Thermoregulation pathology. (Lecture 6)


Слайд 2

Human thermoregulation

Human thermoregulation

Слайд 3

The sources of heat production Body BMR (Basal Metabolic Rate) Increased

The sources of heat production

Body BMR (Basal Metabolic Rate)
Increased Metabolic

muscle activity (shivering);
effect of thyroxin on the cells;
effects of epinephrine, norepinephrine and sympathetic stimulation on the cells.
Слайд 4

The ways of heat loss Heat conduction to the objects Heat

The ways of heat loss

Heat conduction to the objects
Heat conduction to

the air (convection).
Heat irradiation.
Слайд 5

Thermoregulation mechanisms

Thermoregulation mechanisms

Слайд 6

The causes of fever Primary pyrogens Infectious pyrogens (from bacteria, viruses,

The causes of fever

Primary pyrogens
Infectious pyrogens (from bacteria, viruses, protozoa, fungi).

polysaccharides and lipopolysaccharides of the microbial cell membrane.
Слайд 7

The causes of fever Primary pyrogens Non-infectious pyrogens foreign proteins, lipids

The causes of fever

Primary pyrogens
Non-infectious pyrogens
foreign proteins, lipids or nuclear acids;

of tissue decay (burns, mechanical traumas, surgical operations, internal hemorrhages, infarcts, allergic reactions, autoimmune processes, etc.)
Слайд 8

The causes of fever Secondary pyrogens cytokines: IL-1, IL-6, TNF, gamma-interpherone

The causes of fever

Secondary pyrogens
cytokines: IL-1, IL-6, TNF, gamma-interpherone (produced

and released by phagocytes)
Pyrogenic cytokines are synthesized in every case of primary pyrogens appearance.
Слайд 9

Fever stages Temperature increase stage – stadium incrementi High temperature standing

Fever stages

Temperature increase stage – stadium incrementi
High temperature standing stage –

stadium fastigii
Temperature descent stage -stadium decrementi
Слайд 10

Temperature increase stage Secondary pyrogens Thermoregulatory neurons Activation of phospholipase Increased

Temperature increase stage


Thermoregulatory neurons

Activation of phospholipase

Increased AA metabolism

Increased PG E2


Accumulation of cAMP

Decrease of
cold neurons

Adjusting point
of thermoregulation
becomes higher


Слайд 11

Heat loss decreases due to: skin periphery vessels constriction sweat secretion

Heat loss decreases due to:
skin periphery vessels constriction
sweat secretion inhibition
decrease of

pilomotor reflex - “goose-flesh”

Temperature increase stage

Слайд 12

Temperature increase stage Peripheral vessels constriction shivering, pilomotor reflex, feeling of

Temperature increase stage

Peripheral vessels

pilomotor reflex,
feeling of cold

Irritation of skin



Activation of heat


Слайд 13

Temperature increase stage Heat production increases due to: contractive thermogenesis (increased

Temperature increase stage

Heat production increases due to:
contractive thermogenesis (increased tone of

muscles and shivering).
noncontractive thermogenesis (increased metabolism of inner organs).
Слайд 14

High temperature standing stage no further temperature increase heat loss increases

High temperature standing stage

no further temperature increase
heat loss increases

(in comparison with 1st stage)
thermoregulation is normal (heat production and heat loss are in normal balance)
Слайд 15

The types of temperature curves Febris continua - temperature fluctuation within

The types of temperature curves

Febris continua - temperature fluctuation within 1

C0 range (abdominal typhus, croupous pneumonia).

Febris remittens - daily fluctuation exceeds the 1 C0 range, temperature is high (exudative pleuritis).

Febris intermittens - daily fluctuation exceeds the 1 C0 range, temperature may reverse to normal (malaria, infectious endocarditis).

Febris hectica - temperature fluctuation is 3 to 5 degrees (sepsis)

Слайд 16

The level of temperarure increase Subfebrile temperature up to 38 C

The level of temperarure increase

Subfebrile temperature up to 38 C

temperature – 38 - 39 C
Pyretic temperature –39 - 41C
Hyperpyretic – temperature is higher than 41C
Слайд 17

Temperature descent stage Decrease of pyrogenic cytokines synthesis Adjusting point of

Temperature descent stage

Decrease of pyrogenic cytokines synthesis
Adjusting point of

heat regulation center returns to the normal physiological level
Heat loss is prevailing
The decrease of fever may be lytical (slow) or critical (fast).
Слайд 18

Metabolic changes in fever BMR in the 1st and 2nd fever

Metabolic changes in fever

BMR in the 1st and 2nd fever stage

is increased. In the 3rd stage - decreases.
Carbohydrate and lipids metabolism – prevalence of catabolic processes in the 1st and 2nd fever stage. In the 3rd stage – normal.
Protein metabolism is disturbed in the case of long lasting fever – proteolysis will increase.
Слайд 19

Metabolic changes in fever Water metabolism 1st stage – increased water

Metabolic changes in fever

Water metabolism
1st stage – increased water loss (due

to increased diuresis).
2nd stage - accumulation of water in the organism.
3rd stage - increased water loss (increase of diuresis and sweating)
Слайд 20

Changes in organs function in fever Nervous system – insomnia, high

Changes in organs function in fever

Nervous system – insomnia, high irritability,

high sensitivity of skin and mucous covers.
Endocrine system – increase of ACTH, catecholamines, TSH, thyroid hormones.
Heart – tachycardia.
Lungs – increased alveolar ventilation and gas diffusion.
Слайд 21

Changes in organs function in fever GIT - loss of appetite,

Changes in organs function in fever

GIT - loss of appetite, decrease

of salivation, decreased secretion and motoric functions.
Liver and pancreas - decreased synthesis of digestive enzymes.
Kidneys – increased diuresis in the 1 and 3 stage of fever and accumulation of water in the second stage.
Слайд 22

The role of fever POSITIVE Bacteriostatic and bactericidal effects on microbes

The role of fever

Bacteriostatic and bactericidal effects on microbes

of immune system (innate and specific immunity)
Increased liver function (detoxication, protein and vitamins synthesis)
Active excretion of toxins (due to increased sweating and diuresis).

Functional overload of organs (lungs, heart, endocrine glands)
Hypohydration (cholera) and blood hemolysis (malaria) may lead to disturbances of blood clotting
Disturbances of GIT function due to increased level of toxic substances

Слайд 23

The causes of hyperthermia Exogenous – hot climate, hot workshops, heat-isolated

The causes of hyperthermia

Exogenous – hot climate, hot workshops, heat-isolated cloth,

air high humidity, insufficient ventilation.
Endogenous disturbances of heat regulation, without pyrogens formation
heat regulation center violations (cerebral traumas, encephalitis, cerebral edema)
fever caused by psychical diseases, nervous excitation, stresses
Слайд 24

The causes of hyperthermia Endogenous increase of heat production intensive muscular

The causes of hyperthermia

Endogenous increase of heat production
intensive muscular loading

contractive thermogenesis – tetanus spasms.
disconnection of oxidation and phosphorylation processes which increases heat production (poisoning by 2,4-dinitrophenolum, hyperthyroidism).
Endogenous decrease of heat loss
sweat secretion decrease under poisoning by cholinolytic medicines (Atropinum);
skin vessels spasms (adrenimimetic overdose and adrenali increased rejection).
Слайд 25

Hyperthermia compensation stage Increase of heat loss –dilating of skin arterioles,

Hyperthermia compensation stage

Increase of heat loss –dilating of skin arterioles, increase

of skin temperature, increased perspiration.
Changes in organism’s functions:
increase of heart rate and BP;
centralization of bloodflow;
decrease of alveolar ventilation;
decrease of working capacity, weakness, drowse, high irritability.
Слайд 26

Changes in the organism due to body’s temperature 38°C - Sweating.

Changes in the organism due to body’s temperature

38°C - Sweating.

39°C - Severe sweating, redness of the skin, fast heart rate and breathlessness.
40°C - + Fainting, dehydration, weakness, vomiting, headache and dizziness, profuse sweating.
41°C - + hallucinations, delirium, drowsiness.
42°C - + severe delirium and vomiting, coma, convulsions.
43°C - + serious brain damage, continuous convulsions and shock, cardio-respiratory collapse will occur.
44°C or more - almost certainly death will occur.



Слайд 27

Hyperthermia decompensation stage cardiovascular disturbances – progressive tachycardia, decrease of heart

Hyperthermia decompensation stage

cardiovascular disturbances – progressive tachycardia, decrease of heart stroke

volume, microcirculation disorders, increased blood clotting.
acidosis due to hypoxia.
hypohydration (du to profound sweating) leads to increased blood viscosity
metabolic violations
Слайд 28

The biochemical effects of long exposure to high temperature Denaturation of

The biochemical effects of long exposure to high temperature

Denaturation of proteins

– blocking of all enzyme pathways
Liquefaction of lipid membrane – destroying cell walls
Damage of mitochondrial membranes - paralysis of energy production
Increase of Na+ leak
Слайд 29

The biochemical effects of long exposure to high temperature Increase of

The biochemical effects of long exposure to high temperature

Increase of peroxidative

oxidation of lipids – accumulation of high toxic suboxidized lipid metabolism products
Carbohydrate metabolism and other energy pathways are disrupted.
The loss of energy in the cell reduces normal cellular functions and thermoregulation fails.
Слайд 30

Heat stroke manifestation Body temperature >40 C CNS depression (the most

Heat stroke manifestation

Body temperature >40 C
CNS depression (the most important

sign of heat stroke).
bizarre behavior
collapse, delirium, stupor, and coma.
The skin color may be ashen, implying circulatory collapse, or pink.
Symptoms of autonomic nervous system dysfunction, miosis, decreased pain response, and dehydration symptoms
Слайд 31

Thermotherapy (pyrotherapy) General thermotherapy - injection of bacterial lipopolysaccride (primary pyrogens).

Thermotherapy (pyrotherapy)

General thermotherapy - injection of bacterial lipopolysaccride (primary pyrogens).

to increase adaptive and innate immunity in chronic infectious diseases (arthritis, syphilis)
to intensify reparative processes in bones and other tissues after their damage, trauma, surgical operations.
Слайд 32

Thermotherapy (pyrotherapy) Local thermotherapy may be used in cancer treatment: tumor

Thermotherapy (pyrotherapy)

Local thermotherapy may be used in cancer treatment:
tumor cells have

difficulty dissipating heat.
local increase of temperature brake mitoses in cancer cells, cause denaturation of cancer cell membrane proteins.
Even if the cancerous cells do not die, they become more susceptible to ionizing radiation treatments or to certain chemotherapies.
Слайд 33

Differences between fever and hyperthermia

Differences between fever and hyperthermia

Слайд 34

Differences between fever and hyperthermia

Differences between fever and hyperthermia

Слайд 35

When fever treatment is needed when fever is accompanied with high

When fever treatment is needed

when fever is accompanied with high pyretic

temperature (more than 38,5 C);
when fever is observed in the patient with cardio-vascular failure, diabetes mellitus or other endocrine diseases;
in newborns (0-2 months), infants (2 months till 1 year) and aged people.
Слайд 36

The causes of hypothermia not effective thermoregulation (infants, babies and aged

The causes of hypothermia

not effective thermoregulation (infants, babies and aged people);

long exposure to the cold surroundings;
disturbances of nervous system function (drugs, alcohol, toxic substances, parkinson disease);
disturbances of endocrine system function (hypothyroidism, hypopituitarism, adrenal insufficiency) that lead to decreased heat production.
Слайд 37

Hypothermia compensation stage Behavioral thermoregulation Reduction of heat loss - peripheral

Hypothermia compensation stage

Behavioral thermoregulation
Reduction of heat loss - peripheral blood

vessels constriction.
Increase of heat production - activation of bloodflow in inner organs, induction of contractive thermogenesis (shivering).
Heart and lungs: tachycardia, increase of BP and heart stroke volume, increased ventilation of lungs.
Слайд 38

Changes in the organism due to body’s temperature 35°C - Intense

Changes in the organism due to body’s temperature

35°C - Intense shivering,

numbness and bluish / greyness of the skin.
34°C - Severe shivering, loss of movement of fingers, blueness and confusion.
33°C + sleepiness, depressed reflexes, progressive loss of shivering, slow heart beat, shallow breathing.
32°C + Hallucinations, delirium, comatose. Shivering and nervous reflexes are absent.
31°C + shallow breathing and slow heart rate. Possibility of serious heart rhythm problems.
28°C + Severe heart rhythm disturbances, problems with breathing.
24-26°C or less - Death due to irregular heart beat or respiratory arrest.



Слайд 39

Hypothermia decompensation stage slowing of biochemical reactions (inhibition of metabolism); increase

Hypothermia decompensation stage

slowing of biochemical reactions (inhibition of metabolism);
increase of blood

viscosity, slowing of blood flow, increase of blood coagulation;
development of tissue’s hypoxia.
Cold core temperature (below 250C) causes the depression of brain respiratory, vascular and thermoregulation centers, the violation of heart contraction.
Слайд 40

Vicious circles during hypothermia Low body temperature Metabolic circle Metabolism inhibition Low heat production

Vicious circles during hypothermia

body temperature

Metabolic circle


heat production

Слайд 41

Vicious circles during hypothermia Low body temperature Vascular circle Dilation of peripheral vessels Increased heat loss

Vicious circles during hypothermia

body temperature

Vascular circle

Dilation of

heat loss

Слайд 42

Vicious circles during hypothermia Low body temperature Neuro-muscular circle Decreased excitability

Vicious circles during hypothermia

body temperature

Neuro-muscular circle

Decreased excitability
of nervous centres

Absence of

Слайд 43

Controlled hypothermia Systemic controlled hypothermia is used in surgical operations on

Controlled hypothermia

Systemic controlled hypothermia is used in surgical operations on

the organs with stopped bloodflow – heart, brain, large vessels.
Cells and tissues in the controlled hypothermia decrease their functional activity.
It prevents disturbances of ABB, water and ion metabolism, increase tissue’s resistance to hypoxia and other pathogenic stimuli.
Local induced hypothermia (brain, kidneys, liver, prostate etc.) is provided complex surgical operations.