A job interview

Слайд 2

$100 $200 $300 $400 $100 $200 $300 $400 $400 $400 $400





















Topic 1

Topic 3

Topic 4

Topic 5

Topic 2

Слайд 3

$100 What sport do you do?


What sport do you do?

Слайд 4

$200 Have you any previous work experience of any sort?


Have you any previous work experience of any sort?

Слайд 5

$300 Tell me about your childhood.


Tell me about your childhood.

Слайд 6

$400 What do you expect to be doing ten years from today?


What do you expect to be doing ten years from today?

Слайд 7

$100 What problems do you think you’ll have in this job?


What problems do you think you’ll have in this job?

Слайд 8

$200 What kind of salary do you expect?


What kind of salary do you expect?

Слайд 9

$300 What problems do you think you’ll have in this job?


What problems do you think you’ll have in this job?

Слайд 10

$400 What are your strong/ weak points in relation to the job?


What are your strong/ weak points in relation to the job?

Слайд 11

$100 What do you enjoy about that job?


What do you enjoy about that job?

Слайд 12

$200 What makes you angry?

What makes you angry?

Слайд 13

$300 Did you like school? Which subject did you like least? Why?

Did you like school?
Which subject did you like least? Why?

Слайд 14

$400 What kind of people do you dislike and why?

What kind of people do you dislike and why?

Слайд 15

$100 What do you dislike doing?


What do you dislike doing?

Слайд 16

$200 Have you got any questions for me?


Have you got any questions for me?

Слайд 17

$300 How long have you been looking for work? Are you willing to work overtime?

How long have you been looking for work?
Are you willing

to work overtime?
Слайд 18

$400 Give me two reasons why I should NOT hire you?


Give me two reasons why I should NOT hire you?
Give me

two reasons why I should hire you?
Слайд 19

$100 At what age would you like to retire?


At what age would you like to retire?

Слайд 20

$200 Are you afraid of criticism? Why?


Are you afraid of criticism? Why?

Слайд 21

$300 What has been your greatest success and failure ?


What has been your greatest success and failure ?