The land of fathers

Слайд 2

The Wild Field Was Its Name Northern Azov-Black Sea grasslands stretch

The Wild Field Was Its Name

Northern Azov-Black Sea grasslands stretch out

between the still Don filled with calm waters of the Siverskiy Donets and the rapid Dniper River long known as «the route from Varangians to Greeks». Various names under which the area appears in the works of ancient historians and modern chroniclers range from Scythia, Sarmatiya and Khazariya to the Cimmerian, Kipchakskiy, Polovetskiy, Zolotoordynskiy and Nogayskiy land. It is here where the Bosporskiy Kingdom, Theodoro and Chersonese Principalities once flourished, inhabited by Tavrs, Roxolans, Goths, Huns, Alans, Hungarians, and Bulgarians. At last, this beautiful land of green grasslands and the blue sea got the Slavonic name of «The Wild Field».
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The appeal of the Wild Field was left unheard by the

The appeal of the Wild Field was left unheard by the

whole tribes of people who, being at enmity, turned around it like a whirlwind, and only Slavs were destined to name this land theirs, to protect and to defend it from aggressive attacks of the strangers

Our ancestral land as the ancient chroniclers called it, is dear, quite dear, to our people! Dear to those, who for the first time breathed its air, stood on their own feet, took their first step, for it gives birth to bread, keeps houses warm, grows families, reminds of the past with its tombs of ancestors, calls forward to clear and bright life. For such land, we should stand and die if required!

Слайд 4

Responding to the impudence of the foes, in order to protect

Responding to the impudence of the foes, in order to protect

the Orthodox people from war and captivity, and guard salt production from destruction, the Tsar of Moscow Mykhailo Fedorovych ordered to built cities, burgs, and fortresses.
This way there was built Mayatsky fortress on the right bank of the Siverskiy Donets near Torsky salt lakes. However, it appeared to be insufficient to protect the salt-workers. Therefore, in 1645 there was built and later strengthened the fortress of Tor. Eventually, a military station in Bakhmut was built.
Settlements, whose inhabitants worked at salt production facilities, surrounded the fortresses.
Слайд 5

And the noblemen in Duma decided: this surprisingly rich region shall

And the noblemen in Duma decided: this surprisingly rich region shall

be populated for God presages the generosity of its bowels!
Donbas was born, undoubtedly, with the force and wit of local people.
People of different nations and realms brought together by their shared intent to populate this wild steppe in the other half of the second millennium A.D. after century-long nomadism.
Слайд 6

In the five-year periods before the World War II, Donbas looked

In the five-year periods before the World War II, Donbas looked

like a huge building site and tireless worker at the same time. In the first years of industrialization, production assets of metallurgy were renovated considerably: new shops and assemblies were setup in Mariupol, Stalin, and Enakievsky Metal Works, Makiyivsky Metal Works largely upgraded to a huge plant, Azovstal Plant was re-commissioned
Слайд 7

A fierce fight was fought in Donechchyna during the liberation. Having

A fierce fight was fought in Donechchyna during the liberation. Having

broken through the enemy's defense at Mius-front and Siverskiy Donets, the troops of Southwest and Southern fronts liberated Donechchyna from invaders on September 8, 1943 and drove the enemy further to the West. Hitlerites left terrible traces in the incomplete 2 years of overriding Donechchyna. Only direct damages caused to the national economy, reached 50,000,000,000 rubles in the pre-war prices, almost all 1,311 enterprises were destroyed, cities and villages, transport and agriculture were plundered and ruined. Only from the Donetsk region the invaders forcibly relocated 200,000 people to Germany for hard labor, with 279,000 non-combatants including many an old man, woman, and child, killed by fascists locally.
Слайд 8

Homutivsky steppe reserve, except for its natural beauty, will give you

Homutivsky steppe reserve, except for its natural beauty, will give you

expanse and good deal of open air. And the stone idol, eternally thoughtful, will remind of her times.

The Siverskiy Donets carries its waters silently. High chalky bank, covered with coniferous and deciduous trees, some relic pines, keeps the place primeval and gives coziness. The flat bank of the river is decorated with beautiful centenary oaks, covered with velvet meadows, sporadically planted with pines.

Слайд 9

Оur reserved lands such as the Scared Mountains, Velykoanadolsky forest, Homutivsky

Оur reserved lands such as the Scared Mountains, Velykoanadolsky forest, Homutivsky

steppe, Meotida, Stone Tombs, Rozdolne, Kleban-Byk, Mayatska villa, Grabove tract anticipate profound respect from us ... These are the original chronicles of the our parents' land past and more. It is our environment. Our life depends on keeping them!
Слайд 10

Donechchyna is glorified by the miner's son, unsurpassed opera singer Anatoly

Donechchyna is glorified by the miner's son, unsurpassed opera singer Anatoly

Solovyanenko and variety master Yosyp Kobzon, to whom grateful fellow countrymen have built monuments recently in the capital of the miner's land. And more, unique Yuriy Gulyayev, Evgen Martynov and Lyudmila Shemchuk, actors Evelyna Bystrytska, Gennady Gorshkov, Eugenia Vorobyova, Igor Moloshnykov, Svitlana Otchenashenko, film director and actor Leonid Bykov, whose character of fearless wing commander of the «singing» wing Captain Titarenko has become the history of cinema forever.
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The educator Feoktist Khartakhay, artist Arkhip Kuindzhy and scientist Mykola Hadzhynov,

The educator Feoktist Khartakhay, artist Arkhip Kuindzhy and scientist Mykola Hadzhynov,

designer of the unique engine for T-34 tank Kostyantyn Chelpanov and poet Georgy Kostoprav, Pasha Angelina the country's first woman who worked as a tractor operator, and test pilot of the first jet Grigory Bahchivandzhi, singers Olena Kamburova and Tamara Katsi, and many other remarkable people are the proud of our land
Слайд 12

Today, over 1,000 of all religious organizations of every description acts

Today, over 1,000 of all religious organizations of every description

acts in Donechchyna: communities, centers and departments, monasteries, missions, spiritual educational institutions - Orthodox and Roman Catholic, Judaic and Islamic, Buddhists and others. They are in every city, settlement, and village, and, undoubtedly, render high impact on the inner world of the people.
Слайд 13

The Orthodox Church, Christianity from time eternal have been the carriers

The Orthodox Church, Christianity from time eternal have been the carriers

of high spirituality, helped people rise above the daily vain, open their best moral qualities and talents. Even in the tough times of the Great Patriotic War, the majority of believers opposed serving the enemy, and the remained temples have become the spiritual centers of Orthodoxy and the unsubdued, belief in our victory.