prevention of hepatitis B containing

Vaccines, registered in Ukraine, for the prevention of hepatitis B containing

recombinant antigen HBs
1) Heberbiovac HB® (Cuba);
2)Hepavax-Gene®(Korea); 3) ENGERIX™ B (Belgium);
4) EUVAX B (Коrea);
5) PROFI gen B™ (Ukraine)
Слайд 18

Viral hepatitis В CONTRAINDICATIONS -universal for all vaccines; -Pregnancy and lactation

Viral hepatitis В
-universal for all vaccines; -Pregnancy and lactation -NOT are contraindications.

vaccine is used intramuscularly into the deltoid muscle.
Injection in the gluteal region considered invalid and must be repeated vaccination.
Слайд 19

Viral hepatitis В Vaccination schedules 1 ) BASIC – Scheme 3

Viral hepatitis В
Vaccination schedules
1 ) BASIC – Scheme 3 doses of

0, 1 and 6 months (after 3 doses of antibody concentration check anti - HBs serum);
2) Acceleration - use in adults (before leaving in endemic areas, before surgery). Scheme (4 primary vaccination dose): 0, 7, 21 days and 12 months;
3) patients without immune response to primary vaccination series (anti-HBs 1-2 months after the primary vaccination <10 IU / L → repeat the full scheme of the primary vaccination.
Слайд 20

INFLUENZA Indications for vaccination: military personnel, construction workers, employees of traffic

Indications for vaccination:
military personnel, construction workers, employees of traffic police,

the Ministry of Internal Affairs;
medical workers;
Persons, who caring for patients with influenza at home;
children from 6 months of age;
aged over 60 years;
women who will be pregnancy during influenza epidemic;
pregnant women.
Слайд 21

INFLUENZA CONTRAINDICATIONS -Allergy to chicken eggs or to components of vaccine;

-Allergy to chicken eggs or to components of vaccine; -Acute Illness or

reactivation of chronic diseases; Is the relative contraindication, during the first trimester of pregnancy. Vaccination with inactivated vaccines in the second and third trimesters of pregnancy is safe.
Scheme: 1 dose introduced intramuscularly or deep subcutaneous
injection  in autumn every ears.
Слайд 22

Measles, rubella, mumps – combined live vaccine. Indications for vaccination: adults

Measles, rubella, mumps –
combined live vaccine.
Indications for vaccination:
adults for the

prevention of measles, rubella, mumps;
HIV-infected patients.
- universal for all vaccines; -thrombocytopenia; -allergic to amino glycosides, chicken eggs; - The introduction of blood products in history.
Слайд 23

On the territory of Ukraine registered a vaccine for the prevention

On the territory of Ukraine registered a vaccine for the prevention

Measles, rubella, mumps :
PRIORIX™ (Belgium)
TRIVIVAC (Czech Republic)
Measles, rubella, mumps , chicken pox:
Слайд 24

Measles, rubella, mumps Scheme: 1 dose of vaccine is administered subcutaneously at intervals of 1 month.

Measles, rubella, mumps
Scheme: 1 dose of vaccine is administered subcutaneously at

intervals of 1 month.
Слайд 25

Pneumococcal infection Indications for vaccination: children and adults for the prevention

Pneumococcal infection
Indications for vaccination:
children and adults for the prevention of

pneumococcal disease;
children from private groups;
older persons, especially those living in boarding;
Слайд 26

Indications for the medical risk groups: patients with chronic heart disease

Indications for the medical risk groups:
patients with chronic heart disease (except

hypertension), lungs, liver, diabetes, nephrotic syndrome or renal failure;
with alcohol dependence;
with congenital or acquired immunodeficiency;
after splenectomy or functional asplenia;
  patients with malignant tumors in the stage of generalization;
  with liquorrhea;
cochlear implant or before implantation;
parenchymal organ transplant.
Слайд 27

On the territory of Ukraine registered for prevention Pneumococcal infection: PNEUMO

On the territory of Ukraine registered for prevention Pneumococcal infection:

polyvalent polysaccharide liquid (France)
PREVENAR polysaccharide conjugated adsorbed (USA)
Pneumococcal and HIB-infection
SYNFLORIX™ (Australia)
Слайд 28

Pneumococcal infection Inactivated vaccine, contains purified polysaccharide antigens of different serotypes

Pneumococcal infection
Inactivated vaccine, contains purified polysaccharide antigens of different serotypes Streptococcus Pneumoniae

1 dose subcutaneously or intramuscularly
- universal for all vaccines.
Слайд 29

Meningococcal disease Indications for vaccination: children and adults for the prevention

Meningococcal disease
Indications for vaccination:
children and adults for the prevention

of meningococcal disease, especially: - with functional or anatomical asplenia; -persons with impaired humoral immunity; -laboratory workers who have contact with infectious material; -pupils and students, who the first time in his life will live in a boarding school or dormitory; -soldiers (or other employees) in the barracks.
- universal for all vaccines.
Слайд 30

Registered in Ukraine MENINGO A + C vaccine for the prevention

Registered in Ukraine MENINGO A + C vaccine for the prevention of

meningococcal serogroups A and C polysaccharide, dry (France)
Use 1 dose once for children 18 months and adults, revaccination after three years.
Слайд 31

Human papilloma virus (HPV) Indications for vaccination: to prevent: cervical intraepithelial

Human papilloma virus (HPV)
Indications for vaccination:
to prevent:
  cervical intraepithelial

neoplasia 2-3-th degree and cancer of the cervix, vagina, vulva in girls and women between 10 and 25 years;
  genital warts (men and women);
other diseases caused by human papilloma virus.
Vaccination is not exempt from regular, cytology screening for cervical cancer.
Слайд 32

Vaccine Human papilloma virus (HPV) comprising a recombinant protein, inactivated. Registered

Vaccine Human papilloma virus (HPV) comprising a recombinant protein, inactivated. Registered in

Ukraine: - Gardasil® quadrivalent (types 6, 11, 16, 18) (Netherlands); -Cervarix ™ (type 16, 18) (Belgium)
Слайд 33

Human papilloma virus (HPV) 3 doses intramuscularly in the deltoid muscle

Human papilloma virus (HPV)
3 doses intramuscularly in the deltoid muscle

scheme 0, 1, 6 months (or 0, 2, 6 months)
- universal for all vaccines; -Violation blood clotting.
Слайд 34

Rotavirus Indications for vaccination: for the prevention of gastroenteritis caused by

Indications for vaccination:
for the prevention of gastroenteritis caused by rotavirus

for all vaccines;
unrepaired congenital hypoplasia of digestive tract (such as Meckel's diverticulum)