Oxford Professional Development. Webinars


Слайд 2

If you can’t hear, click on ‘tools’ «инструменты» in the top

If you can’t hear, click on ‘tools’ «инструменты» in the top

left-hand menu bar, then ‘audio’ «аудио» then ‘audio set-up wizard’ «мастер настройки»
Слайд 3

Whiteboard / Presentation Screen Participant Box Video / Audio Box Chat Box Чат

Whiteboard / Presentation Screen

Participant Box

Video / Audio Box

Chat Box

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Слайд 8

Bringing cultural awareness to life with Solutions Elementary and Pre-Intermediate Ukrainian WBs (2nd edition)

Bringing cultural awareness to life with Solutions Elementary and Pre-Intermediate Ukrainian

WBs (2nd edition)
Слайд 9

Culture “big C” culture “small c” culture

Culture “big C” culture “small c” culture

Слайд 10

Big “C” Small “c”

Big “C”

Small “c”

Слайд 11

Features of culture Facial expressions Religious beliefs Religious rituals Importance of

Features of culture

Facial expressions
Religious beliefs
Religious rituals
Importance of time
Childraising beliefs
Concept of leadership

Concepts of fairness
Nature of friendship

Notions of modesty
Eating habits
Understanding of the natural world
Concept of self
Work ethic
Concept of beauty
Styles of dress
General world view
Concept of personal space
Rules of social etiquette

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Слайд 13

Big “C”: 1, 3, 5, 7, 10, 11,15,16, 21, 22 Small

Big “C”:
1, 3, 5, 7, 10,
11,15,16, 21, 22

Small “c”:
2, 4,

6, 8, 9, 12, 13, 14, 17, 18, 19, 20, 23, 24, 25
Слайд 14

Quiz Quid is used to describe a thousand pounds in Britain.


Quid is used to describe a thousand pounds in Britain.
Cricket is

an English game which lasts five days and stops for tea.
Parkour started in England.
The river Thames is the longest river in Great Britain.
A public holiday in the UK is called the queen’s holiday.
If you hear a bell in a pub, it means the pub has run out of alcohol.
In Britain fish and chips used to be served in a newspaper.
The word brunch stands for a small bag that women carry in their hand.
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Key F T F F F F T F



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Слайд 17

Intercultural competence “Becoming interculturally competent… means abandoning the idea that everybody

Intercultural competence

“Becoming interculturally competent… means abandoning the idea that everybody sees

the world in pretty much the same way.”
it is the ability to communicate and operate effectively with people from another culture.
Слайд 18

Big c and small c cultures Which culture to learn? Is

Big c and small c cultures
Which culture to learn?
Is it easy?

to teach them?
Слайд 19

Cross cultural encounters Reasons: Technology Globalisation Increased movement of populations and immigration

Cross cultural encounters Reasons:

Increased movement of populations and

Слайд 20

British Stereotypes

British Stereotypes

Слайд 21

What are the main qualities associated with the British and Ukrainians?

What are the main qualities associated with the British and Ukrainians?

Polite, adaptable, private, friendly, humorous, honest, generous, hard-working, emotional, reserved, intelligent, patient, proud, punctual
Слайд 22

In their private everyday lives, the British don’t always follow traditions.

In their private everyday lives, the British don’t always follow

There are many examples of typical British habits, which are not typical nowadays or even out of date. One of them is an image of "city gent" wearing bowler hats.
Слайд 23

Food is another example. The British are believed to eat the

Food is another example. The British are believed to eat the

traditional full English breakfast which consists of fried bacon and eggs, cereals, toast with jam or marmalade, and lots of tea.
Слайд 24

The image of the British as a nation of tea-drinkers is

The image of the British as a nation of tea-drinkers is

another stereotype. Nowadays, more coffee is drunk during the day and 5 o’clock tea is not widely spread these days.
Слайд 25

The British sense of humour is very specific. It is presented

The British sense of humour is very specific. It is presented

mostly in such British movies and other TV series as "Mister Bean" and "Black Adder". All of them present the stereotypes, which aren't often true.
Слайд 26

Quiz While travelling on the Tube, on which side of an


While travelling on the Tube, on which side of an escalator

should you stand?
The right-hand side.
The left-hand side.
Either side is fine. Londoners are an easy going bunch.
In the middle.
Слайд 27

Quiz 2. Which of these is not a traditional food dish?

2. Which of these is not a traditional food dish?

in the hole.
Bangers and mash.
Stout buttie.
Black pudding.
Слайд 28

3. When greeting someone for the first time you should: Maintain

3. When greeting someone for the first time you should:

reserve and grunt hello.
Bow from the waist down.
Squeal with enthusiasm and embrace them in a bear hug.
Kiss them on both cheeks.


Слайд 29

4. You bump into someone you have met once or twice

4. You bump into someone you have met once or twice

before. You don't really know them very well, so what is the safest topic of conversation?
Their marriage.
The weather.
Your latest digestive problems.
How much money they earn.


Слайд 30

5. You go to the pub with your new friends and

5. You go to the pub with your new friends and

someone buys you a drink. What are you obliged to do in return?
Buy them one back.
Cook them a three-course meal.
Kiss their feet.
Leave as soon as you've finished your drink (you don't know them anyway).


Слайд 31

6. Which of the following cannot be played in a pub?

6. Which of the following cannot be played in a pub?



Слайд 32

7. When someone says they're off to "spend a penny", what

7. When someone says they're off to "spend a penny", what

do they mean?
They're going to the loo.
They're going to change their outfit.
They're off to spend several pennies, and possibly even some pounds.
They're off to spend a penny.


Слайд 33

Becoming interculturally competent involves recognizing differences and variations within one’s own culture and within other cultures.

Becoming interculturally competent involves recognizing differences and variations within one’s own

culture and within other cultures.
Слайд 34

How is culture learned? Сultural knowledge Cultural experience

How is culture learned?
Сultural knowledge
Cultural experience

Слайд 35

What can be used to introduce culture in the language classroom?

What can be used to introduce culture in the language classroom?


Videos/movies (made in the original country)
Music videos
News casts
Pod casts
Field trips

Authentic materials (abbreviations, signs and notices, adds, labels, idioms, proverbs)

Слайд 36

More support, more speaking, more Solutions MAY 2012 MAY 2012 JUNE 2012 MAY 2013 MAY 2013

More support, more speaking, more Solutions

MAY 2012

MAY 2012

JUNE 2012

MAY 2013

MAY 2013

Слайд 37

APRIL 2013 Ukrainian Editions JUNE 2012 APRIL 2013

APRIL 2013

Ukrainian Editions

JUNE 2012

APRIL 2013

Слайд 38

До складу НМК Solutions входять:

До складу НМК Solutions входять:

Слайд 39

Характерні особливості НМК Solutions 2nd edition Збережена структура і тематика НМК

Характерні особливості НМК Solutions 2nd edition
Збережена структура і тематика НМК попереднього

оновлений зміст текстів і вправ
осучаснені тексти для читання з комунікативними завданнями
збільшена кількість завдань на аудіювання
поступове оволодіння лексичним та граматичним матеріалом
наявність країнознавчих матеріалів
акцент на соціокультурній компетенції
Слайд 40

достатня кількість вправ і завдань для навчання усного мовлення та наявність

достатня кількість вправ і завдань для навчання усного мовлення та наявність

мовленнєвих зразків
навчання різних видів письмових робіт
підготовка до складання екзаменів з англійської мови
відповідність навчальних матеріалів вимогам чинної програми з англійської мови
нові компоненти: інтерактивний додаток (DVD-Rom), онлайновий робочий зошит, СD-Rom для інтерактивної дошки (iTools), програма для мобільних пристроїв (Words App)

Характерні особливості НМК
Solutions 2nd edition

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Слайд 58

Гриф Міністерства освіти і науки, молоді та спорту України календарно-тематичне планування

Гриф Міністерства освіти і науки, молоді та спорту України календарно-тематичне планування відповіді

до робочих зошитів додаткові ресурси до для проектних робіт


Слайд 59

Ваші запитання та побажання щодо змісту українського видання SOLUTIONS надсилайте на електронну адресу: t_redchenko@ukr.net

Ваші запитання та побажання щодо змісту українського видання SOLUTIONS надсилайте на

електронну адресу: t_redchenko@ukr.net
Слайд 60

Thank you for taking part. We look forward to seeing you at future OUP webinars. http://elt.oup.com/feature/global/webinars

Thank you for taking part.

We look forward to seeing you at

future OUP webinars.
Слайд 61

Teacher Values and Teachers’ Stories 24th and 25th April Join us

Teacher Values and Teachers’ Stories 24th and 25th April
Join us to

explore and share your values and beliefs about teaching
Digitalising Your Pencil Case 14th and 15th May
What tools do you need in the classroom these days?
Join us to learn how to make the best use of your devices.
Слайд 62

To leave the session…

To leave the session…