Body Language. Hands


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Body language. Hands. The theme of body language is very big

Body language. Hands.

The theme of body language is very big .... It

is possible to study for a long time and in detail. And, of course, can not be considered the meaning of body gestures otdelnosti- all of them are interrelated. However, today I will talk about insignificant-a small fraction of entering into this study body- hand language.
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1. HANDSHAKE. Shrugging his hands - a nonverbal gesture that is


Shrugging his hands - a nonverbal gesture that is used

in many cultures as a sign of greeting. Often he also indicates the end of communication or reaching an agreement. By itself, this gesture can tell a lot about the interlocutor. Strong-willed, open person greets a firm handshake. Not too confident people demonstrate sluggish gesture. Touching the hand of his interlocutor, accompanied by weak squeezing can talk about human sensitivity, his ability to keep his distance. Open people stretch his companion's hand, bending it at the elbow and wrist only slightly. Covert or false, on the other hand, try to keep the limb bent. Forearm they remain pressed against the trunk, and the brush thus directed almost vertically. If the handshake such a person is trying to put the squeeze on the arm interlocutor down, it describes him as a cruel and rather overbearing. Independent individuals are trying to comply with the maximum distance, almost without bending his hand in a handshake.
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2. PROTECTIVE HAND GESTURES. There are a variety of gestures, by


There are a variety of gestures, by which

a person is closed by the person or the world.This we consider the most common ones associated with hands. 1) First pose - crossing hands on chest. This situation people often take in unfamiliar places, where do not feel safe. This position shows a negative attitude to what is happening and can mean a reluctance to discuss some topic. Sometimes mistrust of what one hears, makes a man crossed his arms over his chest. A similar gesture resorted people who want to hide the information 2) The position of the body when crossed his arms, combined with hands clenched into fists, should be considered as a state of defense, extreme tension. A reddened cheeks and narrowed the pupils talk about the willingness to fight back. 3) public persona rarely openly demonstrate the gestures that are able to give them anxiety or desire to hide anything. Therefore, they often resort to disguised gesture of crossing of hands: 3.1) The ladies usually touch the wrist, turn the bracelet on his arm, fingering the clasp on the clock. 3.2) A man can correct cuff links or cuff. 3-3) Similarly, looks a gesture in which a person holds the article in the chest with both hands level. It can be pressed against the chest book or folder with papers, a bouquet of flowers, a glass of wine.
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3. LAYING HANDS AT THE BACK. 1) The gesture of "hands


1) The gesture of "hands in

the lock behind him" This is a gesture of self-confident person with a sense of superiority over others. It allows a person with the unconscious courage to open their vulnerable areas of the body such as the stomach, heart, throat. 2) But the gesture of "laying hands behind his back with the seizure of the wrist," says that a person is upset or unhappy. In this case, a hand grabs the wrist so tightly as if trying to keep the other arm of the strike. 3) It is interesting that the more a person is angry, the more moves his hand back. The man in this picture shows a greater effort for self-control than a man in the previous figure because it has hand grips the forearm rather than just the wrist. It is from this gesture went the phrase "Get hold of yourself!"
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4. HANDS IN HIS POCKETS. Many of us in childhood had


Many of us in childhood had heard

parents remark: "Take your hands out of your pockets, it's not well." Indeed, the man who during a conversation hides brush deeper, can hardly be called well-mannered. 1) But often this gesture gives a desire to hide something. Most likely, the source keeps back more openly lying or his reaction to the conversation does not correspond to the demonstrated. 2) Such a reaction is observed in people shy who simply do not know what to do with your hands during a call and are worried that they will be given extra gesture of nervousness. Understand this is not difficult, because such a person behaves stiffly, speaks little and reluctantly, holding his shoulders drooping and his eyes turned down.
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5. RUBBING THE PALM With rubbing palms people nonverbally convey their


With rubbing palms people nonverbally convey their positive

expectations. Speed ​​rubbing hands says a lot about who will get the expected positive results .: For example, you want to buy the house and turn to a real estate agent. Once you have described to him the house you want to buy, he quickly rubs his hands and says: "I have just such a home for you!" Thus, the agent signaled to you that the transaction will be beneficial to you. If the agent is slowly rubs his hands together, saying that he has the perfect place for you - you will find it tricky or dishonest, and you will have the feeling that the upcoming deal will be more profitable for him, not for you.
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6. CROSSING FINGES. At first glance, this might seem a gesture


At first glance, this might seem a gesture of

confidence, because when people resort to it, they smile and feel happy. However research conducted by Nirenberg and Calero on the study of gesture linked fingers, allowed them to conclude that the gesture represents a disappointment and a person's desire to hide his negative attitude. This gesture has three options: 1) crossed fingers raised at face level. 2) hands on the table. 3) hands on knees when seated in front of or at the bottom in the upright position. There is a correlation between the position of the hands and power of the negative feelings experienced by man. With the person is difficult to arrange if his arms raised as shown in Figure 1 than in Figure 2 or 3. To relax this negative gesture is necessary to undertake a series of measures to enable a person to pull the arm forward and expose the palms, or the hostile note will be present during the negotiations.
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7. SHPILEOBRAZNY GESTURE. Shpileobrazny gesture often used by self-confident people, persons


Shpileobrazny gesture often used by self-confident people, persons holding

managerial positions. With this gesture, they transmit information to their self-confidence, omniscience and sometimes arrogance. This gesture has two options: the hands spire upwards (Figure 1) and the steeple hand downwards (Figure 2). The first position is usually taken when the speaker expresses his opinion or his ideas. The second position is used when a person does not speak and listen.
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8. ACCENT THUMB. In the doctrine of divination hand thumbs denote


In the doctrine of divination hand thumbs denote strength

of character and his identity, and neverbalika using thumbs confirms this. Exhibiting thumbs suggests authoritativeness, superiority, and even aggressive person. However, this gesture should be considered in conjunction with other gestures. 1) Large fingers often look out of the pockets of a man, sometimes even from the back pocket to hide the human dominance in this situation. In addition, fans of this gesture is often stand on tiptoe to become taller. 2) When a person is tightly wraps shoulder tassels, raised thumbs lifts chin and looking into the face of his interlocutor, it shows that he is confident in his own right, does not want to hear the objections. 3) Another popular gesture - crossed his arms with a vertically exposed thumbs. This gesture is also used to express derision or disrespect to the man, who point to the thumb.
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9. SCRATCHING. Any small and fussy hand gestures give excitement, uncertainty


Any small and fussy hand gestures give excitement, uncertainty and

the desire to hide the truth. If the speaker scratching his neck from the side, it could mean that he voiced the idea, which is not itself entirely sure. Such a gesture on the part of the listener speaks of his disbelief, or desire to understand more deeply the above. Touching the earlobe, scratching and rubbing her during a conversation, the man expresses his desire to speak. He tactfully waits for the right moment, when you can join the conversation, but strongly expresses impatience, sometimes even raising his hand like a schoolboy at a lesson.
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10. OPEN PALM. Open palms are associated with honesty intentions. Gesture


Open palms are associated with honesty intentions. Gesture when

a person when dealing demonstrates palms deployed to the person or group of people, it seems to say: "I'll be honest with you." If you believe the research, the businessmen, who do not use gestures, allows to show open palms, are less likely to sign a contract. People have less trust in those who hold hands with closed before him, believing that they were not completely honest, trying to hide something. Asking for something more people will achieve its if will take their word gesture, with palms facing up. Such a gesture has since not pose a threat. If the interviewee sees the back of the hand, then the request will be taken as an indication, and may cause an antagonistic relationship.
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11. ARMS CLOSE TO HIS CHEST. When a person declares his


When a person declares his love

or express sympathy, he puts his hand to his chest, as if to say that his words come from the heart. Often resorted to such a reception and those who wish to convince the interlocutor in the absence of malice. For this gesture lies a desire to show the sincerity of feelings, but do not always correspond to the real intentions of the speaker.
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12. LAYING HANDS AT HER HEAD. The habit to throw his


The habit to throw his hands

behind his head belongs to men opinionated, loving to show their superiority. This irritates many gesture at a subconscious level, since immediately instructs the interlocutor snob. Laying hands behind his head during a conversation - a gesture that demonstrates the confidence and superiority. If the person is sitting in a relaxed position, with his legs crossed, then before you a fan of betting. Typically, such a gesture is used when communicating with a slave or of equal status. The origin of such a posture is not known, but psychologists believe that in this way if a person is immersed in an imaginary chair, relaxing with the whole body. Such a manner of sitting is not always carries a negative meaning. Often people, tired from work or prolonged sitting, throws his hands on his head, stretching the entire body. Just such a gesture the person can demonstrate that in your society quite comfortably.
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Most people in the conversation touched her face. Such gestures may appear as: • The stroking of the chin; • rubbing the nose or century; • touch to your mouth with your hand or various objects; • touching his temples; • Propping his cheeks. Most often, for such movements lies the desire to conceal the truth, or, conversely, lack of confidence in the speaker. Consider such gestures are best combined with human facial expressions as the same touch can have different meanings.

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13.1 . Stroking chin. Such a gesture says a decision. If

13.1 . Stroking chin.

Such a gesture says a decision. If the other

party uses the thumb, it is certain that the situation is fully controlled. Nervous rubbing of the lower face with his hand indicate that the proposed version of the man not too happy, but the alternative is not yet found.
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13.2. Contact with the lower lip. Demonstrates an interest in the

13.2. Contact with the lower lip.

Demonstrates an interest in the conversation

or interlocutor. In this case, a person can carry out through the mouth with one finger and actively to rub the area. The most immediate audience even pulled or twisted lower lip. Ladies, to draw attention to yourself a man can spend his lips not only a hand, but the tip of the tongue.
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13.3. The control fingers in the mouth. Many children use gestures

13.3. The control fingers in the mouth.

Many children use gestures on

a subconscious level. For example, fingers in the mouth - a gesture that looks quite nice, and means that the child feels the need for approval and support from others. However, similar movements sometimes make and adults. In their case, such gestures are the same semantic meaning as that of the children.
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13.4. Objects at the mouth. Some gestures that express emotions and

13.4. Objects at the mouth.

Some gestures that express emotions and feelings

that involve the use of various objects. For example, you should pay attention to the fact that the other person brings a pen to her mouth. If the interviewee says something, maybe it's a lie. If he listens to you, then this gesture expresses disbelief. However, such actions could have a different cause. Some biting a pencil or a pen, thinking over a problem or nervous.
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13.5. Propping hand cheek or chin. Quite a common pose during

13.5. Propping hand cheek or chin.

Quite a common pose during a

call, when the hand props cheek or chin. These gestures look about the same, but are treated differently. If the other party is listening attentively, resting his hand on chin, probably because it is more convenient to interpret heard. But when the listener relaxed props hand cheek, his eyes distracted, most likely, he feels bored and waiting for the end of the conversation would.
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13.6. The expression of mistrust. Expression of confidence to said looks

13.6. The expression of mistrust.

Expression of confidence to said looks like

Curling earlobe, frequent touching the corners of the eyes or lips. The same is said forefinger who listens backs cheek. Raised his index finger to his temple, a man demonstrates a critical attitude. Maybe he does not trust or are not satisfied driven arguments, analyzes heard, suspecting a trick.
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13.7. Rubbing neck or ear. Such gestures like rubbing the neck

13.7. Rubbing neck or ear.

Such gestures like rubbing the neck or

ear say the unwillingness to listen more, or that the other party theme is not too pleasant. In the latter case, the person often takes the closed position, crossing the legs or arms. He can also throw in the brush in the castle, fenced off from communication or sharply rise, thus demonstrating that the conversation is completed.
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14.1. GESTURES, SPEAKING OF DECEPTION. When a person tells a lie,


When a person tells a lie, it

is possible to calculate in his gestures and facial expressions. Of course, very nervous, a little embellishing events, it is unlikely anyone would. But if we are talking about a major fraud or desire to conceal serious misconduct, the answering direct questions, people are unlikely to be able to hide all the emotions.

Liar may give:

shake hands

 a desire to drink a sip of water or

urgent ignition cigarettes. To hide the lies, the caller will be

Completely unnecessary movements like shifting papers.

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14.2. CONTINUED It is believed also that man, when he says,


It is believed also that man, when he says, not

the truth: 

 rubs village

covers her mouth, or puts a finger to his lips

rubs eyelid

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15. CONCLUSION. It is worth remembering that in the non-verbal communication


It is worth remembering that in the non-verbal communication

is not only the every gesture, but also mimic each contraction as it is perceived by the interlocutor, often on a subconscious level. Maybe you just like to keep their hands in their pockets or sit comfortably with his hands folded in the lock. However, the person or business partners, make this your own conclusions.