The Endocrine System


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Endocrine System A collection of glands that work together to maintain

Endocrine System

A collection of glands that work together to maintain

the homeostasis of the body by:
Coordinating ____________________________and activity via chemical communication
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The Theory of Communication All communication has at least three parts

The Theory of Communication

All communication has at least three parts
Sender –

entity that releases information
Message – the forms of the information itself
Receiver – the entity that collects and interprets the information contained in the message
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Hormones Hormones are chemicals released by glands that control the function/activity


Hormones are chemicals released by glands that control the function/activity of

cells generally far from the source of production
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Body Communication Sender? Message? Receiver? Tissue that creates the hormone The hormone itself The target tissue

Body Communication


Tissue that creates the hormone

The hormone itself

The target tissue

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Autocrines vs. Paracrines Autocrines – cells produce hormones that effect themselves

Autocrines vs. Paracrines

Autocrines – cells produce hormones that effect themselves

Paracrines –

cells produce hormones that effect other nearby cells
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How can chemicals alter cellular function?

How can chemicals alter cellular function?

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Hormones can… 1. Alter cell membrane permeability 2. Stimulate synthesis of

Hormones can…

1. Alter cell membrane permeability
2. Stimulate synthesis of proteins or

3. Activates or deactivates enzymes
4. Induces exocytosis
5. Stimulates mitosis
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Human Growth Hormone – Normal Amounts

Human Growth Hormone – Normal Amounts

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Examples – HGH Abnormally High Amounts

Examples – HGH Abnormally High Amounts

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Testosterone – Normal Amounts

Testosterone – Normal Amounts

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Testosterone – Abnormal Amounts/ Gender Differences

Testosterone – Abnormal Amounts/ Gender Differences

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Hormone Classification 3 Chemical classes Amino acid based Steroid-based (sterols) Eicosanoid

Hormone Classification

3 Chemical classes
Amino acid based
Steroid-based (sterols)
Eicosanoid (lipid-based)
What is the most

important functional difference between these molecules?
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Amino acid-Based Hormones Water soluble, so can diffuse through blood and

Amino acid-Based Hormones

Water soluble, so can diffuse through blood and body

fluids easily
However, they are generally fat-insoluble
How do they enter and affect cells?
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Receptor Proteins Target cells have receptors for each hormone Not every

Receptor Proteins

Target cells have receptors for each hormone
Not every cell has

all receptors
Receptors bind with hormones to start a series of events, ultimately changing cell function
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Water Soluble (Amino acid-based) Hormones

Water Soluble (Amino acid-based) Hormones

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Fat-Soluble Hormones Can go right through the cell membrane! Bond with

Fat-Soluble Hormones

Can go right through the cell membrane!
Bond with receptor proteins

in the cytoplasm instead of the cell membrane
Receptor-hormone complex can bond to DNA to initiate gene expression
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Fat-Soluble Hormones

Fat-Soluble Hormones

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Hormone Life (Half-life) Presence of a hormone in the blood is limited by: 1. 2. 3.

Hormone Life (Half-life)

Presence of a hormone in the blood is limited

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Hormone Release What controls the release/retention of hormones? Humoral Stimulus –

Hormone Release

What controls the release/retention of hormones?
Humoral Stimulus – Blood levels

of certain ions/nutrients
Neural Stimulus- Nerve fibers stimulate hormone release
Hormonal Stimuli – hormones tell glands to release/retain hormones
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Regulation Hypothalamus – regulates most hormonal release in the body Monitors


Hypothalamus – regulates most hormonal release in the body
Monitors body homeostasis

(blood sugar, wastes, hormone levels)
Direct link to pituitary gland

Pituitary gland

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Hypothalamus Hormones The hypothalamus makes two hormones that are stored in

Hypothalamus Hormones

The hypothalamus makes two hormones that are stored in the

posterior pituitary gland
These hormones travel down the infundibulum ( nerve extensions) into the posterior pituitary where they are stored
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Pituitary Gland Bi-lobed structure that stores and produces hormone Under the direct control of the hypothalamus!

Pituitary Gland

Bi-lobed structure that stores and produces hormone
Under the direct control

of the hypothalamus!
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Pituitary Gland (Hypophysis)

Pituitary Gland (Hypophysis)

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Posterior Pituitary Does not create, but rather stores hormones that are

Posterior Pituitary

Does not create, but rather stores hormones that are made

in the hypothalamus
Derived from nervous tissue
Anti-diuretic hormone (ADH) -
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Anterior vs. Posterior Pituitary

Anterior vs. Posterior Pituitary

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Anterior Pituitary Derived from epithelial tissue (secretory cells) Creates MANY hormones

Anterior Pituitary

Derived from epithelial tissue (secretory cells)
Creates MANY hormones de novo

growth hormone (HGH)
Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (TSH)
Adrenocorticotropic Hormone
Leutinizing Hormone
Follicle Stimulating Hormone
Released or inhibited as directed by hormones from hypothalamus (stimulates or inhibits AP hormone production and release)
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Pituitary Perfusion (Posterior) Posterior Pituitary (PP) is perfused with one major

Pituitary Perfusion (Posterior)

Posterior Pituitary (PP) is perfused with one major artery

and vein
Carries PP hormones out to body
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Pituitary Perfusion (Anterior) Capillaries are “split” (form plexi) twice! Primary capillary

Pituitary Perfusion (Anterior)

Capillaries are “split” (form plexi) twice!
Primary capillary plexus
Secondary capillary


Primary plexus

Secondary plexus

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Thyroid Gland Surrounds the trachea (bilateral lobes) Produces the hormone thyroxin

Thyroid Gland

Surrounds the trachea (bilateral lobes)
Produces the hormone thyroxin
Why is this

not considered to be an exocrine gland?
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Thyroid Structure Principal (Follicle) Cells – produce thyroglobulin Colloid – stores

Thyroid Structure

Principal (Follicle) Cells – produce thyroglobulin
Colloid – stores thyroglobulin and

iodine molecules
Parafollicular cells – produce calcitonin
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Thyroid Synthesis Thyroglobulin made by follicular cells and goes into follicle

Thyroid Synthesis

Thyroglobulin made by follicular cells and goes into follicle
Iodine trapped

from the blood (active transport)
Iodide converted to iodine
Iodine attached to tyrosine
Iodinated tyrosines are linked
Thyroglobulin is endocytosed
Thyroid hormone is processed by enzymes and diffuse from the cell into the blood stream
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Thyroid Production

Thyroid Production

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Calcitonin Produced by the parafollicular cells in the thyroid Release of


Produced by the parafollicular cells in the thyroid
Release of calcitonin results

in lowered blood Calcium
1. Inhibits osteoclast activity
2. Enhances bone absorption of Ca.
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The Parathyroid Glands Paired glands located on the posterior aspect of

The Parathyroid Glands

Paired glands located on the posterior aspect of the

They produce parathyroid hormone which control Calcium levels in the blood
Antagonist of calcitonin (inhibited by rising Ca levels)
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The Adrenal Glands Divided into two sections Adrenal Medulla (the core

The Adrenal Glands

Divided into two sections
Adrenal Medulla (the core of the

Adrenal Cortex (the outermost layer of tissue)
Zona glomerulosa
Zona fasciculate
Zona reticularis
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Adrenal Cortex Produces corticosteroids (derived from cholesterol!) Each zone of the

Adrenal Cortex

Produces corticosteroids (derived from cholesterol!)
Each zone of the cortex produces

its own suite of hormones that are functionally specific
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Adrenal Cortex – Zona glomerulosa Produce mineralocorticoids Regulate ion concentration in

Adrenal Cortex – Zona glomerulosa

Produce mineralocorticoids
Regulate ion concentration in blood and

interstitial fluid
Aldosterone reduces excretion of Na + from the body and enhances resorption
Production triggered by low blood volume, low blood pressure and increases in K+ ion concentration.
Why is this important?
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Glucocorticoids Synthesized in zona fasciculata Cortisol – steroid-based hormone Release of


Synthesized in zona fasciculata
Cortisol – steroid-based hormone
Release of cortisol promoted by

ACTH release
Depresses inflammation, increases blood sugar by provoking gluconeogenesis
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Gluconeogenesis Where do sugars normally come from? Gluconeogenesis -


Where do sugars normally come from?
Gluconeogenesis -

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Gonadocorticoids Secreted in the zona fascicularis/reticularis Most are weak androgens (precursors


Secreted in the zona fascicularis/reticularis
Most are weak androgens (precursors to testosterone

and estrogen)
Not really (anabolic) steroids?
Play a large role during puberty (both sexes) and female sex drive
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The Adrenal Medulla Chromaffin cells produce catecholamines Epinephrine Norepinephine Released during

The Adrenal Medulla

Chromaffin cells produce catecholamines
Released during fight-or-flight stress
Increases heart

rate, constricts blood vessels (increasing blood pressure) for a short time
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Pineal Gland Located in the diencephalon Produces melatonin, which causes drowsiness

Pineal Gland

Located in the diencephalon
Produces melatonin, which causes drowsiness
Decreased light, received

by the eyes (to brain) stimulate the release of melatonin
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Pancreas Organ most directly related in regulating blood sugar Two hormones


Organ most directly related in regulating blood sugar
Two hormones produced
Glucagon –

produced by alpha cells when blood sugar is low (hypoglycemia)
Insulin – produced when blood sugar is high (hyperglycemia)
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Glucagon When released from the pancreas, causes the breakdown of glycogen


When released from the pancreas,
causes the breakdown of glycogen (liver

starch) into sugar
Release of glucose from liver cells into the blood
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Insulin When released from the pancreas, insulin… Enhances cellular uptake of


When released from the pancreas, insulin…
Enhances cellular uptake of blood glucose

Inhibits the breakdown of glycogen to glucose
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Diabetes mellitus Due to low or non-functional insulin Since sugar cannot

Diabetes mellitus

Due to low or non-functional insulin
Since sugar cannot be absorbed

into body cells:
Blood sugar levels rise (hyperglycemia)
This stress causes the body to release MORE glucose into the blood!
Gluconeogenesis from fat and protein conversion, the waste products of which lead to ketoacidosis (nail polish breath)
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Diabetes Symptoms In the kidneys, sugar lost in urine pulls water

Diabetes Symptoms

In the kidneys, sugar lost in urine pulls water from

the blood at excessive rates (polyuria)
Dehydration leads to excessive thirst (polydipsia)
Excessive hunger (polyphagia) results as fat stores are used in a effort to get sugar into body cells
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Ovaries Ovaries – produce estrogen and progesterone Estrogen – regulates monthly


Ovaries – produce estrogen and progesterone
Estrogen – regulates monthly menstrual cycle

– support pregnancy and menstruation
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Menstrual Cycle

Menstrual Cycle